Lucifer Season 3 Soundtrack
Lucifer Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 They're Back, Aren't They?
An armored guard comes across Lucifer in the middle of the desert; [0:05] continues as the thief runs through the desert in his underwear.
Lucifer hits the horn on the armored truck, as he stops at the police blockade.
Lucifer hits the horn on the armored truck, as he stops at the police blockade.
Lucifer leads Chloe to the desert in an attempt to find evidence of his kidnapping.
Lieutenant Marcus Pierce briefly introduces himself at the precinct.
Lucifer and Chloe question Josh Hamid about Steve Banales' murder.
Remedy offers Amenadiel a massage.
City montage; Lucifer tells a guy that the food truck is closed.
Season 3 TRAILER - Comic Con.
S3:EP2 The One With The Baby Carrot
Lucifer brings a woman back to his apartment, then accidentally reveals his wings when they start getting intimate.
Chloe asks Lucifer to concentrate on their case; city montage; Lucifer and Chloe arrive at the crime scene.
Linda and Amenadiel agree that 'Amen' is not a good nickname; city montage.
Dan confronts Lucifer about heckling him during his comedy routine; Chloe's plan to unmask the killer comes to fruition.
At Lux, Lucifer interviews people as part of his plan to 'get back in the game'.
S3:EP3 Mr. And Mrs. Mazikeen Smith
Maze arrives at a ski resort in Canada, gets snow dumped on her, then acquires a new outfit.
Athena tells Lucifer and Chloe about Ben Rivers' charm; Maze handcuffs Rivers.
Rivers talks M"iaze into pausing to grab a drink, then escapes after cuffing Maze to the bar.
Rivers hears music playing and heads downstairs to find Maze enjoying his stereo; Maze re-cuffs Rivers and they start fighting.
Rivers asks Maze to join him on the run, then they kiss; Linda, Chloe, Trixie and Lucifer welcome Maze back home; flashback to Maze turning down Rivers' invitation.
S3:EP4 What Would Lucifer Do?
Lucifer lounges in bed with Lexy, until they are interrupted by her husband's arrival.
Chloe, Ella and Lucifer investigate the scene of Emily Goddard's death at Firehawk Ranch.
Amenadiel walks into Lux and makes a poor attempt at trying to pick up various women.
Lucifer takes Tyson for a wild ride after Tyson claims he would rather die than go back to jail.
At Lux, Amenadiel tells Dan about his attempts to learn more about Lucifer.
Lucifer confronts Amenadiel over how he's changed, then Amenadiel assures Lucifer he's there for him.
S3:EP5 Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards
At Permance Pudding Plus, security guard Lalo gobbles down pudding as Simon arrives to start a new batch.
Montage of Charlotte waking up, gettnig ready for her day and trying to pep talk herself into having confidence despite not remembering her activities for the last few months.
Lucifer and Chloe end up at sexy, angelic photo shoot for pudding.
Lucifer find Charlotte waiting for him in his apartment, then she walks up and kisses him.
Charlotte asks Lucifer what she was like during her missing time.
S3:EP6 Vegas With Some Radish
Chloe's coworkers sing happy birthday to her at the precinct.
A male stripper pops out of a large birthday cake; Ella claims responsibility for hiring the stripper; Lucifer tells Chloe that he and Ella need to leave.
Flashback to Lucifer meeting Candy as she performs at a club.
Montage of Chloe and Linda making themselves at home in Lucifer's apartment.
Lucifer and Ella gamble at the blackjack table in an attempt to draw Roxie's attention.
Flashback to Lucifer telling Candy about his relationship with Chloe, as they share a bottle of champagne and a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream; Lucifer suggests to Candy that they get married.
Lucifer performs a song at Fletcher's, with Ella in the chorus line, and announces he is the new owner.
Lucifer performs a song at Fletcher's, with Ella in the chorus line, and announces he is the new owner.
Lucifer and Ella head home; Lucifer finds Linda, Dan and Chloe sleeping in his apartment; unbeknownst to Lucifer, Chloe awakens as he talks to her; Lucifer presents Chloe with a birthday present.
Ep 307 'Off The Record' promo.
S3:EP7 Off The Record
Reese Getty takes a bouquet of lowers to his wife and find her with Lucifer; Reese follows Lucifer to Lux, where Lucifer notices him and confronts him; Chloe grabs Lucifer for a case; [0:59] repeats as Reese wakes up in the hospital after being poisoned.
Chloe picks the hard way; city montage; Reese asks Lucifer how he started working with Chloe.
Reese starts investigating Lucifer in earnest in an attempt to find proof he's The Devil.
Reese tears up his office after being giving a warning by his editor, then realizes that Chloe is Lucifer's vulnerability.
