House M.D. Season 1 Soundtrack
House M.D. Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
Aerial view of the hospital.
S1:EP2 Paternity
House watches a lacrosse game.
S1:EP3 Occam's Razor
House identifies the pills.
House thinking montage.
S1:EP4 Maternity
Pregnant woman dies. But baby lives. Husband had to make a choice.
S1:EP5 Damned If You Do
Sister thanking House for his patience.
Beginning of the episode, House talks to Wilson and Cuddy walks in.
S1:EP6 The Socratic Method
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP7 Fidelity
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP8 Poison
No songs available for this episode.
Giles gives House his trumpet.
S1:EP10 Histories
House party.
The girl is knocked out.
S1:EP11 Detox
Keith & his girlfriend make out.
House sitting in his office and playing imaginary piano, when Edward Vogler comes to talk.
Cuddy & Wilson discuss House & the bet; House zones out in his office.
S1:EP12 Sports Medicine
Lunch with the new drug rep.
Foreman, Chase & Cameron at a bar.
S1:EP13 Cursed
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP14 Control
House leaves the hospital.
S1:EP15 Mob Rules
Wilson, House & the new convertible.
S1:EP16 Heavy
Vogler tells House to fire someone other than Chase; end montage.
S1:EP17 Role Model
House plays the piano.
Cameron says goodbye.
S1:EP18 Babies And Bathwater
Sean holds his son; House looks at Olive's CT scan; montage.
S1:EP19 Kids
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP20 Love Hurts
House stares at an old picture.
S1:EP21 Three Stories
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP22 Honeymoon
Stacey goes to House's office.
House tries to walk without his cane; Stacy & Mark embracing; House takes one of pills he stole from Mark.
Wilson meets House for a drink.