9-1-1 Lone Star Season 3 Soundtrack
9-1-1 Lone Star Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 The Big Chill
(Travis County, Austin) In Hill country, Owen chops wood at a rented cabin when his neighbor from the neighboring cabin, Sadie, stops by for a chat.
(South Lamar, Austin) Devin cheers, whoops and howls as he drinks and records Brody drunkenly skis from the back of their friends' pickup truck down a wintery street when a truck behind them begins to blare its horn at them.
(Travis County, Austin) Marjan heads back to the city in the snowy downpour after her confrontation of Captain Strand (Owen) when she encounters sudden stationary vechile which attempts to avoid sending her careening down an embankment.
S3:EP2 Thin Ice
After his mother tells him to stay inside during the snow day because of his asthma, Abe attempts to entertain himself with different activities until the power goes out, he then decides to head outside with the other children forgetting his inhaler inside.
Judd and Mateo begin to drill through the wall of the building when Paul begins to fade out; Lindsey radios Judd and Mateo about Paul, they ask for her to attempt to keep him awake; Lindsey attempts to light a fire in Paul the way he did for her when she was fading out; the team manage to break through the wall of the building; Lindsey is reunited with her parents, Paul is reunited with the team.
S3:EP3 Shock & Thaw
A comatose TK continues to dream of his mother and himself baking cookies together as they do Gwyn asks his conscious advising him to make a discuss to awaken.
As Owen goes to turn off turn off Sheriff Griffin's police car siren he notices the torch line from the car tank; Griffin warns off the possible saboteur; Marjan signals Owen as she waves a box of matches at him; with Owen away from the car Marjan lines the fire line blowing up Griffin police car which also allows for Owen to surprise attack Griffin tackling him down.
Home from work, Grace sings to herself as she continue on the painting of the baby's room with clouds before her due date as she does she almost falls off of the stepping ladder but manages to save herself just as the front door of the house is knocked on.
(played lightly on the radio) As they drive back into Austin, Marjan attempts to form a plan of action for Owen signing of his letter to Billy and his subsequent return to the 126 which turns into a argument as Owen tells her he's just return to the city to take her own and will continue to be transient.
As their fight escalate, Owen attempts to deescalate the situation with Marjan by singing to her as Tom Petty comes on the radio, Marjan then joins in with him while informing them that she's still mad at him.
S3:EP4 Push
Plays between Grace giving birth to her baby, and TK coming out of his coma.
The 126 group gathers together to watch the demolition of their firehouse, until Marjan receives an unexpected notification.
Owen gives a dedication speech at the 126’s pin ceremony.
Plays during the celebration/dancing after dedicating the new 2 1 6 building.
S3:EP5 Child Care
Nancy and TK work on the ambulance truck at the new 125 house when Wyatt arrives and asks them if he can speak to Judd.
Katie asleep when she awaken from her sleep by Mr. Whiskers, a voice from the family's nanny camera, who informs her he has a surprise for her.
At their house, Owen and Mateo spoil Marjan with Lebanese foods in order to butter her up to ask her an important question that could change Owen's status as 'One Night Strand'.
Ending their date before it got off the ground, Owen and Catherine wait for their cars outside the restaurant when Owen spots Danica's car speed from the recent Amber Alert.
Judd arrives home from a long day at work to find Grace making a family meal for them after clearing her mind and wanting discuss the recent events that have happened.
S3:EP6 The ATX-Files
Owen, Judd and Tommy follow a trail of burnt carcasses to an abandoned cabin with two residents— one of whom is barely alive. (Flashback) Two artists trying to create found-art pieces accidentally cause a small-scale nuclear winter.
Hold music for the credit card company Grace calls to find a potential victim of radiation poisoning.
Tommy has a late-night dinner date.
S3:EP7 Red vs. Blue
The baseball game between the firefighters and police officers begins with the O'Brien's team ahead and a worried Owen and Tommy about ringer Pearce missing.
Pearce arrives causing an upswing to the baseball game sending the 126 score upward.
