Zachary Kibbee Songs
has 15 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
End of Days

Daredevil • s2e1 • Bang2015
Foggy returns from the bathroom just in time to see Matt sink the 8 ball; Matt notices an unusual heartbeat.

Daredevil • s3e3 • No Good Deed2015
Matt approaches Foggy at a bar and warns him about Fisk.

Daredevil • s1e9 • Speak Of The Devil2015
At Josie's Bar, Foggy, Karen and Matt have drinks to mourn Elena's death; Matt suggests that Fisk is connected to Elena's murder; Karen states that she hopes the Man in the Mask gets his hands on Fisk.
Little Clocks

Jessica Jones • s1e5 • AKA The Sandwich Saved Me2015
18 months ago - Jessica meets Trish for drinks and explains why she quit her latest job; Trish is recognized by a 'It's Patsy' fan.
Readin' Your Will

Lucifer • s1e13 • Take Me Back To Hell 2016
Lucifer and Amenadiel interrupt Bryan's funeral to chat with the funeral director, Neil; Lucifer comments on uselessness of funerals, then questions Neil about supplying Malcolm with a new identity.

Finding Carter • s2e14 • Anywhere But Here2014
Carter waitresses at Magic Hour; Jared advises Carter on how to improve her customer service.
All Tied Up
My Own Two Feet

Finding Carter • s2e13 • Native Son2014
Bird pulls Ben onto the dance floor as Carter grabs them some drinks and meets a guy named Jared who rescues her from a flirty guy.
You Won't Believe Me If I Told You

Lucifer • s3e4 • What Would Lucifer Do?2016
Chloe, Ella and Lucifer investigate the scene of Emily Goddard's death at Firehawk Ranch.
I'm Dangerous

Lucifer • s3e5 • Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards2016
Lucifer and Chloe end up at sexy, angelic photo shoot for pudding.
In Too Deep

Siren • s2e16 • New World Order2018
Two Days Later - Helen, Maddie, Ryn and Ben discuss what happened with Ian; Ian talks about mermaids on the news.
Baby Blue (with Diamonds)

Chicago Fire • s4e18 • On the Warpath2012
Mouch and Trudy wedding dance; as they watch Mouch and Trudy dance, Casey brings up marriage to Dawson, she tells him she like the way things are in their relationship currently.

Daredevil • s2e13 • A Cold Day In Hell's Kitchen2015
As they grab drinks at Josie's Bar, Foggy reassures Karen that he's still her friend, then tells Josie he's settling up the firms bar tab.
Burn It Down

All American • s6e4 • Black Out2018
Spencer walks into a pub already inebriated and orders three shots.
Better Days

Good Trouble • s2e12 • Gumboot Becky2019
Montage as Callie calls tenants get people to come to a meeting; Callie texts with Graham.