The Americans Season 1 Soundtrack
The Americans Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
The American Theme Song
Song as they dispose of the corpse.
Beginning of episode.
Phillip assaults the pedophile.
First song at the start of the episode, also plays at end.
Song in the mall as Philip is trying on boots.
S1:EP2 The Clock
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP3 Gregory
Phillip decodes the message from Robert.
Elizabeth meets with Gregory in the flat.
Final song, end credits.
S1:EP4 In Control
S1:EP6 Trust Me
S1:EP7 Duty and Honor
S1:EP8 Mutually Assured Destruction
Martha plays this song on the record player.
Phillip and Martha are kissing.
Final song, end of episode.
S1:EP9 Safe House
Beeman's party.
Song plays at the BBQ.
S1:EP10 Only You
Gregory and Elizabeth meet at the bar.
Final song, Gregory is shot.
S1:EP11 Covert War
Elizabeth is undercover at the wheel house.
Elizabeth and Sandra are dancing to this song at the nightclub.
S1:EP12 The Oath
First song as Sanford talks about his new recruitment.
S1:EP13 The Colonel
Last song of the episode, in the laundry room.