#1La La Land
2016 77 Songs
Henry Allen's homecoming is celebrated.
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While working at STAR Labs, Barry receives a call from Iris asking for help.
Barry runs into Patty at Jitters, then takes 'Flashes' to Iris, Caitlin and Cisco.
Barry asks Leonard Snart what's going on with his father.
Barry runs into Patty at Jitters again and she gives him her number.
Patty overhears Barry and Cisco talking about time travel; Cisco is turned down when he asks out a Jitters barista.
Cisco complains about Wells taking over his lab.
Kendra suggests Cisco should ask her out again; Barry, Cisco and Caitlin decide that Cisco's superhero name should be Vibe.
Linda practices with Doctor Light's suit.
Caitlin tells Wells that they can help him get his daughter back.
Cisco brings Kendra an apology present for skipping out on their date.
Cisco meets Kendra at Jitters after it closes and she surprises him with a romantic dinner.
Cisco tries to convince Thea to let him choose a different superhero name for him; Barry and Team Arrow catch up; Oliver makes a toast.
Cisco confesses to Barry that he got a vibe the first time he kissed Kendra.
Oliver comments on "The Flash" drink at Jitters; Oliver sees his ex-girlfriend, Sandra, with a young boy.
Iris meets Joe at Jitters and shows him The Flash action figure she bought, then gives him a suggestion on what to give to Barry.
Patty and The Flash walk into The Trickster's trap.
Children line up to see The Trickster disguised as Santa.
Wells knocks on a door and demands a boy give him all his toys.
Jay and Caitlin kiss under the mistletoe.
Patty arrives for the Christmas gathering; Wally West knocks on Joe's door.
Patty asks Iris for help understanding Barry.
Wally participates in a drag race.
Patty sits at home drinking wine and listening to music before being interrupted by The Turtle knocking at her door.
Iris confronts Wally just before his drag race.
Barry and Iris-2 drop by Jitterbug and see Joe singing.
Joe performs another song as Barry asks Iris-2 why Joe doesn't like him; Iris-2's metahuman warning app goes off.
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Ep 216 'Flash Trajectory' promo.
At a club, Barry makes a toast to Jay; the group is joined by Iris and Wally; Cisco and Caitlin dance.
Episode 217 'Flash Back' promo.
Cisco tortures Hartley with 80s music until he agrees to explain how the gauntlets work.
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Montage of Barry having to live his day at 'normal' speed.
Cisco meets with his brother, Dante, to make sure he's okay.
When Dante's attention turn to sports, Cisco decides to leave, then Dante insists Cisco pay for their drinks.
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Everyone gathers at Joe's flash and they make a toast to family.
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