2014 28 Songs
Broyles joins Peter for a drink & a toast to Olivia.
Olivia goes to see Sam Weiss.
On a radio in Lansdale, Pennsylvania as a construciton worker is pulled underground.
Walter shows Peter an ad for an apartment he likes; Olivia holds a gun on Sam.
Walter & Astrid analyze Officer Gillespie's ear & discuss housing.
Olivia talks with Sam at the bowling alley.
Olivia questions Sam about the headaches.
Peter & Walter repeat the experiment on Rebecca.
Olivia thanks Sam & returns the bowling shoes.
Peter & Astrid watch as Walter works on solving the formula.
In a restaurant, a young boy copies Broyle's every movement.
Astrid asks Walter what he's looking for on the brain.
Peter & Tyler visit a strip club.
The Observers meet at an Indian restaurant to discuss the situation caused by August.
Olivia drives while she tells Peter about the first movie she went to with her mom.
Peter tells Olivia his theory about Elizabeth Jarvis' involvement.
Walter & Astrid discuss Joseph Slater & Dr. Paris.
Olivia & Peter discuss theories on what happened to Lisa.
Olivia, Peter & Walter talk with Sheriff Velchik.
Walter recounts seeing a similiarly deformed child before.
Walter starts humming after Olivia notices a buzzing sound on the streets of Edina; repeats as Walter hums after spotting a butterfly & when Walter & Astrid try to figure out what his song means.
Olivia asks Sheriff Velchik about Joe Falls.
No songs available for this episode.
Brahms, performed by Arthur Rubinstein and Guarneri Quartet
The German man makes a fake photo ID badge.
Nana recognizes a mysterious man at the wedding.
The videographer starts filming at the Milton-Staller wedding.
Brahms, performed by Arthur Rubinstein and Guarneri Quartet
The German man works in his basement lab.
Astrid tells Walter she can't help with the autopsy, then she goes throug the boxes of evidence.
The Observer drives Walter & Alternate World Peter towards the lab after rescuing them from the lake.
Neil Wilson meets with Miranda Greene to talk about a school they both attended in childhood.
Olivia & Sam play Clue.
Neil shops for groceries.
Olivia drops by the bowling alley to talk with Sam.
Walter & Astrid cut off Miranda's arm while discussing the case.
Olivia questions a waitress at Cafe Wilusa about the man from the train.
Alistair implants additional hardware in himself.
Teens Dave & Jill smoke weed by an abandoned warehouse.
Walter starts to sing along to the music & dance while telling his story.
Peter & Detective Dunham discuss music & dancing, before he tells her the truth about Walter Bishop's ideas.
Walter shows Detective Dunham his singing corpses; repeats as Walter sings to try to convince Peter he can change.
Esther Ficklesworth breaks into song during her job interview at a mental institiute.
Detective Dunham stops by to see Lieutenant Broyles & finds him singing & playing the piano.
Astrid finds Walter organizing the lab after he smoked marijuana.
Walter starts telling Ella the story of Detective Dunham & her client Rachel; repeats as Ella changes the ending of the story to have Peter split the heart in two & everyone live happily ever after.
Detective Dunham sings to Peter as he lays unconscious.
Walter puts on a record as Astrid does his dishes.
Peter flirts with waitress, Krista, at a truckstop cafe.
Peter listens to the CD that Krista made for him.
Walter starts ranting about potassium bromate while grocery shopping.
Sally & Nick eat chocolate-covered strawberries in bed.
Alt-Broyles calls Alt-Olivia in to work.
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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