#1La La Land
2016 77 Songs
Liv talks about why she couldn't give Evan her blood; a woman listens to music while jogging at night, then hears someone scream.
Clive and Liv question Clara about Wendell's death; one of Clara's poker pals tries to get Liv to eat something.
Liv lies on her bed listening to music and contemplating her life.
At a frat party, Chad Wolcoff is stabbed multiple times by a guy wearing a Captain Wozzles costume.
The "Do, Date, Delete" game is explained to Liv, then she finds a game of beer pong.
Ravi complains about Major's lack of drug buying ability.
Liv plays beer pong; Gilda is told how great Liv is.
Gilda asks Liv how her frat partying is a work thing.
Liv looks at Chad's trophies, asks about the 'Dog Fight' and gets a call about Major.
Liv finds Major getting sick in the club bathroom, then sees Ravi dancing on stage with a group of girls.
Ravi listens to audio clips from his night at the club.
Sonny is arrested for Chad's death; Major refuses to see Liv when she picks up her replacement phone.
Taylor's phone conversation is interrupted by a man asking if she wants to sell her house.
Major turns up his stereo as the man he kidnapped bangs on his car trunk.
Babineaux and Liv question Joe's co-workers.
Bethany advises Liv on her wardrobe, then invites her to an invitation-only sale.
Babineaux returns to the garage to question Joe.
Bethany elbows Liv in the face, then makes a run for it.
Terrance warns Vaughn that he's planning to take the company from him.
Babineaux and Liv question Lacy's ex, Matt Sudak; continues as Babineaux asks Phil about Matt's alibi as Liv starts playing a guitar.
Babineaux and Liv go to The Slow Roll to question the manager.
One of Lacy's fans tells Liv and Babineaux that he saw Lacy and Rick arguing the night she died.
Liv stops by The Slow Roll for Singer/Songwriter night and thanks Ravi for coming.
Ravi congratulates Liv on her performance.
Major inquires about buying some U Bombs.
Liv crumples up the song she was trying to write; Major shows up at Liv's door and says he needs help.
Major's co-worker admires Rita/Gilda's body; Major tells Rita he needs a better tranquilizer.
Ravi hears singing and finds Blaine waiting for him.
Ravi and Blaine fight to get the anti-zombie cure Utopium.
Major finds Liv petting Minor, then tells her he wants them to be a couple again.
Ravi and Peyton exchange looks when Major appears particularly cheerful at breakfast, then they are joined by Liv.
Liv hums while examining a cadaver.
Peyton hears whistling and leaves her office to investigate, then returns to find Stacey Boss studying her crime board.
Liv and Major play high card strip during a video chat.
Liv and Major reminisce about the last time they had sex.
Blaine visits his grandfather in his nursing home, suggests they teach Angus a lesson, then suffocates him with a pillow.
Liv and Major decide to have sex; Ravi is unhappy with his test results, returns home, then rushes upstairs to stop Liv and Major from having sex.
Blaine removes his grandfather's brain, then is informed by Don E. that Angus was kidnapped.
Major and Liv lie in bed and talk about the new reality of their relationship.
Ravi finds Peyton dancing in the kitchen; [0:33] repeats as Steph wakes up Ravi and suggests they go on a road trip and Ravi responds by breaking up with her.
Steph surprises Ravi by decorating his place with British Flags for their Guy Hawkes celebration.
Liv is invited on stage to assist with a magic trick.
Babineaux and Liv explore the magic convention, then question Magnus about Syd Wicked.
Major works with Vaughn as he tries out the new SuperMax formula.
The van radio starts playing as Karl tries to make a run for it.
Major opens his safe for Liv and admits he couldn't get rid of her engagement ring; Liv texts with with Rita/Gilda on Major's phone.
A garbage man sings just before finding the body of The Fog in a dumpster.
Major flirts with a woman at a bar, who turns out to be a zombie.
Liv and Babineaux check out a mall Santa.
Babineaux and Liv question Mr. Boss about The Fog.
Major sneaks into the woman's house and finds her about to commit suicide.
The woman tells Major how she became a zombie hooker.
Mr. Boss whistles as he walks away after telling Babineaux he won't be pressing charges.
Liv returns home to find Major making cider, then she breaks up with him.
Liv brings Major and Ravi dinner, then Major gifts Liv with the complete second season of Zombie High.
Major continues training with Vaughn, before they are interrupted by a request from Dr. Lockett.
Dr. Lockett tells Major that he's planning to expose Max Rager.
Liv and Clive find Starlee watching a video on a laptop in Jordan's trailer.
Promo for the episode.
Blaine plays the piano as Drake arrives to talk with him.
Major demands to get Minor back from the groomers, then makes up a story about his owner being abusive.
Drake tells Liz about being arrested in Costa Rica, then she starts to seduce him.
Peyton shows up at Liv's place and asks if she knows Blaine, then admits she slept with him; Ravi continues searching the field; Major tells Ravi that he returned Minor to his owner; Drake asks Liv if everything is okay.
Liv climbs into bed with Drake and asks how he got the scar on his face.
