Parquet Courts Songs
has 7 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
One Man No City
The Blacklist • s4e20 • The Debt Collector2013
Mr. Kaplan instructs Harold's team on how she wants Tyler's body dead dropped; montage of the team trying to track the body back to Mr. Kaplan.
These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
The Vampire Diaries • s7e4 • I Carry Your Heart With Me2009
Caroline attempts to distract Nora and Mary Louise from killing co-eds by telling them about the Heaven & Hell party
Borrowed Time
Black and White
Watching Strangers Smile
Steady on My Mind
Wide Awake
The Blacklist • s6e1 • Dr. Hans Koehler2013
Red does Tai Chi in a park.