Death Cab for Cutie Songs
has 26 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
The Sound of Settling
Stay Young, Go Dancing

Covert Affairs • s2e10 • World Leader Pretend2010
Auggie teaches Annie some hand-to-hand combat moves; they discuss Annie telling her sister the truth about her job.
Bixby Canyon Bridge

Friday Night Lights • s3e3 • How The Other Half Lives2006
Eric removes 'For Sale' signs from his lawn; Tim sits with Billy; Matt & Julie walk home.
The Ice Is Getting Thinner

The Hills • s4e5 • Something Has To Change2006
Holly & Heidi discuss Spencer having made Holly feel unwelcome.

Gossip Girl • s1e18 • Much 'I Do' About Nothing2007
Chuck's toast and Dan & Serena's last dance.
Northern Lights - Acoustic

Titans • s2e8 • Jericho2018
End credits.
I Will Follow You Into the Dark

The Invisible2007
Annie roams through Nick's house. She goes through his photos and Nick narrarates them.

Friends with Benefits2011
After Dylan's dad makes a scene at the restaurant because of his alzheimer's. Continues to play as Jamie and Dylan go hiking the next day. They climb the Hollywood sign.

90210 • s1e11 • That Which We Destroy2008
The Wilsons return home; Sean makes a mysterious phone call.

Scrubs • s8e2 • My Last Words2001
George dies, end of episode.

Nikita • s1e18 • Into The Dark2010
Nikita informs Owen that Michael got him a supply of the Regimen drugs; Owen apologizes to Nikita for killing Daniel.
A Lack Of Color

The O.C. • s1e21 • The Goodbye Girl2003
Song plays as Seth talks to Anna in the hallway about her decision to move back east.
Soul Meets Body

Catch and Release2006
Driving to meet fritz

Brothers And Sisters • s2e3 • History Repeating2006
Plays on Justin's iPod as Rebecca enters his room.

The O.C. • s3e2 • The Shape Of Things To Come2003
The gang has breakfast at the diner as Summer plans how they can make their senior year the best ever.
You Are A Tourist

Chuck • s4e23 • Chuck Versus The Last Detail2007
Sarah & Chuck's rehearsal dinner; Morgan tells Casey he won't be going out in the field again; Alex tells Morgan she loves him.
I Will Possess Your Heart

The Hills • s3e25 • A New Roommate2006
Audrina & Justin Bobby reconnect over drinks.

The Hills • s4e4 • Boys Make Girls Cry2006
Heidi & Spencer fight about Holly.
Movie Script Ending

The O.C. • s2e20 • The O.C. Confidential2003
At the concert, Marissa & Summer attempt to talk with Jess to get "hooked up" with the person that was selling drugs at Marissa's party.

The O.C. • s1e7 • The Escape2003
Playing in the truck while driving to Tijuana.
Title And Registration

The O.C. • s2e20 • The O.C. Confidential2003
The band performs the song at The Bait Shop as Summer & Marissa arrive to the concert.
Monday Morning

One Tree Hill • s9e4 • Don't You Want To Share The Guilt?2003
Skills comments on Mouth's eating problem; Haley & Brooke try to get the sign taken down; Chase discovers that the girl he slept with is Chris' girlfriend.

Kyle deletes his myspace account and walks the streets following Lindy.

Easy A2010
Olive is talking to her mum on the car. Her mum tells her that she used to sleep with a lot of guys back in the day.

9-1-1 Lone Star • s3e13 • Riddle of the Sphynx2020
Carlos brings Cooper to help out a depressed TK for some at home sponsoring and NA meeting time, he leaves the two along in the apartment to talk.

Six Feet Under • s4e6 • Terror Starts At Home2001
Claire, Edie, Anita, Russell & Jimmy get closer.
Meet Me on the Equinox

The Twilight Saga: New Moon2009
Third end credits song.
The Ghosts of Beverly Drive

Quantico • s1e13 • Clear2015
During physical training, Liam talks to the newly combined class about needing to understand each other; montage of the NATs discovering secrets about each other; Drew comments on the fact Alex is carrying around Ryan's dog tags.
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

Lethal Weapon • s1e9 • Jingle Bell Glock2016
The Murtaugh family gathers for a hug; Riggs turns down Brooks' invitation to join his family for Christmas; Tito Flores tells someone to keep a short leash on Riggs; the Murtaugh family shows up at Riggs' trailer to celebrate Christmas with him.
When We Drive

Grey's Anatomy • s15e20 • The Whole Package2005
Jo lies in bed and tells Alex she's sick and is staying home from work again; Jackson and Meredith inform Catherine of a surgery they have for her.
I Will Follow You into the Dark
Sound Of Settling

The O.C. • s2e20 • The O.C. Confidential2003
At the Bait Shop, Ryan tries to talk with Kyle but gets shut down.
Black Sun

Quantico • s1e13 • Clear2015
Miranda tells the NATs that sources require trust, but usually want something in return; Iris gives Shelby contact information for an internet provider CEO in Croatia; Natalie says goodbye to Brandon and Alex; Will crosses off Nimah's photo in his underwear drawer; Nimah spies on Rayna; Alex discovers that Liam has a connection to the shooting that lead Drew to join the FBI; in the future, Alex goes to Ryan, asks him to get her help, then runs out and begs her mystery caller to not hurt Ryan.