Castle Rock Season 2 Soundtrack
Castle Rock Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Let the River Run
Annie grabs a bunch of prescriptions from the supply closet at a hospital; montage of Annie and Joy singing along to the radio as they make their way across the country; [0:56] repeats as Annie drives Ace's body to Castle Lake, then the construction site.
Pop tells a pair of officers to pass on a warning to their Sheriff.
As Joy's walking back to her cabin, she sees Ace making Molotov cocktails.
S2:EP3 Ties That Bind
Chance, Joy, Vera and Timothy hike out to Castle Lake to look for Ace's body.
Ace drinks while driving his tow truck and is pulled over by a cop.
S2:EP4 Restore Hope
Nadia stops by Chris' place to talk about Pop's health.
Pop takes a look through the store as Chris arrives.
Performed at Pop's wake as he encourages Timothy to take some beers to his friends; Ace tells Pop he won't make any trouble with Abdi after he's dead; Nadia looks through military files on Lance and his buddy.
Nadia asks Chris if he knew about Pop's service record; Chris tells Ace to leave Nadia out of his dealings.
Nadia confronts Pop about his military service in Somalia and his role in her mother's death.
S2:EP5 The Laughing Place
Flashback to Annie's regretfully reflects on her relationship with her husband, then gets a drink.
Annie heads to the bar and orders a vodka; flashback to young Annie checking the mailbox.
Flashback to Annie watching 'An American Tail', as her father prepares for dinner.
Flashback to Annie changing her mind about drowing her half-sister; Joy searches for Rita Green on social media.
S2:EP6 The Mother
Montage of Rita and Annie together when they were younger, intercut with scenes of Rita walking Annie out to the forest at gunpoint; Joy searches the cabin for Annie.
S2:EP7 The Word
Castle Rock's 400th Anniversary parade.
S2:EP8 Dirty
The citizens of Castle Rock gather and start walking to Marsten House.
S2:EP9 Caveat Emptor
Pop speeds down the abandoned streets of Castle Rock to the hospital; Ace questions Marth Lacy about the man her husband had locked up in Block F of the prison.
Pop struggles to get upstairs, then sits down to talk with Ace via radio.
Pop laughs over the trigger not working; the others make their way across the railway tracks just in time; Ace shoots Pop.
S2:EP10 Clean
Nadia and Abdi plant explosives in the cave; Annie and Chance attempt to retrieve Joy from the group of enraptured citizens.
Annie and Joy stop for ice cream on the way to a Paul Sheldon book signing.