2023 91 Songs
Bonnie writes in her journal about Damon and Alaric's continual drinking.
Lily drops by the Mystic Grill and is joined by Enzo.
Caroline distracts the Heretics with a house warming gift as Stefan sneaks in the back door and sets up a bomb.
The group negotiates a truce with Lily and evacuates Mystic Falls.
Matt patrols the empty streets of Mystic Falls, as Damon watches over things from the clock tower.
Stefan and Caroline discuss whether giving up their town was the right thing to do, then they kiss.
702 'Never Let Me Go' promo.
Alaric has Bonnie examine the Phoenix Stone, the Bonnie informs him the stone is evil.
Damon calls Bonnie for help on getting into the Salvatore house.
Alaric experiments with destroying the Phoenix Stone with acid.
703 'Age Of Innocence' promo.
Three years in the future, Stefan sets his car on fire, with his journals inside.
Flashback to 1863 as Valerie introduces herself to Stefan.
Flashback to Stefan having sex with Valerie for the first time.
Caroline catches Bonnie sneaking out of their room, the tries to talk her into playing hookie.
Caroline attempts to distract Nora and Mary Louise from killing co-eds by telling them about the Heaven & Hell party
Damon asks Stefan for an update on the Mary Louise and Nora distraction.
Caroline tells Stefan about Nora and Mary Louise's relationship issues while they watch the ladies party.
Nora and Mary Louise slow dance; Stefan promises to asks Valerie to reverse her vervain curse.
Stefan stops Mary Louise from snacking on a girl and shows her a picture of Oscar.
Stefan drugs Mary Louise; Oscar demands for blood and freaks out as Damon is driving them to Lily's place.
Mary Louise says she finds Nora's outrage adorable, then they apologize to each other and slow dance; Stefan assures Caroline he's not thinking about Valerie as they kiss.
Lily and Damon burn the tour bus, then she tells him where to find Elena's body; Damon writes to Elena; Lily checks on Oscar; montage; Bonnie resurrects Jo.
Episode 705 'Live Through This' promo. The composers of this song are Jai Freedom Lewis & Kevin Skaggs.
Bonnie brings Alaric his classes' term papers, then asks to have the Phoenix Stone.
Caroline and Stefan wake up in bed together, then are interrupted by Damon's arrival.
While Stefan drives, Damon and Valerie discuss Julian and how she met Stefan.
Stefan tells Caroline he's still in Mystic Falls and can't meet her for dinner.
Episode 706 'Best Served Cold' promo.
Lily tells Julian and Beau to take their sword fighting outside.
Bonnie calls Alaric to tell him that FauxJo is hanging out at Scull Bar.
Damon breaks his pool cue and walks off whistling.
Alaric joins FauxJo at Scull Bar and she explains the type of amnesia she has.
Julian asks Beau about an item he left in Oscar's car; Julian compliments Enzo on the party food; Bonnie suggests to Enzo that he wants to make Lily jealous.
Mary Louise walks up to Nora, kisses her, then leads her out of the room.
FauxJo remember that her name was Florence and tells Alaric that Jo was a lucky woman to have him; Florence dies.
Stefan tells Damon what happened between Valeria and Julian and why he needs to kill Julian now.
Lily heads into the kitchen to find Julian, Mary Louise and Nora making breakfast.
Lily looks for a poem that Nora used to recite, Enzo recites it for her and they end up kissing.
Mary Louise asks Julian his opinion on the engagement ring she intends to give Nora.
Lily gives Nora a book of poems as an anniversary gift.
Julian and Lily dance and reminisce.
Mary Louise proposes to Nora.
Stefan tells Lily about Caroline's pregnancy, then offers her his forgiveness.
Stefan calls Caroline to apologize for bailing on her and promises to be there for her.
Lily's family says goodbye to her; Julian throws a tantrum as Mary Louise arrives home and is informed of Lily's death.
Lily's funeral; Nora and Valerie say a few words about Lily; Stefan talks Damon into saying goodbye to Lily; Stefan open's Lily's casket and apologizes to her.
Caroline tells Stefan about her charity fundraising, then Stefan complains to her about Damon's frequent bar stops.
Damon asks Stefan what his involvement will be with the twins.
Nora gives Bonnie a donation for the toy drive, then asks if she can help out.
