Titans Season 2 Soundtrack
Titans Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Trigon
S2:EP1 Trigon
Jason Todd rides a motorcycle through Wayne Manor.
In their vision, Trigon drops off drugs at Hawk and Dove's apartment; Hawk talks Dove into taking the drugs to dull her pain.
Dick takes the others to the old Titans headquarters in San Fransisco.
S2:EP2 Rose
S2:EP2 Rose
San Francisco, Three Months Later - While getting coffee, Rachel asks Dick what their team will be called
Donna complains about Kory's preference for 70s music.
Gotham City - Bruce Wayne receives a call from Dick asking for advice about Rose.
Dick talking on the phone with Bruce Wayne about Rose Wilson
S2:EP3 Ghosts
S2:EP3 Ghosts
S2:EP4 Episode 4
S2:EP4 Episode 4
5 Years Ago - Montage of Deathstroke taking out various people.
Flashback to Garth's birthday.
One Week Later - Jericho runs into Dick while at a record shop.
End credits.
S2:EP5 Deathstroke
S2:EP5 Deathstroke
Kory tries to phone Rachael while driving to Titan Tower.
Dr. Light heads out to his van and starts rocking out to the stereo.
End credits.
S2:EP6 Conner
S2:EP6 Conner
Conner stops in the middle of the street to look around the city.
Conner and Krypto arrive at the Luthor farm.
End credits.
S2:EP7 Bruce Wayne
S2:EP7 Bruce Wayne
Dick checks on Jason, who's working out with a punching bag.
Dick drops by Benny's bar to ask about Deathstroke and gets a tip about the Scarlet Rose.
Jason remembers the fall as Rose knocks on his door to complain about his choice in music.
Dick arrives at the Scarlet Rose.
A new performance starts as Dick introduces himself to Maddie.
Rose puts on a record and starts dancing around; Jason and Rose kiss.
End credits.
S2:EP8 Jericho
S2:EP8 Jericho
San Franscico, 2014 - Jericho dreams of coming across a crime scene in the street, then seeing three guys in pig masks roasting a human leg; [0:04] continues as Jericho joins the Titans on the beach.
San Franscico, 2014 - Jericho uses his powers on a rude record store customer, then Dick confronts him about it.
San Franscico, 2014 - Wintergreen approaches Jericho at the record store and says that Slade wants to see him and the Titans are lying.
End credits.
S2:EP9 Atonement
S2:EP9 Atonement
The Titans split up and go back to their lives; Dick looks out over the city.
Montage of Garth living at the Titans Tower and reading to Conner.
Hawk and Dawn do a karaoke duet.
Dawn and Hank watch a karaoke performance of a Celine Dion song.
Hank goes to a bar and orders a Diet Coke; Garth leaves a message for Dick while the news reports on Conner's attack; Dick takes down a pair of airport security guards; end credits.
S2:EP10 Fallen
S2:EP10 Fallen
Dick is processed for assault on a federal officer and taken to Kane County Correctional Facility.
Mercy tells the kids they should play more board games rather than always being on their phones.
End credits.
S2:EP11 E.L._.O.
S2:EP11 E.L._.O.
Garth has a vision of Rachel while his brain is being operated on; [0:45] music is used to trigger Garth's transformation into a tiger, causing him to attack a woman he sees as Rachel; end credits.
Kory climbs out of the video game and throws up; Dawn checks how long her drive is to San Francisco.
Dawn changes the radio station, then stops at a dumpster to throw away a box of Hank's stuff.
S2:EP12 Faux-Hawk
S2:EP12 Faux-Hawk
A barista comments on Garth's recent absence.
Classical music activates Garth, causing him to attack another customer, then transform into a tiger; [0:47] repeats as Garth awakens in a van next to a carnival.
Hank takes out a guy in a fight club, then steps always to snort some drugs.
Hank takes on a trio of fighters.
S2:EP13 Nightwing
S2:EP13 Nightwing
Garth drops his snow cone and walks off after being activated.
Garth enjoys a snow cone at the Golden Gate Park Carnival.
Bruce Wayne prepares a cup of tea while informing Mercy Graves he's blocked the signal on her auction.
Aftermath of the Carnival incidence.
The Titans and Bruce Wayne sit down for dinner; Kory tries to thank Bruce for bringing them together in Elko.
Clint Mansell, Kevin Kiner
DC Universe