Julien Baker Songs
has 4 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Turn Out the Lights

Life Sentence • s1e7 • Our Father The Hero2018
Montage of the Abbott family hugging after Aiden's sentencing; Lizzie and Diego watch their twins on the playground and come to a compromise over Frank.

Manifest • s1e9 • Dead Reckoning2018
Jared asks Michaela to stay with him in the hospital; Ben says goodbye to his kids and moves out.

The Good Doctor • s4e17 • Letting Go2017
Lea returns the hospital to find solace.
Everybody Does

The Vampire Diaries • s7e12 • Postcards From The Edge2009
Mary Louise thanks Nora for taking her to find the Huntress, asks if she likes Bonnie, then says she hopes someday Nora will forgive her.
Funeral Pyre

Midnight, Texas • s1e5 • Unearthed2017
Fiji asks Bobo for some time after finding out about his past; Creek shows up at Manfred's place and tells him she's impressed at how he tried to make things right with his past, then says she wants to spend the night with him.

The Good Doctor • s4e17 • Letting Go2017
Shaun returns home to comfort Lea, who cries for the first time since their loss.