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Chuck Season 3 Soundtrack

2007-446 songs-3.9M views

S3:EP1 Chuck Versus The Pink Slip

Chuck knocks out his Prague captors; repeats as Beckman ends the simulation.

Casey trains Chuck.

Flashback of Chuck meeting Sarah at the train station & telling her her can't go with her.

Chuck & Morgan rejoing the Buy More team; Beckman asks Sarah to keep an eye on Chuck; Ellie & Devon tell Chuck they're moving to their own apartment.

Flashback of Sarah asking Chuck to run away with her; Chuck tells Ellie & Devon he lost Sarah; Sarah throws away her phone; repeats as Chuck talks to Sarah at El Bucho.

Emmett sings along to his car stereo, then Gilles asks him about Chuck's whereabouts & shoots him.

S3:EP2 Chuck Versus The Three Words

 Carina arrives at Morgan's housewarming party.

Beckman tells Sarah to get over her issues with Chuck & train him; Sarah trains Chuck.

Carina stops by the Buy More to see Chuck; repeats as Carina & Morgan talk in bed.

Sarah & Carina talk over drinks at a club; repeats as the team get ready for the engagement party mission.

Chuck & Morgan see Sarah & Carina at the club; Chuck flashes on Carina's fiance.

Jeff & Lester challenge the goons to a drinking contest; repeats as Morgan confronts Carina.

S3:EP3 Chuck Versus The Angel De La Muerte

Sarah convinces Chuck to concentrate on the mission.

Ellie introducing Sarah to the Premier.

Chuck & Sarah agree to be friends.

Flashback to Ellie & Devon's first day of medical school as they skip class to make out in a supply closet.

Ellie dances with the Premier while Casey informs Chuck & Sarah of a potential threat; Chuck & Sarah dance to intercept the threat.

S3:EP4 Chuck Versus Operation Awesome

Morgan asks Jeff why all the Buy More employees look beat up.

Morgan discovers the Buy More fight club.

Chuck helps Devon get to the 12th floor of the Crystal Towers; repeats as Sarah & Casey assist Chuck with The Ring operatives.

Big Mike congratulates Morgan on his handling of Lester; Morgan & Chuck have Ellie, Devon, Sarah & Casey over for dinner.

S3:EP5 Chuck Versus First Class

Morgan tells Chuck & Casey about his problems with the employees.

Casey tells Chuck that Shaw is doing a review of their operation.

Morgan tells Chuck that he gave Casey a raise; Hannah arrives at the Buy More.

Chuck & Hannah confess the truth to each other.

 Chuck defeats the bad guy with a fencing sword.

Morgan is ostracized at work by the other employees, then ends up crazy glued to a chair.

S3:EP6 Chuck Versus The Nacho Sampler

  Chuck & Manoosh talk at the bar.

Morgan call Hannah into his 'office' & they talk about Chuck.

<span style="font-weight: normal;"> Sarah enters the bar; repeats as the team gets away with Manoosh.

 Chuck & Manoosh compare their lives.

  Flashback to when Sarah & Chuck first meet; Morgan watches Hannah enter the Buy More.


Devon tells Ellie they're not going to Paris; Ellie & Morgan agree that Chuck is keeping secrets; Sarah & Casey watch surveillance video of Chuck drinking; flashback of Sarah getting on info on Chuck just before they first meet.

S3:EP7 Chuck Versus The Mask

Shaw calls for Chuck's help; Hannah asks Chuck to teach her; Sarah tells Chuck about Shaw's problem.

The teams pack for the mission, then arrive at the museum.

Ellie & Morgan see Chuck & Hannah kissing; Shaw massages Sarah's shoulders.

S3:EP8 Chuck Versus The Fake Name

Chuck goes to Ellie for advice; Chuck breaks up with Hannah; Sarah brings Shaw some provisions.

Chuck meets with mobsters Matty & Scott.

Sarah & Shaw finish setting up for dinner as Chuck, Hannah, Ellie & Devon arrive.

Ellie rants to Devon about Chuck keeping Hannah a secret.

S3:EP9 Chuck Versus The Beard

Chuck tries to contact Sarah on his watch communicator.

Ellie & Devon's Malibu vacation is interrupted by Chuck's phone call.

Jeffster performs as Chuck tells Morgan how he became a spy & Casey tries to get into The Castle.

Morgan pages Chuck to his office for 'disciplinary action'.

Chuck tries to flash while looking at photos of villains.

The Buy More staff celebrate; Chuck reassure Devon that he & Ellie are safe; Devon tells Ellie he wants them to go to Africa; Shaw wonders why The Ring didn't kill him; Chuck & Morgan play 'Duck Hunt'.

