Jessica Jones Season 1 Soundtrack
Jessica Jones Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 AKA Ladies Night
Opening credits.
Jessica follows a married woman having an affair, then ends up shoving her client through door's window when he doesn't take the news well.
Jessica jumps up onto a fire escape and observes the apartments across the street, before shifting her attention to Luke's Bar.
Jessica heads to Hope Shlottman's friend's apartment and breaks in, only to find the occupants are home.
Jessica stands on the street across from a club and watches as Gregory Spheeris jumps in his Aston Martin and zooms off.
When Gregory Spheeris proves less than cooperative, Jessica lifts the back of his Aston Martin into the air to prevent him from leaving, then hands him a court summons.
Jessica contemplates her fire escape perch, then walks around Luke's bar while looking in the windows; Luke tells Jessica that it's 'Ladies Night' and she finally heads inside.
Luke tells Jessica it's last call, then comments on her alcohol consumption; Jessica reveals she's a PI, then lists off what she's noticed about him.
Jessica sees Reva's photo in Luke's medicine cabinet, gets dressed and leaves; Jessica down the street, before pausing to throw up on the sidewalk.
Jessica walks through Niku and remembers having dinner there with Kilgrave, when the restaurant was called Il Rosso.
On her way out of town, Jessica changes her mind and asks the taxi driver to take her to the hotel; Jessica pulls the fire alarm, then heads for the room where Kilgrave kept her.
Jessica sees Hope pull out a gun just as the elevator doors close, then rushes down the stairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Shlottman dead and Hope still pulling the trigger on the gun; Jessica stumbles out to her taxi, then decides to stay and fight.
'Good Morning' teaser.
Official trailer 2
'It's Time' teaser; Official trailer.
S1:EP2 AKA Crush Syndome
Jessica recalls the bus accident the night that Reva died.
Jessica breaks into a hospital locker and dons nurse's scrubs, then attempts to search the computer records.
City montage; Jessica takes the subway, then starts reciting her city streets after accidentally smashing a window.
Gina warns Jessica that her husband and some of his buddies plan to go after Luke; Jessica arrives just as the fight starts, then assists in knocking out the guys.
Jessica opens the new Alias Investigations window that Trish had made for her, then calls up Trish.
Kilgrave orders the a pair of children in to a closet, then asks their mother what's for dinner; Jessica sees a cochroach crawl out of the drain while she brushes her teeth, then squishes it with her thumb.
End credits.
S1:EP3 AKA It's Called Whiskey
Jessica and Luke grab a bite to eat after their 'workout' session and ask each other about their abilities; Luke and Jessica head back to his place for more sex.
Jessica stops by Luke's bar and asks if he knows any drug dealers, then the two of them end up in bed again.
S1:EP4 AKA 99 Friends
Audrey Eastman turns on a stereo in an abandoned building, then practices shooting a gun at mannequins; Jessica breaks into the building to observe Audrey.
Jessica follows Carlo Eastman and finds him meeting up with Audrey, who confesses that she is acquainted with Gregory Spheeris and wants to kill Jessica for the death of her parents in 'The Incident'.
Jessica stops walking down the sidewalk and contemplates the people around her; Trish and Will sit at her kitchen table chatting.
S1:EP5 AKA The Sandwich Saved Me
18 months ago - Jessica meets Trish for drinks and explains why she quit her latest job; Trish is recognized by a 'It's Patsy' fan.
Jessica follows Malcolm and sees him passing photos to Kilgrave.
Flashback to Trish trying to convince Jessica to wear a costume to hide her identity and use the superhero name 'Jewel'.
Jessica, Trish and Will put into action their plan to kidnap Kilgrave at Malcolm's meeting place; Jessica yells across the street to distract Kilgrave, as Will tranquilizes him.
S1:EP6 AKA You're A Winner!
Kilgrave plays poker with a group of men and threatens one of them when he lights up a cigarette; Kilgrave makes everyone go all in and then fold, then leaves with his winnings.
Antoine rolls joints and sings along to the music on his headphones, as Jessica throws one of his associates into the room.
Luke stares at Charles Wallace while riding the bus he's driving, then walks up to confront him when they get to the last stop.
Jessica stops Luke from continuing to go after Wallace by announcing that she's the one who killed Reva.
S1:EP7 AKA Top Shelf Perverts
Jessica runs back to her apartment and searches for the present Kilgrave said he left her.
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP9 AKA Sin Bin
Kilgrave orders his parents to kill themselves and Trish shoots out the cell window in an attempt to stop him; Kilgrave orders Detective Clemons to get Jessica off him, when his command fails to make her release his arm; Jessica realizes that Kilgrave can no longer command her.
S1:EP10 AKA 1,000 Cuts
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP11 AKA I've Got The Blues
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP12 AKA Take A Bloody Number
Upon leaving a club, Kilgrave complains about his father's lack of progress in increasing his powers.
Kilgrave commands Luke to kill Jessica; the two fight as Kilgrave commentates from the stage and Jessica tries to get Luke to overcome Kilgrave's influence; Jessica ends up shooting Luke to stop him.
S1:EP13 AKA Smile
Claire helps Jessica sneak Luke into the hospital elevator; [0:08] continues as Jessica pursues Kilgrave through the hospital as everyone tries to stop her.
A hooded figure walks into the Hudson Ferry Terminal blasting music on their headphones and continues walking towards Kilgrave as she's surrounded by police officers with their guns drawn.
Jessica and Kilgrave have a final faceoff on the dock; Kilgrave commands Trish to come to him and kiss him, then becomes convinced that Jessica is under his control; Jessica kills Kilgrave.
Jessica starts listening to her phone messages, then throws her phone on her desk; Malcolm answers Jessica's phone when she ignores it.