Chloe meets Reese at Lux, where he asks what she thinks Lucifer gets out of their partnership; Alvin drugs Lucifer's drink; a woman collapses after consuming the drink meant for Lucifer.
Ep 308 'Chloe Does Lucifer' promo.
S3:EP8 Chloe Does Lucifer
Lucifer returns to his apartment and turns off his stereo system.
Chloe goes to the Top Meet mixer to search for the killer, with Lucifer advising her via an ear piece.
Linda takes Amenadiel out to the beach as she continues to plan her ex-husband's memorial.
Ep 309 'The Sinnerman' promo.
S3:EP9 The Sinnerman
Joey Pileggi bribes a security guard to let him into Lux, then approaches Lucifer for a favor.
Lucifer goes to meet with The Sinnerman.
Chloe and Charlotte visit Frankie Ferrante to ask him and his associates about The Sinnerman.
Lucifer watches Chloe interacting with Dan at the precinct, then sneaks into to speak with The Sinnerman, only to find him with his eyes stabbed out.
Ep 310 'The Sin Bin' promo.
S3:EP10 The Sin Bin
Lucifer and Maze have celebratory shots at Lux, then she expresses doubt about his problems being over; Lucifer helps a woman break open a pinata.
Chloe and Lucifer visit the roller derby where Maggie Cole competes.
Chloe pursues Maggie's rival around the roller derby arena; Lucifer stops the skater with a cup of beer.
The Sinnerman wakes up in Lucifer's custody; Lucifer draws eyes on The Sinnerman's bandages, then suggests a deal.
S3:EP11 City Of Angels?
Flashback to Lucifer first arrive in Los Angeles in 2011.
Montage of Lucifer hanging out with a group of ladies.
Lucfier and Amenadiel go looking for a car to borrow.
Beach montage; Lucifer and Amenadiel end up at a porn shoot.
Lucifer, Amenadiel and Chloe all end up at Rico's fight club.
Lucifer and Amenadiel head for the bar as Chloe goes after a suspect; Lucifer signs Amenadiel up to take Aiden's place in a fight.
Training montage.
Amenadiel says goodbye to Lucifer; Lucifer has Maze cut off his wings.
Ep 312 'All About Her' promo.
S3:EP12 All About Her
Coast scenes; Ella takes crime scenes photos of a body at the beach; Dan talks with some people who live nearby as Chloe arrives at the scene.
Lucifer joins Chloe at the beach and offers to help her get close to Doug Libby.
Chloe and Marcus watch video surveillance of Dan walking on the beach with a surf board.
Dan watches as Wildchild heads into the surf and then follows suit.
Montage of Lucifer taking on Chloe's stack of files.
Montage of Dan attempting to rile up Wildchild and The Orcas.
Lucifer offers Marcus a 'deal with the devil'.
S3:EP13 Til Death Do Us Part
As they head to a wood chipper-related crime scene, Dan reminds Chloe they once considered getting a house in the neighborhood.
City montage; Lucifer goes to Pierce's office.
City scenes; Chloe joins Lucifer at Lux to meet with an ecstasy dealer, then they argue over what the next step in their investigation should be.
A group doing a karaoke song are interrupted as Lucifer taking out the guards.
Lucifer blasts music and parties with bathing suit-clad women in his front yard, in an attempt to tick off the neighborhood watchdog.
Chloe watches via surveillance camera as Lucifer and Pierce set up for a neighborhood barbecue.
Pierce returns to Lucifer's apartment, where Lucifer convinces him to continue with their mission to kill him.
Ep 314 'My Brother's Keeper' promo.
S3:EP14 My Brother's Keeper
Jay visits a diamond seller and gets an ill-timed call from Ella.
Ella drops by Chloe and Maze's place and is greeted by Trixie.
Chloe and Lucifer stop by the jewelry store that Fahrid may have robbed, Chloe introduces Lucifer as her fiance and announces they shopping for a ring.
Pierce joins Amenadiel at Lux, introduces himself, describes the hell he's been living, then accuses Amenadiel of marking him at their father's command.
After clearing out Lux with a gun shot, Pierce and Amenadiel fight it out; Amenadiel pulls out a gun and shoots Pierce, then moments later Pierce revives.
Amenadiel and Pierce continue their fight, then Pierce accuses Amenadiel of them same crime he was marked for.
Lucifer returns to Lux to find it trashed, then Amenadiel admits to him that her was the one that marked Pierce; Lucifer informs Amenadiel he doesn't need his protection, then warns him against continuing to meddle in his life.
S3:EP15 High School Poppycock
Cityscape; Chloe drops by Ella's lab.