S3:EP10 Chuck Versus The Tic Tac

Chuck successfully navigates the booby-trapped hallway; repeats as Chuck & Sarah attempt to break out Casey.

Chuck takes out the Ring members at Kathleen's house.

The General offers Sarah a chance to discuss the transfer she requested; Ellie tells Chuck she wants to join Doctors Without Borders; Devon urges Ellie to take the job at USC; Casey tells Chuck he has to choose between Sarah & his job; Sarah arrives in Washington, DC.

S3:EP11 Chuck Versus The Final Exam

Chuck meets Sarah at Union Station; repeats as Sarah tells Chuck about the rest of his test.

Casey takes a bite of Jeff's sandwich; Chuck asks Sarah how he did on the test, then she invites him to dinner; Big Mike & Casey talk as Chuck arrives.

S3:EP12 Chuck Versus The American Hero

Chuck tells Sarah he loves her & asks her to leave with him; repeats as Casey tells Sarah that he killed the mole; Chuck waits at the train station for Sarah.

Casey tells Chuck not to tell Sarah he didn't kill the mole.

S3:EP13 Chuck Versus The Other Guy

Sarah & Chuck kiss as General Beckman calls.

Shaw tells Sarah she killed his wife during her Red Test; repeats as Shaw drags Sarah to the river; Chuck shoots Shaw.

Chuck ties up Morgan & mopes over Sarah leaving.

S3:EP14 Chuck Versus The Honeymooners

Jeffster performs at Ellie & Devon's goodbye party.

Chuck & Sarah agree to continue being spies.

Chuck & Sarah try to explain to their friends why they're quitting the spy business.

Chuck plays a song for Sarah as they cuddle.

Compartment service montage; Chuck asks Sarah about her favorite music.

S3:EP15 Chuck Versus The Role Models

Mrs Turner complains to Chuck & Sarah about her husband's behavior.

Morgan tries to get a customer's phone number.

Chuck & Sarah meet Mr. & Mrs. Turner; repeats as the Turners steal the collar from Chuck & Sarah.

The Turners say goodbye to Chuck & Sarah; Ellie works on her patients; Casey tells Morgan he passed training; Chuck & Morgan survey the damage to Ellie & Devon's apartment.

S3:EP16 Chuck Versus The Tooth

Morgan asks Casey what happened to Chuck, then he brushes off Anna again.

While at the concert, Morgan & Chuck discuss Anna's return.

Anna stops in at the Buy More to see Morgan; repeats as Anna watches Morgan walk out in a tuxedo.

Chuck is told the intersect will eventually cause serious mental deterioration; Anna informs Morgan she wants him back; Sarah tells Chuck she loves him.

Chuck's dream; repeats as Chuck falls asleep at the concert, Sarah & Casey arrive as Chuck goes to save the Zamibian President.

S3:EP17 Chuck Versus The Living Dead

Big Mike gives Jeff his old performing outfit.

Justin take Ellie to his office; Chuck writes his spy will; Casey wakes up; Shaw downloads the intercept.

Jeffster performs outside the Buy More.

S3:EP18 Chuck Versus The Subway

Alex tries to get past Lester & Jeff to access Casey's locker.

Casey & Justin talk over pie.

The Buy More guys give Devon advice on dealing with Ellie.

Shaw shoots Chuck's dad.

Chuck & Sarah shop at an outdoor market & talk about putting everything behind them.

Chuck tells Sarah & Casey about his dad; Shaw informs them that he's taking them to the CIA detention center; Ellie follows Shaw as Devon & Morgan go to help her.

Chuck's dad gives him a governor; Morgan phones to tell Chuck what happened after he left; Chuck convinces his dad to help the others.

S3:EP19 Chuck Versus The Ring, Part 2

Sarah & Chuck enter the security summit, while Casey & Morgan infiltrate the server room.

Sarah gives the governor back to Chuck.

Jeff suggests burning down the Buy More; Casey tells Morgan he did a good job; Chuck informs Sarah he still plans to quit.

Jeffster's music video plays as Shaw & Chuck face off.

Morgan returns to the Buy More and finds out about the going out of business sale; Big Mike tells Jeff & Lester to put on their music video.

Ellie & Chuck are reunited; flashback of Ellie promising her dad she'll protect Chuck; repeats as the news story on the Buy More blow up plays; Chuck & the gang make a toast to Steven J Bartowski, then Alex joins them for dinner; Chuck tells Ellie he quit.










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