2023 91 Songs
After his encounter with the police and making his delivers, Tim makes his way back to his parents noodle house, Excellent Gotham.
Dick stops his car outside of Gotham on a hillside and looks down onto the city before heading into home; Dick arrives at Wayne Manor, he searches for Bruce around the house before heading to his room.
At Titan Tower, Kory pours herself a drink of Blanton's bourbon and toasts to Jason when she has a vision.
End credits.
After hearing the bogus Red Hood call to police the Titans head to the Hobbs Powder Building; Starfire, Beast Boy and Superboy clear the outside of goons while Hawk and Dove take on the goons topside.
In a taxi, Hank rides around Gotham waiting for Jason to call him back with his location.
As the BPM time runs down for the explosion device in his heart, Hank sings to himself.
Starfire and Beast Boy leave the government facility with Blackfire in their custody; [repeats] (0:40) End credits.
At Tito's Place, Jason arrives late to his meet up with Molly who tells him of procure recruiting kids for the Joker's gang on the streets.
Montage as Jason works day and night over a period of time to reverse engineer Scarecrow's fear toxin into an anti-fear toxin.
In the basement of Arkham Aslyum, Crane turns on music via a record player than proceeds to tell Jason of his resurrection via an Lazarus Pit then gives Jason dose of the anti-fear toxin; Crane dances around; (continues) Jason suits up under a new mask, a new name, a new persona and a new mission all given to him by Crane.
Jason goes out as Red Hood in Gotham where he hunts down Hawkins in search of Diego.
Molly sleeps in her apartment when Jason breaks in to return a missing Diego.
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The villainous Lady Vic attacks a romantically partnered cop duo at a dinner outside of Gotham then takes off.
Crane brings Jason to operating theater at the Thomas & Martha Wayne Memorial Hospital to watch Lady Vic's at work as kills several hospital staff members to demonstrate that he is expendable as his number #2 and that there are others can take his place.
End credits.
Jason finds himself on the praising side of Crane after stealing the anti-fear gas and putting it on the streets of Gotham only to find himself poisoned by Crane when goes to top-up on the drug himself.
The Titans along with Barbara celebrate their victory over Crane and Red Hood with drinks back at Wayne Manor.
End credits.
At brings Donna and Tim to the Twilight Owl where their welcomed by Malcolm; (continues) [0:19] Hank continues to tell Donna about the afterlife and how they can get back to the land of the living.
As they drive in their attempt to return to the land of the living by finding a inverted tree and bridge, Hank tells Donna and Tim of how come to have touched on his spiritual side since being dead and how conjured the guns he used to kill the ghouls.
End credits.
Barbara and Dick meet up at a bar to discuss the current situation with Crane, Jason and the anti-fear venom flowing through Gotham's water supply and soon begin to form a plan to combat Crane and Red Hood.
Barbara is placed under arrest by Vee; (continues) Gotham continues to sink into farther anarchy as violence and aggression begin to spread and plague the city throughout as the cities citizens give into the anti-fear venom poisoning.
End credits.
After requesting the houses computer system to play music, Jonathan beings to groom himself and shower the peruse around the Wayne manor then the Batcave where begins to listen to Bruce's assessment of him which causes frustration for him.
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In the Batcave, Crane sings to himself as he activates and arms all of the explosive and fear toxin bombs hidden within Gotham.
Dick asks for Barbara to tell him something good instead the Batcave computer begins to play music; Starfire, Blackfire, Superboy, Wonder Girl and Raven bask in the creation of the Lazarus Rain of their creating as it falls on the city resurrecting fallen Gothamites; Barbara and Vee watch from inside of the GCPD as the purple rain falls on the city.
The Titans wait along side the Wayne family jet in a airplane hanger for Dick when he and Donna arrives in a RV for their trip home to San Francisco.
Clint Mansell, Kevin Kiner
DC Universe
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