Amenadiel and Linda have a candlelight dinner and discuss the problems with going public with their relationship; city cut-scene; Lucifer reads a passage from 'Class Of 3001'.
Trixie has to interrupt Chloe's reading to inform her it's time to leave for school; Chloe and Lucifer arrive at the Westside High Class of 2001 reunion and identify their suspects.
Lucifer and Chloe make a plan to question the suspects.
Lucifer chats with Isabel Deluca; montage of Chloe and Lucifer questioning the various suspects; Isabel hints on Lucifer.
S3:EP16 Infernal Guinea Pig
Lucifer and Cain head off; city montage; Chloe and Dan arrive at Alexa Lee's office.
Maze suggests Lucifer think of where the caveman version of himself would go; Abel almost gets hit by a car walking across, then hits on a group of ladies, before following them into a bar.
Amenadiel tracks down Abel at a pool and warns him that he's being used as a pawn.
Lucifer tells Cain they should follow a woman, which leads them to The Rooftop Bar.
Linda tells Charlotte she's made a very brave start in her therapy; Abel and Cain apologize to each other, then Abel walks off; Lucifer informs Cain he can't help him anymore, because it puts Chloe at risk; Abel gets hit by an ambulance.
S3:EP17 Let Pinhead Sing!
A back-up dancer is hit by a firework at Axara's concert; [0:32] repeats as Lucifer finds Axara practicing her dance routine in his apartment.
Pierce plays a guitar in his office as Ella bursts into his office.
Lucifer thanks Ella for the tip about Benny Parker; Chloe and Lucifer arrive at Benny's place.
City montage; while they grab drinks at a bar, Dan suggests Pierce talk about what's bothering him.
Lucifer walks into his bedroom to find Axara lounging on his bed, then has to fend off her attentions.
Dan brings in Amenadiel to help Pierce, not knowing they are already acquainted.
Axara convinces Lucifer to perform a song with her at Lux.
Axara convinces Lucifer to perform a song with her at Lux.
Axara performs at ther concert; Lucifer watches as Chloe and Pierce head to the concert; Maze breaks the axe that Linda gave her.
Ep 318 'The Last Heartbreak' promo.
S3:EP18 The Last Heartbreak
Flashback tothe 1950s - Pierce and his partner head off to another Broken Hearts Killer crime scene.
Pierce takes another look at the article about the death of the Broken Hearts Killer; city montage.
Flashback to The Adams Bar waitress, Kay, commenting on why Pierce keeps working on his case in the bar.
Pierce returns to his old bar haunt and meets Kay's granddaughter, Maddie.
Pierce asks Maddie if she still has her grandfather's case files, then asks Chloe to meet him at The Adams Bar.
Flashback to Kay and Pierce making a toast to the Broken Heart Killer being captured; Kay accuses Pierce of being scared, then he turns down their suggestion of going on a date; Chloe shows Pierce that all the victims has spouses that called into the Dear Dottie radio show.
Chloe and Pierce continue to eat dinner, as he admits he has had walls up around his heart; Pierce and Chloe pass out from the gas.
After Lucifer leaves her place, Chloe phones Pierce to make plans for dinner; Pierce tells Maddie that Chloe is the key to getting what he's always wanted.
Ep 319 'Orange Is The New Maze' promo.
S3:EP19 Orange Is The New Maze
City montage; Charlotte tells Linda about her encounter with Amenadiel.
Lucifer and Chloe drive out to the victims last place of employment, while he questions her about her relationship with Pierce.
Maze uses Ella's stolen ID badge to access the precinct records room, then uses a hug to knock out a police officer.
Maze tracks down bail bondsman Barry Hill at a bowling alley.
Montage of Chloe and Lucifer interviewing the bounties that Maze captured.
Lucifer plays the piano in his apartment as Maze arrives to talk with him.
Pierce tracks down Maze at a bus station and proposes they work together, so they can both get what they want.
S3:EP20 The Angel Of San Bernardino
Lucifer receives a call from Amenadiel and goes to meet him at his apartment.
City montage; Chloe and Lucifer drive out to the Sunrise Sands rehab center to question Phil Goldstein.
Charlotte tells Dan she's recently had a revelation about her life, while the talk over drinks.
Dan follows Charlotte's suggestion to go into the bar supply closet and strip off his clothes.
Montage of Lucifer doing various activities in an attempt to stay awake, before becoming entranced by an episode of 'Bones'.
City montage; Chloe and Lucifer arrive at the Vido Hotel to speak with Matt Kessman.
Maze reveals to Lucifer how she tricked him; Lucifer rushes to get to Chloe; Pierce arrives at Chloe's place; continues as Pierce stops Chloe from confessing her feelings; Lucifer stops by to see Chloe, then goes after Pierce.
