2023 91 Songs
This is the opening theme.
D'arcy, exasperated, grabs a newspaper from a pile and crumples it.
At the police station, Joseph sips his coffee in the morning and peers out the window to observe the street.
Mike and Liv meet at the bar.
In a restaurant, Asta is going on a date with Deputy Joseph.
Harry informs Asta at the dinner that he neglected to give her a hug.
Joseph and Asta sip wine.
While driving, Harry admits that he used to enjoy working alone.
This is the end credits song.
This is the opening theme.
This is the opening song.
Harry assists the female in scaling the wall.
At the diner, Asta converses with the deputy. Not to do something foolish, he tells her, or else people would perish.
Ben informs his partner he wants to sell the house as soon as he gets home.
At the bar, Mike and Liv converse.
It is played in the background throughout the episode's montage that is displayed toward the conclusion.
This is the opening theme.
When Liv walks into a pub, a woman is karaoke singing this song.
Asta and D'arcy by the fire
D'arcy and Asta are enjoying hot chocolate beside a fire.
This is the opening theme.
The party attendees show up.
Harry writes his crush a message.
At the gathering, a live band performs.
In the last scene, it is playing in the background.
This song starts immediately after the opening.
This is the opening theme.
A young girl and her father are shown dancing to the song on a record.
At a local tavern, the girls run into Harry's girlfriend.
Harry enters the room after donning the mask.
This is the opening theme.
Harry receives a message from Heather letting him know that she is departing the earth via a pigeon.
After Harry split up with Heather, Asta and D'arcy pay him a visit.
D'arcy and Asta are flown to Harry by helicopter as he sits by himself on a snow-covered mountain crest.
Asta is informed by Harry that his true love abandoned and deceived him.
The final scene, walking into the diner and sitting at the counter. During the closing credits.
This is the intro song.
This song can be heard after the intro.
This is the opening song.
The song can be heard when Harry requests drinks upon entering the pub.
At the pub, Asta has a change of heart and refuses to give the lady the data.
Throughout the fight, this song plays in the background.
The song can be heard in the final scene. This is the end credits song.
Song added by mistake. Unable to delete.
33:27-35:27 Kate and D'arcy enter the room of the spaceship where babies are being held.
D'arcy plays this on a boombox to distract the "people" outside the gravel company office.
38:34 - 39:26 Sheriff Mike and Detective Lena have a conversation on the border between their cities.
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