9-1-1 Lone Star Season 1 Soundtrack
9-1-1 Lone Star Season 1 Soundtrack
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S1:EP1 Pilot
Owen and TK travel from New York to Texas.
Montage as Owen and TK spread a wide each for firefighters.
Michelle asks Owen to line dance with her; the rest of 126 join in to to line dance; Carlos asks TK to dance; Grace and Judd dance together.
Owen sits his piece of melted steel on his desk; Marjan prays; TK works out; Mateo cleans a fire truck; Paul starts his new facial routine when the alarm rings; everyone runs to the trucks including Judd.
S1:EP2 Yee-Haw
Owen arrives at the station.
TK and Carlos make out as they make their way into Carlos' house and make their way to the couch.
Judd takes Owen to is family ranch to ride horses.
Judd and Grace embrace after their therapy session; Michelle goes the witches ritual' Owen looks at old pictures; Michelle bathes during the ritual; Owen throws out all his hair medications then look in the mirror with his cowboy hat on.
S1:EP3 Texas Proud
Ending of police station scene with TK and Carlos when scene cuts to man and woman beginning to take on “Teri’s 96-ounce challenge” eating steak
Man and woman begin eating 96-ounce steak to get on “Teri’s wall” when woman finishes first, then falls to the ground due to water intoxication
S1:EP4 Act of God
Owen has his chemo treatment when Wayne asks him if he took his advice.
Michelle's mother makes her dinner when Michelle asks her about Iris' things.
Paul starts dinner for 126; Judd orders Mateo to go outside and get the colors of the station down.
Owen arrives as the team sit down for dinner, he attempts to bypass eating with the help of Judd when they hear a crash outside.
Nancy drives a couple home then runs into a torando and attempts to out run it.
Owen showers then styles his hair when Judd comes in and asks him about being ill the other day then suggest that he tell TK that truth about his cancer.
TK and Owen hug after clearning the air about Owen's cancer; Michelle and her mother go through Iris' things when they find a pictures of her and her friends with a blue truck.
S1:EP5 Studs
At a strip club, stripper dance when a fight breaks out between two attendees which causes an all out brawl.
At a store, Owen helps Zoe with hair and face care; Owen and Zoe make out back at Owen's.
Paul tells Mateo and TK about his reservation with going forward with Josie with his past experiences with women outside of dating apps.
Paul has a date with Josie at a bowling alley.
After finishing bowling, Paul and Josie make plans for a second date; Josie kisses call, he then tells her that their something they need to talk about.
Owen has a date with
The guys go clubbin
S1:EP6 Friends Like These
T&T ride again.
Taylor saves Tina.
Mateo listen to teams oral information for his test while they test him in the field.
Two friends spread the ashs on another.
End song.
S1:EP7 Bum Steer
Happy Stan opens up his car auction at Happy Stan's Used Car Lot.
Malachi the Bull begins to attack people at the car auction.
Owen is helped by TK to prepare for the Firefighter Fitness Test.
Judd talk with Billy over drinks about Owen and his attempt to take on the fire house.
S1:EP8 Monster Inside
New parents Ben and Maggie have their first night out in months on a date but Maggie worries about baby, Finn, being without her.
Maggie checks in on Finn and finds him rattling to a rattle snake in his crib.
The 126 crew stray CO2 inside the basement laundry room to get the Finn's babysitter.
(3 years ago) [played live by Leah Zeger] Iris attempts to get Michelle to sing onstage at a karaoke night at a bar.
Trevor takes Michelle and her team upstairs to his mother whose been having "difficulties"; Michelle attempts to tell Trevor that his mother is dead which causes him to react badly.
(3 years ago) Michelle, Iris and their mother have a celebration of Michelle and Iris' dads life when Iris begins to act out of herself which causes a fight between her and Michelle.
[Sung by Liv Tyler]
[Sung by Liv Tyler] (3 years ago) Iris calls Michelle; Michelle preforms onstage at the Bluebonnet; (now) Michelle races to help a Patrick and Emily at the underpass encampment; Carlos and the 126 gather at the hospital to watch over TK; Owen prays in the hospital chapel; Patrick is taken to the hospital.
S1:EP9 Awakening
Paul watches Marjan train Buttercup then the group discuss the Captain and TK before heading home for the night.
As everyone prepares to hit down for dinner at the station TK arrives, they celebrate his return.
S1:EP10 Austin, We Have a Problem
Carlos confronts TK about this avoiding talking about "them".
Michelle readies to leave the under-pike encampment when her mother calls her but before the can properly talk the line begins to tune out.
The power in the firehouse goes haywire the team begins to try to turn everything that runs on electricity off.
Owen pulls TK from the bus; the crew manage to pull Ellen from the wreckage; TK checks on Ellen before the medic take her away; TK thanks his father for saving him and Ellen.
Tom, Melissa and Evie talk through Grace's 9-1-1 line from Austin to outer space as Tom dies.
Paul, Marjan and Mateo watch the Northern Lights; Grace tells Judd about her day with Tom the astronaut and his family as they watch the Northern Lights; as they lay on Carlos' car, TK and Carlos, take the next step to becoming a couple; Michelle stops by with supplies for Iris at the encampment then Iris invites to a picnic under the Northern Lights; Owen watches the lights with Buttercup.
Justin Burnett, Todd Haberman, Mac Quayle
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