S3:EP21 Anything Pierce Can Do I Can Do Better
Giselle: Act II: Entree du Prince et apparition de Giselle (The Prince Enters, Sees the Spectre of Giselle)
Andrew Mogrelia & Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
Reina practices a ballet routine, then is strangled.
Lucifer greets Chloe as she arrives at the crime scene.
Chloe and Lucifer arrive at the ballet studio to question Amber; [0:49] repeats as Lucifer and Chloe arrive at the theatre and debate Miguel's possible motive; Sterling decides to take his revenge.
Chloe follows Dan's lead and goes to William Sterling's apartment.
Charlotte borrows a biker's motorcycle to follow Pierce.
Chloe arrives as Lucifer puts the finishing touches on a romantic dinner for the two of them.
Lucifer goes to Chloe's place to confess his feelings for her; Chloe finds Pierce at her door; Lucifer watches from outside as Pierce proposes to Lucifer.
S3:EP22 All Hands On Decker
Chaos reigns backstage at a dog show; an assistant goes looking for Ms. Cornelia.
Dan and Lucifer head to the crime scene at the dog show.
Lucifer realizes what he's missing and designates Dan to be 'Lucifer' to his 'Chloe; the pair head into an illegal gambling den.
Dan attempts to channel Lucifer when confronted by a guy in the gambling den.
Maze surprises Chloe with a very sedate (and pink) bachelorette party.
Dan joins a table and bungles his way through questioning Vince; Lucifer leads a SWAT team into the gambling den.
Pierce and Amenadiel discuss his newly vanished mark and becoming mortal.
The women hear music and head outside to find a party bus waiting for them.
Everyone except Maze takes advantage of the party bus; Maze confronts Ella and Charlotte over changing her bachelorette party plans; the bus stops to pick up a group of male water polo players.
Chloe waves her arms out the top of the bus; Charlotte tries to create doubt in Chloe by commenting on her marrying another coworker; Maze throws the guys off the bus; Ella plays referee to Maze and Linda.
S3:EP23 Quintessential Deckerstar
Charlotte dreams of waking up in bed with Dan, heading into the kitchen to have breakfast with her kids, then being attacked by a demon.
Lucifer leaves Linda's office; Chloe arrives at her new crime scene.
Lucifer plays a song in an attempt to get Chloe to reminisce.
After Lucifer joins him at the Lux bar, Amenadiel suggests angels might closer to humans than they thought.
Chloe and Lucifer go to King Clay to question Devon's CEO about a possible affair.
Amenadiel accesses the computer network at Wheeler Law & Associates as Charlotte causes a distraction in the lobby.
Industrial building shot; Maze meets Pierce at his new hideout.
Chloe taps out the song on Lucifer's piano.
Chloe receives a call about Charlotte; Amenadiel tries to reassure Charlotte that she'll be okay; Amenadiel's wings reappear and he carries her soul to Heaven; Chloe, Lucifer and Dan arrive at the scene of Charlotte's death; Dan cradles Charlotte's body as Lucifer finds a feather lying on the ground.
S3:EP24 A Devil Of My Word
Pierce watches as Lucifer leaves the crime scene; Dan goes through Charlotte's belongings.
Chloe questions Steve Chamberlain about who would be likely to frame him.
Lucifer takes on Pierce's guys, then comes face-to-face with Pierce.
Lucifer tells Pierce that he belongs in hell; Chloe sees the truth.
S3:EP25 Boo Normal
Ella cheerfully walks to a crime scene and greets the officers.
Chloe goes undercover at a furry convention, looking for Wesley.
Chloe gets attacked by a woman at the furry convention.
Lucifer and Dan go looking for Beckett at an amusement park; continues as Lucifer informs Dan that Beckett is on a roller coaster.
Dan gets stuck riding a roller coaster.
Maze arrives to help Dan and Lucifer track down Beckett.
Lucifer, Maze and Dan finally catch up to Beckett at Lux; Dan informs Beckett that she's a suspect in Beth's murder, then passes on Beckett's information to Chloe.
Lucifer turns around to find Azrael has disappeared, then he drops by Ella's lab to check on her.
S3:EP26 Once Upon A Time
Lucifer performs a song at Lux. the actual song is My Way by Frank Sinatra
Chloe joins Stryder for celebration drinks; Lucifer invites Charlotte Richards up to his penthouse.
Lucifer goes to the NASCAR track to follow the lead on the murder weapon.
Ella hangs a movie poster signed by Chloe; Maze brands the face of a new follower; Amenadiel goes to Lux, invisible to it's patrons; Lucifer and Chloe share a drink on an overlook of the city.