Chris Pureka Songs
has 8 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Damage Control
Come Back Home

Covert Affairs • s2e13 • A Girl Like You2010
Annie asks Eyal what he'll do now; Auggie tells Joan he's pursuing a relationship with Parker; Annie orders a drink.
Wrecking Ball
Swann Song

Brothers And Sisters • s4e6 • Zen & The Art Of Making Mole2006
 Kevin and Scotty talk about the contract.
Time is the Anchor
Back in the Ring

A Million Little Things • s4e9 • any way the wind blows2018
After finishing Katherine's tattoo outline and places it on her as a temporary tattoo Greta suggest that Katherine take sometime to consider the tattoo and her new revelation about herself before anything; Katherine informs Greta that she knows that she wants; Katherine and Greta make out as they back their way to Greta office space for a romantic interlude.