True Blood Season 4 Soundtrack
True Blood Season 4 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S4:EP1 She's Not There
Jessica is dancing at Fangtasia to this song.
Arlene tells Sookie about her baby at Merlotte's.
Song heard outside the lesbian bar.
Tara gets in a fight at the lesbian bar.
Tara and Naomi become intimate.
Maxine walks into Merlotte's.
Final song, end credits.
S4:EP2 You Smell Like Dinner
Jessica approaches her prey in slow motion.
Pam walks out of Fangtasia.
Protestors outside Fangtasia.
Flashback scene at the underground club with Bill and Marcus.
Sookie is working at Merlotte's.
Final song, end credits.
Sam carries alcohol through Merlotte's.
First song during the flashback to the punk rock club.
Lafayette and Jesus are talking in the kitchen.
Tara calls Jenny.
Jessica drives to Fangtasia.
S4:EP3 If You Love Me Why Am I Dyin'
Pam feeds on Jethro at Fangtasia.
Jesus, Lafayette and Tara discuss Eric over some beers.
Tara walks into Merlotte's and talks to Sookie.
Sookie pays Alcide a visit.
Sam's unloading boxes at Merlotte's.
Sam and Tara are at Merlotte's.
Final song, end credits.
Song at the restaurant with Bill and Portia.
Song from the Fangtasia basement as Pam speaks with Lafayette.
S4:EP4 I'm Alive and On Fire
Jason is dying as Hoyt and Jessica arrive.
Song at the Bellfleur place with Bill and Portia.
Alcide arrives home to Deb and confesses.
Song from Sam's truck.
Sam meets Luna's daughter, Emma.
Bill meets Portia's grandmother.
Final song during end credits.
S4:EP5 Me and the Devil
Song during the exorcism of the house.
Tara gives Naomi a call on the porch.
Jason informs Hoyt of what occurred at Hot Shot.
Final song during end credits.
Sookie and Holly are talking at Merlotte's.
S4:EP6 I Wish I Was the Moon
Naomi and Tara are eating together at Merlotte's.
Jesus is instructed to bring Don Bartelo a sacrifice.
In the parking lot of Merlotte's.
Sookie's love scene, plays into end credits.
At Merlotte's as Sam runs into Mrs. Fortenberry.
Alcide and Debbie are arguing after joining the pack.
Playing as Sookie is fired.
S4:EP7 Cold Grey Lights of Dawn
Alcide and Debbie lie in bed.
Music in the truck outside Merlotte's as Naomi and Tara talk.
Song as Jason fantasises about Jessica.
Debbie and Alcide are in the woods.
Sam pays Luna a visit.
Sam and Luna are chatting at Merlotte's.
Pam attempts to kill Tara outside of Merlotte's.
S4:EP8 Spellbound
Lafayette is sleeping during the flashback.
Song at the pack party.
Marcus warns Alice and Deb about the witches.
Sam apologises to Luna.
Final song, end credits.
Terry and Arlene are arguing at Merlotte's.
In Jason's truck as he makes out with Jessica.
S4:EP9 Let's Get Out of Here
Song at Marcus' bike shop.
Last song, end credits.
Song during Sookie's dream of Eric and Bill.
Marcus searches for Sam at Merlotte's.
Again during Sookie's dream.
Jason and Jessica have sex in the truck.
S4:EP10 Burning Down the House
Debbie tells Marcus she wants a baby.
They arrive at the emporium.
Music in the background at the bike shop.
S4:EP11 Soul of Fire
Marcus tries to convince Debbie to be leave with him and Emma.
Song heard on the television at Luna's.
Last song, end credits.
S4:EP12 And When I Die
Alcide talks to Sookie at the bar.
Sam introduces the children to Emma.
Last song, end credits.
Pam gets upset at Fangtasia.
Arlene scares Sookie with her halloween costume.
Sex scene with Jessica and Jason.
Jessica is dressed as Red Riding Hood, and walks through the woods to Jason's.
Arlene takes the garbage out at the bar.
Sookie is lighting the lanterns outside Merlotte's.