Peyton arrives at D.A. Baracus' house to find the place trashed, stereo blaring and graffiti on the wall indicating he's a victim of the Chaos Killer.
Drake's mom comments on Liv's pale complexion, then offers her a make-over.
Blaine puts on a record as Stacey Boss arrives; continues as Stacey tells Blaine he owes him 80 grand for the product he took.
Blaine sings along to the car radio as a journalist joins him and says his plan for putting attention on Stacey Boss worked.
Floyd Baracus hears a noise outside, then gets drugged by Major; Major has Floyd write a suicide note, then takes a 'proof of death' photo and places Floyd in the freezer.
When Don E shows up at Liv's door looking for Drake, she has a brain flash of Don E selling U.
Liv tells Clive about her time as a bartender and that she invented 'The Orgasm'; the bartender tells Clive and Liv that Corey Carp was known as Big Fish because he told tall tales.
Don E and Chief sing 'Happy Birthday' to Blaine, then gift him with a trussed-up Chaos Killer.
Don E and Chief sing 'Happy Birthday' to Blaine, then gift him with a trussed-up Chaos Killer.
Blaine asks Major how he ended up the Chaos Killer, then tells him he wants his dad back.
Liv tells Drake to watch his back, because she thinks Blaine is selling Utopium.
Liv leaves Drake a message asking him to call her back; Drake stumbles into Liv's room just before midnight and she has a memory flash of the night Drake was shot.
Blaine pulls a prank on his dad, pretending that decades have gone by while he's been frozen; Blaine informs Angus that he wants him to make a new video will, then leaves him to be tortured; Liv, Major and Ravi finally find the Utopium stash.
Ravi chats with a cashier at Positivity Coffee; Leslie heads outside to look at some chalk art and hits killed by a falling air conditioner.
Clive and Liv visit Positivity Coffee and talk to Darcy, who invites them to Leslie's memorial.
Montage at Seattle's Daily Ground coffee shop.
At the memorial, Cher's brother, Gilbert, plays a song he wrote in honor of Leslie; Ravi chats with Darcy and discovers she's never seen Star Wars.
Drake and his friends leave a club just as the police drive up.
Liv whistles while cleaning up at work, just as Drake calls her.
Blaine performs a song as Candy sleeps in the double coffin.
Cher signs the papers selling Positivity Coffee to Stan.
Blaine wakes up in the forest and steals a blanket from a group of birdwatchers.
A mud covered Blaine has a conversation about music while riding a bus.
Liv and Drake head to The Snake Eye bar; montage of Drake being greeted by various people; Liv observes Drake's interactions with the bar staff and clientele.
Liv sets off an alarm while trying to take an elevator to the 'secret' basement at Max Rager.
Liv grabs a drink while waiting for Drake to arrive at Heave Ho's; Drake gets a call from his mom; Don E. hears Blaine coughing; Blaine looks at a muscular dystrophy website, then finally takes Ravi's new serum; Major captures Drake; Liv gets tired of waiting and finally leaves.
Liv grabs a shower as a zombified Gilda sneaks into the apartment; a man tranqs Gilda and carries her away; Liv finds Rita's scarf by her door; Peyton has the guys move her stuff back into Liv's apartment.
Liv takes Peyton to a strip club in an attempt to trigger Cassidy's memories; Liv and Peyton are both hit on by a customer.
Liv continues her lap dance, then is interrupted by Clive's call; Peyton tells Liv she just got a text from Blaine.
Liv asks Johnny about his fight with Cassidy and he explains she stole his identity.
Liv dances around while cleaning the lab as Detective Vega arrives to ask her some questions.
Clive suggests to Liv that they follow Lorelei, then Liv has a vision.
Montage of Ravi trying to crack the lock on Major's safe; Ravi finally get the safe open and looks through it's contents.
Liv bursts into Mr. Boss's office and demands to know where Drake is.
Mr. Boss's secretary listens as Liv beats up his men, then watches her calmly walk out of the office.
Major sings while on Leslie Morgan's 'positivity brain'.
Vaughn shows Glinda his new Super Max commercial.
Benedetto explains his drug charge deal to Liv.
While on the phone with Ravi, Liv organizes Major's DVDs just as the police arrive with a search warrant.
Liv makes chocolate-covered brain nougat, while Peyton asks if Major could be correct about needing to take the cure.
Liv picks up Major from jail and feeds him brains; continues as Dale confronts Clive about Major being released from jail and throwing away his future.
Major and Liv head into the Max Rager 'prisoner' party dressed in police riot gear and try to figure out how to reach the secret lab.
Clive tries to talk his way past the Max Rager security as Rob Thomas and his band arrives.
Clive searches the party for Major and Liv; Major spots Dr. Wyatt; Vaughn tries to get Vivian to tell him what she intends to do with his research.
Vaughn introduces Rob Thomas; Rob Thomas performs; Vaughn spots Clive; Major and Liv follow Wyatt into the stairwell, followed by Clive; Wyatt and his buddies take Super Max with Utopium and turn into zombies.
The Max Rager security guard hears screams and turns off his music.
Clive, Liv and Major fight off zombies in the parking garage.
Liv, Major and Clive use the severed hand to take the elevator to the secret lab.
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