iZombie Season 3 Soundtrack
iZombie Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 Heaven Just Got A Little Bit Smoother
Blaine works on a brain while listening to a song dedication to Rob Thomas, then singing along to the radio; Peyton arrives to inform Blaine that Mr. Boss is in Montenegro.
Major's order is called at the cafe, he takes a sip of his drink and sees 'Chaos Killer' written on it, then leaves.
Blaine plays the organ while singing, then is interrupted by a call from Peyton.
Vivian is informed of Wally's death and goes to tell his teacher; Liz leaves Fillmore Graves after speaking with Vivian and sees Major running with the other guys.
302 'Zombie Knows Best' promo.
'Team Z' Extended trailer.
'New Enemy' and 'Team Z Is Back' promos.
S3:EP2 Zombie Knows Best
Stanley sings as his daughter complains about him ruining her entire life.
Aftermath of the Chen's car being hit.
Major sings along to music as Clive and Liv arrive at the morgue.
303 'Eat, Pray, Liv' promo.
S3:EP3 Eat, Pray, Liv
Peyton watches as Blaine performs a song in a restaurant lounge.
Liz arrives at Major's house to find playing a dance video game with Justin, then she joins them; Major has a coughing fit while preparing snacks.
Peyton runs off after seeing a half-dressed Katty at Ravi's place; Peyton is hugged by Liv as Blaine performs another song at the lounge.
S3:EP4 Wag The Tongue Slowly
Janet and Felicia discover their coworker, Cheryl, dead in the bathroom at their job.
Peyton shows Blaine how to make Chicken Cordon Bleu as they are joined by Liv; Liv questions whether Peyton is getting distracted from their work from to find a cure for zombism.
Major spots Natalie on a balcony and sneaks into the building.
Major's team is sent into combat; Liv shows Clive an interesting post she found from a zombie-hater named Harley.
Liv and Clive question Harley at a gun range.
S3:EP5 Spanking The Zombie
Major's wounds are patched up, then he watches a fellow soldier place the contents of a bag in a chest and discovers it contained heads.
Don E chats with a drug dealer, then while they are high on Utopium, the two of them play air guitars on the bar and Don E offers to make the guy a zombie.
Don E chats with his new friend at the opening of The Scratching Post zombie bar.
Major tells Liv that the silver lining to losing his memory, is that he can fall in love with her again, then they kiss; Major awakens just as Ravi arrives to give him the injection.
S3:EP6 Some Like It Hot Mess
Don E tells his buddy that he's bringing down the mood, then the guy offers him a million dollars for the cure to zombism.
Blaine downs a martini, then starts to work on Ravi's memory serum.
S3:EP7 Dirt Nap Time
Blaine performs at a club to half-hearted applause.
Blaine asks Candy what life's all about, then unenthusiastically helps prepare the brain meals for delivery.
Don E welcomes Major and his buddies to the zombie speakeasy.
Liv and Justin check out the zombie speakeasy; montage of Justin and Liv chatting at the bar until Don E arrives.
S3:EP8 Eat A Knievel
Finn Vinvincible rides a bike through a ring of fire while wearing a jacket made of hay, for his web series Stunted Growth.
Blaine listens to music while unpacking supplies in the mortuary basement.
Justin arrives at Liv's house and she talks him into eating some of Finn's brain.
Liv and Justin play with lawn darts in the park.
Blaine walks away from the well where he dumped his dad; Don E walks into his office to find Blaine sitting at his desk.
The Fillmore Graves soldiers party on their night off.
S3:EP9 Twenty Sided, Die
Clive rushes out of the precinct to speak with Dale Bozzio.
Played at the political fundraiser as Liv and Justin arrive.
Major flicks through a few channels before turning the tv off.
Blaine hangs out by the well he stuck his father in and tosses chunks of brain inside; Mr. Boss is welcomed by to Seattle.
S3:EP10 Return Of The Dead Guy
Mrs. Boss complains over the phone about the lack of a nest egg in the wake of her husband's disappearance, as Mr. Boss sneaks into the garage to grab his stash of passports, money and diamonds.
Ravi watches at the anti-zombie group makes plans to torture Don E. into showing his zombie face to the world.
Don E stars singing as Ravi and the others contemplate why.
Liv and Justin's make-up session is interrupted by Drake's appearance; Blaine answers his door and is shot by Mr. Boss.
S3:EP11 Conspiracy Weary
Liv walks into the morgue and turns on loud music, before talking with Ravi and Clive.
Major heads to the Fillmore Graves barracks and joins in the party; a news headline catches Ravi's eye as he walks down the street.
S3:EP12 Looking For Mr. Goodbrain, Part 1
Major and Natalie catch up on what they've been doing; Natalie informs Major she's rented a place in Positano, Italy.
Liv and the guy chat until the bartender says it's last call, then he invites her up to his room; Liv walks up to the guy's hotel room, hesitates before knocking, then walks away.
Liv returns to the hotel bar and is given a drink care of a guy in the lounge; Liv approaches the guy and he awkwardly flirts with her.
Major and Natalie return to his place after moving her stuff into storage, then they end up in bed together, she invites him to come to Italy with her and he agrees.
Chase Graves walks up to Liv's bar table and asks if he can join her.
Chase and Liv make up stories about the other bar patrons, then he inquires about Liv's sexual fantasies.
Chase asks Liv to join him in the shower; Harley walks into Major's party with a suicide vest.
S3:EP13 Looking For Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2
Don E shows Blaine the dance number going on at The Scratching Post due to their dance choreographer blue brain sales; Blaine is informed that feds intercepted that Russian brain shipment; [0:20] repeats after Blaine and Don E lament the loss of their Filmore Graves customers.
Blaine and Don E stare at their empty bar.
Liv goes to Tatum's house and finds a phone with text messages indicating that Discovery Day is imminent.