Damon assures Stefan they'll find Julian, then stops for another drink.
Damon calls Bonnie for help tracking Julian.
Nora disparages a man's gift, then Bonnie asks her about her classes.
Mary Louise complains about the service at the bar as Stefan joins her and distracts her while Valerie drugs her.
Caroline visits her mom's grave and tells her about the twins.
Damon experiences visions of his war days; Caroline tries to assure Stefan that Damon will surivive; Nora stabs Stefan.
'Move To Fridays' promo #2.
'Move To Fridays' promo #1.
'Move To Fridays' promo #3.
Fall 1863, Damon tries to change how events unfolded when he and Henry were sent to look for war deserters.
Damon keeps trying to successfully capture the war deserters; Damon rips up Stefan's letter.
Episode 711 'Things We Lost In The Fire' promo.
'Mystic Falls' trailer.
Julian tells Ellis to bring back 'food' for happy hour; Ellis drops the flag for a drag race through Mystic Falls.
Caroline and Stefan have dinner out; Stefan hallucinates that a waiter is Damon and that he's trying to kill Caroline.
Stefan shows Damon around the new Mystic Falls; Damon talks about getting closure with Lily; Stefan stops Damon from attacking Julian; Damon sees a hallucination of Henry.
Caroline comments on how badly the guys are doing in the blindfolded baby diapering game.
As they hurriedly leave, Stefan tells Damon that he needs to ask for help with his hallucinations.
Stefan asks Caroline if he's seen Damon, then tells her he has started hallucinating again.
Nora shows Bonnie a postcard she received with a warning from The Huntress.
Caroline tells Alaric she thinks it's smart he's planning to leave town once the twins are born; Stefan vows to never give up on Damon.
Rufus listens to music in the lab as his boss asks him to go get tacos for Taco Tuesday.
Julian shoots an apple off a vampire's head, then awards him a home and 'meal'; Valerie volunteers to go next.
Julian asks Damon is he has any last words, then Damon asks about the Huntress postcard.
Julian shows Damon the fighting matches he set up for new residents to win residences; Julian suggests Damon head into the ring.
Mary Louise thanks Nora for taking her to find the Huntress, asks if she likes Bonnie, then says she hopes someday Nora will forgive her.
Stefan returns to Julian's bar and stabs him in the hand.
Krystal shows up at the Salvatore mansion and kisses Damon; Enzo resurrects the Huntress.
Episode 713 'This Woman's Work' promo.
Damon rants about Elena and his guilt to Cooper while he drives.
Krystal dances around the mansion and pours drinks for herself and Damon; Damon rushes Krystal out the door when Bonnie drives up.
England, 1903 - Beau sings while leaving a bar with Julian, Mary Louise and Nora, then he's stabbed by Rayna.
Stefan enters Caroline's mind and distracts her with a romantic date.
The twins are delivered by caesarean section; Alaric holds his daughter.
Stefan drives out of Mystic Falls as Damon calls to inform him that Elena isn't dead and promises to fix things with The Huntress; Caroline phones Stefan and he promises to return to her; Alaric introduces Caroline to Josie and Elizabeth; in the future, Caroline takes the twins to New Orleans.
Three years in the future, Caroline arrives in New Orleans with the twins.
Stefan changes the bandage on his chest wound, then heads into a bar, where Klaus offers him a drink.
Stefan tells Klaus he's in New Orleans for some R&R, then after he ignores Damon's call, Stefan states he's avoiding Damon; Klaus asks after Caroline.
Stefan tells Klaus what's been going on in Mystic Falls, then asks why he's not with Caroline; Klaus notices Stefan's Phoenix sword wound.
Stefan turns off Highway 90, then has one of his tires shot out with an arrow.
Alaric tells Caroline she can stay at his place as long as she wants to; Damon sits beside Bonnie's hospital bed and realizes he has to take himself out of the equation so she and Stefan will stop risking their lives to save him.
Episode 715 'I Would For You' promo.
Rayna walks through the woods in New Orleans; Penny acts as bait to lure out a vampire for Matt to kill.
Stefan puts a salve on his Phoenix Sword wound while complaining about Valerie's driving.
Caroline helps prepare bottles for the twins, then is handed dirty diapers by Alaric.
Stefan drops by Dallas, TX to leave Alaric the note that Damon wrote, then watches as Caroline and Alaric hold the twins; Damon caresses Elena's coffin.
