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A Million Little Things Season 4 Soundtrack

2018-163 songs-2.3M views

S4:EP1 family first

    The group have a pizza night at Delilah's for her going away party; Milo shows up to be with Danny; Delilah, Regina and Maggie have drinks together as they reminiscence about their first meeting with Delilah; Katherine days goodbye to Delilah; Eddie and Delilah have a moment; the group do a family photo together.

S4:EP2 not the plan

No songs available for this episode.

S4:EP3 game night

S4:EP4 pinocchio

    Gary and Darcy talk to Liam about their break up; Eddie is truthful with Theo about his medical prognosis and his ability to walk again; Gary begins to cry after finding the hat John gave him when Peter calls him and tells him he knows it was him who attacked him.

S4:EP5 crystal clear

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S4:EP6 six months later

    Two girls watch a video of Eddie's former band the Red Ferns as he drives for MOVN.

    Gary and Benjamin jam out together as they ride together in Gary old car.

    Regina tells Rome the mistake she made with Valerie, they begin to discuss what happened; While packing away things from his past Gary deletes the phone tracker for Sophie from his phone; Jane tells Maggie and Camden that Maggie has an active stalker.

S4:EP7 stay

S4:EP8 the things we keep inside

S4:EP9 any way the wind blows

    After finishing Katherine's tattoo outline and places it on her as a temporary tattoo Greta suggest that Katherine take sometime to consider the tattoo and her new revelation about herself before anything; Katherine informs Greta that she knows that she wants; Katherine and Greta make out as they back their way to Greta office space for a romantic interlude.

    Katherine admits to Greta that she isn't there for a tattoo but discuss with her past together and why rejected her; Katherine admits to Greta that had feelings for her when they were younger; Greta presents to Katherine her tattoo design for her.

    Maggie and Gary arrive upstate in Albany at Justin's mothers house.

    Maggie explains to Gary about her past with Justin, how she became knowledgeable in suicide and how wants to help his mother then attempts to avoid his more probing questions by turning up the radio.

    Katherine arrives Strobe Lights in an attempt talk with Greta about their past but runs into an appointment problem with Meetra until Greta notices her; Greta surprisingly welcomes Katherine cleaning her day to meet with her.

    Maggie and Gary arrive back to Boston but at Maggie's radio station where she plans to make her broadcast before going inside Maggie takes the time to thank Gary for all his help both with the drive and his being her shoulder during her emotional time.

S4:EP10 surprise

    In an attempt to left Rome's mood, Regina to lead him in a sing-a-long which he joins in when Tyrell arrives from this trip and joins in with them.

    Greta calls Katherine to explain her marriage situation to her then asks to properly apologize her when appears outside of the party's room top closets; Anna fronts Eddie about his knowledge of Gary actions against her ex-husband.

    Hell-And Or Roosevelt, Sophie band, performs at Maggie's birthday; Maggie stops Eddie from leaving the party and kisses him the elevator before Camden arrives.

S4:EP11 piece of cake

S4:EP12 little white lies

No songs available for this episode.

S4:EP13 fresh start

    Gary offers to help Danny breakup with Milo in style; Eddie arrives at the music shop with Anna's lunch; (repeats) [0:10] Gary attempts to console Danny about his breakup with Milo only to find Milo and Danny make out in the couch.

    Anna suggest that she and Eddie have alone (naked) time at her house later that night.

    Tyrell begins to wonder about Rome's plans for his documentary screening at his alma mater; Gary voices his fatherly concerns about Danny to Maggie; Maggie speaks to her doctor about possibly getting pregnant.

S4:EP14 school ties

    At their High School reunion, Katherine finds herself left out of good memories talk and reminiscing as Greta and Randy discuss youthful indiscretions and activities.

S4:EP15 fingers crossed

    Eddie and Anna confirm their relationship status by updating to boyfriend/girlfriend titles; Randall offers his support to Shelly by confirming that he believes her about her brother and wish he could helped her during their younger years together; as they lie in bed, Maggie expresses her belief she and Gary should have a child together to Gary.

S4:EP16 lesson learned

    At a music convention, Eddie mans a bare stand for his former band The Red Ferns across from the packed line of Colin Hay of Men At Work when a fan arrives for his autograph.

    Eddie worries about Anna's lack of contact after their run in with Peter the night before and attempts to contact her when Katherine and Theo arrives at the convention.

    Eddie finishes signing autographs when an organizer of the event asks him to attend the event again in a few months time; Eddie receives a call from Maggie asking him about Anna then informs him about Peter.

S4:EP17 60 minutes

    Greta sends Meetra home as they close down the shop just as Katherine arrives to Strobe Lights to walk with her; the both apologize for what caused their current fight then Greta opens up the floor for her and Katherine to discuss her bi-polar disorder.

S4:EP18 slipping

No songs available for this episode.

S4:EP19 out of hiding

    Meetra works at Strobe Lights when Katherine comes into the tattoo shop in search of Greta; Meetra tells Katherine that Greta is away at an animal clinic with a sick cat, Patti LaFur.

S4:EP20 just in case

    Greta returns to work at Strobe Lights for a meeting when Meetra informs her that she has a walk-in; Theo informs Greta that his grandmother, Joo Hee, who wants to speak with her.

    Anna is arrested as Eddie watches; Maddox bonds his father; Gary goes to the hospital; Katherine informs Eddie that she's thinking of asking Greta to move in; Rome finds Gary video recording to his future child; Eddie has dinner with Katherine, Joo Hee, Theo and Greta; Rome shows Regina the video of Eddie; Eddie and Maggie attend a treatment for Eddie; (flashback) Eddie is informed he has a different former of illness; Maggie brings Eddie home.



Gabriel Mann






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