Defending a wounded Nancy during the game am all out fight brawl breaks out between the firefighters and police officers in which a news team films; Pearce runs for the hills avoiding the fight.
As the celebration for Nancy as MVP, TK receives a heartbreaking phone call.
S3:EP8 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency
[Present] Flying in on one good engine, Owen and TK's airplane manages to land safely at NYC; the 125, Carlos and others watch as the plane lands safely, they cheer; land, Genevieve and the other injured receive treatment; (Flashback) Gwyn and TK arrive at LAX, there Gwyn leaves TK on his own to receive his treatment.
S3:EP9 The Bird
The 126 crew arrive back at the station after a rather gross call involving drunk hipsters and hatchet throwing.
At home, Owen attempts to meditate but finds himself taunted and ridiculed by Ginsberg.
Ms. Angle in a motorized cart shops around a pet store in search of items for her 16 cat babies when find she needs higher up food on a shelf and seeks help from Isaac but finds him dismissing her instead for a younger, Daphne.
Ms. Angle in a rage at Isaac begins to terrorize the pet store targeting Issac and Daphne at that the center of her rage spiral.
At home, Paul makes himself a spaghetti dinner as he listens to music and drinks wine when he finds himself having a cathartic event and faints; Marjan worried back Paul arrives at his apartment and when fails to answer her knocks and calls she kicks down the door after hearing his music skipping.
S3:EP10 Parental Guidance
Mateo arrives at a bar to pick up his father but instead finds his former house 129 captain, Capt. Jack Tatum, who appears to be in a bad way as he soaks his sorrows over the death of Lt. Leo Darby in beer and fighting; Tatum faints as Mateo takes him to leave the bar.
Owen, Tommy and Judd coach on Paul through the firefigther course after his loss of self from his heart surgery and heart defibrillator instantiation.
S3:EP11 Prince Albert In A Can
At home, Carlos rages out as he works out when TK asks for him to stop and Grace stops by.
At a bar, Owen brings Catherine a drink then asks her to dance.
Catherine and Owen dance before returning to their sets where she explains how she spent her youth studying law rather than dancing when she's verbal accosted by another patron.
S3:EP12 Negative Space
Sadie discusses her art at her art showing at the gallery when Owen and Marjan arrive to warn her that Deputy Roy Griffins who assaulted them in Hill Country weeks ago was release just as they ask her to call the police if she spots him she spots him at the show.
S3:EP13 Riddle of the Sphynx
Montage of the 126 crew searching in the field for a missing cyclist from a crash.
Carlos brings Cooper to help out a depressed TK for some at home sponsoring and NA meeting time, he leaves the two along in the apartment to talk.
S3:EP14 Impulse Control
A late-night drive-thru order goes awry.
The 126 work to free a man who accidentally traps himself between a drive-thru window.
As Tommy celebrates Izzy and Evie’s birthday, Charlie’s brother drops by the house for a visit.
a drunken driver cuts off Al and his family when he throws beer at them and soon shows that he is armed.
S3:EP15 Down To Clown
Montage of Grace dealing with Dave as a house guest as well as being her co-worker for a week.
At Tommy's home, Grace laments her frustration with Dave to Tommy over wine.
S3:EP16 Shift-Less
(Flashback) Owen attempts to each his younger brother, Tyler, to surf.
Owen turns to Cali.
Owen returns to the open ocean to surf after years.
S3:EP17 Spring Cleaning
A couple separate their belongings after a break up one of them get stuck in the trash compactor attempt to rescue a beloved item for the other.
Tommy, Evie and Izzy attend one of Julius and his band gig; Tommy finds herself woo'd after the concert; (continues; repeats) Tommy and Julius kiss.
S3:EP18 A Bright and Cloudless Morning
Owen has a vision of Gwen along with other events of his life; (continues) Owen is pull from the wrecked of the collapsed building by the 188.
End montage of events.
Justin Burnett, Todd Haberman, Mac Quayle
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