Old Man Canyon Songs
has 9 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Hollow Tree

The Flash • s2e7 • Gorilla Warfare2014
Caitlin tells Wells that they can help him get his daughter back.

Stitchers • s2e4 • The Two Deaths Of Jamie B.2015
While out for a walk, Cameron stops by a comic book store and cafe, then ends up chatting with an employee.

The Magicians • s2e7 • Plan B2015
Kady and Quentin return to the cabin with their pilfered fingers; Penny teases Quentin over how he acquired his fingerprint.
Always Love
Tomorrow Man

The Magicians • s2e7 • Plan B2015
Quentin joins Margo and Eliot, is informed of the problems in Fillory, then proposes they rob a bank.
Phantoms and Friends

Suits • s3e12 • Yesterday's Gone2011
Jessica walks into the courtroom. Mike and Rachel walk out of the elevator together holding hands.
Good While It Lasted
The Road

Private Eyes • s2e5 • Now You See Her2016
Matt drops by Shona's diner to pick up Jules, then asks Shona if she's noticed anything off about Don.

The 100 • s2e2 • Inclement Weather2014
Miller joins The 48; Jasper flirts with Maya as an alarm starts blaring.
Phantom and Friends

Pretty Little Liars • s5e19 • Out Damned Spot2010
Ezra offers to listen to Hanna's problems, then shares how he paid his way through school.
Take Me Higher