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The Flash Season 7 Soundtrack

2014-304 songs-2.4M views

S7:EP1 All's Well That Ends Wells

    Barry discusses the sacrifice that Nash along with the rest of the Wells Council made for him with Chester and Allegra then the three form their next plan of attack against Eva; (continues) Iris attempts to send a message to the outside world.

S7:EP2 The Speed of Thought

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP3 Mother

    The Flash, Vibe and Frost take on Mirror Eva, now calling herself Mirror Monarch and her Mirror clones as the rest of Team Flash work from StarLabs on finding her overall weakness.

S7:EP4 Central City Strong

    Iris shares her story at the Mirrorverse Survivors Support Group then informs Allegra she has plans beyond a personal story to help the survivors of the Mirrorverse.

S7:EP5 Fear Me

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP6 The One With The Nineties

    Frost watches TV at her and Caitlin's apartment when she's hit with the temporal wave that creates a 60's time pocket where she at.

    Joe arrives at Star Lab's after being hit with a 20's temporal wave where he finds Caitlin was well has been hit with a time pocket.

    Iris and Nora arrive at Star Lab's after being hit with a temporal wave from the 70's.

S7:EP7 Growing Pains

    Frost arrives at O'Shaughnessy bar in search of information about the new ice-meta who is framing her; Frost meets O'Shaughnessy's newest bartender, Mark, who she questions about information on the metahuman.

    Frost becomes visibly turned on by the sight of a disrobed Mark after their fight with the bar patrons which Mark calls attention too; Mark gives Frost a snoop of information about the new meta in lieu she visits the bar again.

S7:EP8 The People V. Killer Frost

    Caitlin returns home after the trail and fondly takes on Frost's art sculpture; (flashback) Frost hugs Caitlin before she taken to prison, Norvock tells her that the metas of Central City will know what she has done for them; Caitlin sits with Frost's painting.

S7:EP9 Timeless

    Deon listens to music as he walks when the Speed Force (Nora) arrives and confronts him.

S7:EP10 Family Matters, Part 1

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP11 Family Matters, Part 2

    After their force children leave them, on an impulse Iris and Barry decide that they want to start a family and head to their bedroom.

S7:EP12 Good-Bye Vibrations

    Unintentionally, Cisco effected by Rainbow Rider's "whammie" blinds Barry as heads out as the Flash when attempts to turn Barry's happy meter up a dial with a music from a video that also projects into Barry's googles vision.

    Cisco cheers Barry on as he happily break dances after Barry is effect by Rainbow Raider's rainbow emotional "whammie"; Chester joins in with Barry before flashing him and Cisco with light reflector.

    The original Flash Team karaoke sing Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" together during Cisco's going away party at Barry and Iris' loft.

S7:EP13 Masquerade

S7:EP14 Rayo de Luz

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP15 Enemy at the Gates

S7:EP16 P.O.W.

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP17 Heart of the Matter (1)

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP18 Heart of the Matter (2)



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