Three years ago - Valerie tries to cheer up Stefan with a plan of world travel, as he contemplates how much time he might have left to live.
The Philippines, Two years ago - Stefan and Valerie chase off their companion, then Valerie makes a toast to their one-year anniversary of leaving to travel the world.
The Philippines, Two years ago - Stefan sees Damon's name in his contact list, which he deletes after telling Valerie it's unlikely he'll talk to Damon again; Valerie goes to get another bottle of alcohol and the bartender says he might be able to help them.
The Philippines, Two years ago - Valerie tries to tell Stefan about the bartender's theory, but he distracts her with looking at the constellations; Stefan and Valerie kiss.
Nora reveals she's been marked by Rayna, then Mary Louise casts a spell on the sword; Damon kneels over Stefan's body; Nora joins Mary Louise in casting the spell, then drive off the road and the car bursts into flames; Damon vows to save Stefan.
Episode 717 'I Went To The Woods' promo.
Stefan throws up in the woods, then runs toward a cabin and pries open a window; [0:38] repeats as Stefan is left on the side of the road as it starts snowing; Damon arrives at the police station and offers to help in the search for Marty Hammond.
Damon starts up the jukebox, then phones Alaric to ask how he knew Jo wasn't Jo.
Damon reaches Stefan on the phone and drives towards him, while telling him not to give up; Stefan bitterly gets Damon to confess how selfish he is; Stefan drags himself to his feet and starts walking.
Stefan's body, inhabited by a serial killer, shows up at a fraternity in New Orleans and bars the door.
Episode 718 'One Way Or Another' promo.
Damon wakes up Stefan, fills him in on what happened, then explains his body is in Memphis.
Damon fishes for information about Bonnie, then he apologizes to Alaric for not saying goodbye to him in person.
The Philippines, 2 years ago - a bartender asks Stefan where Valerie is, then offers to help with his letter to Caroline.
At the frat party in Memphis, Ambrose-Stefan feeds on a coed as everyone cheers him on, then Damon breaks down the door, but is unable to enter the building.
Alaric tells Damon that Enzo helped Bonnie out of a problem with the Armory and now they are together.
Valerie tells Stefan she knows he doesn't love her the way she loves him, that she thinks it will be good for her to find a life separate from him and says she wishes him to be happy.
Three years ago - Bonnie packs up the stuff from her dorm room and leaves.
One and a half years ago - Enzo encourages Bonnie to change out of her sweatpants and join him in celebrating New Year's Eve.
Bonnie talks about Virginia's diaries, then tells Enzo she's finally starting to understand him; Enzo asks Bonnie to dance, then shortly thereafter says he needs to leave and kisses her goodbye.
Montage of Stefan, Alaric, Damon, Bonnie and Enzo hunting down the Phoenix Stone vampires.
One year ago - Enzo gives Bonnie some advice on playing the guitar, then they kiss.
Bonnie awakens to find that Enzo has returned, then tells him she's decided not to be sad.
Enzo asks Bonnie to hang on; Caroline makes soup for Bonnie while ranting to Alaric about Stefan, commitment and closure, then questions if Alaric is happy with their life.
Damon phones Stefan and complains he hasn't been checking his messages; Stefan says he might have an idea of what to do about Bonnie.
Bonnie's memories change to high school and she kills a pair of stoner vampires as Enzo appears.
Caroline admits to Stefan that he's right and it's not safe for her to return home; Stefan tells Caroline why he decided to leave her when he was marked, then says he still loves her.
Caroline tearfully talks with the twins over the phone, then fills in Alaric on her and Stefan's plan.
Stefan asks Caroline if she loves Alaric, then she says she can't make a decision about them right now.
Enzo tells Damon he found the shaman that performed the spell on Bonnie and that they will need to sever her link the Everlasting, which is in The Armory.
Matt sees a vision of Penny and begs her to take him with her, but she tells him he has a better life out there and needs to wake up.
Caroline and Stefan kiss; Damon phones Bonnie and is gloating about saving her when he suddenly hears Elena's voice coming from The Armory.
Caroline writes to Elena about finally getting into The Armory and finding it empty; Matt leaves Mystic Falls; Stefan writes about the missing person cases they're tracking; Damon and Enzo string up another victim.
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