Jon Howard Songs
has 2 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Can't Stop

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists • s1e6 • Lost and Found2019
While waiting for Taylor to return, Mona finishes a game with Bad Bishop then finds a hidden compartment in the the trailer.

The Royals • s3e8 • In The Same Figure, Like The King That's Dead2015
Jogging & flashbacks.
In The Air Tonight

Lucifer • s3e20 • The Angel Of San Bernardino2016
Maze reveals to Lucifer how she tricked him; Lucifer rushes to get to Chloe; Pierce arrives at Chloe's place; continues as Pierce stops Chloe from confessing her feelings; Lucifer stops by to see Chloe, then goes after Pierce.