2023 91 Songs
Opening scene as Star-Lord is listening to this song on his Walkman while breaking into a building with his crew.
Star-Lord plays this song on his Starship.
Plays on Star-Lord's Walkman he discusses with the group what he's going to do with the CryptoCube
Plays inside the Starship as the crew break inside The Collector's lair in search for Rocket.
Montage of Drax fighting other alien fighters at the Conjunction Arena.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
Star-Lord plays this song as his crew escape from the venom symbiotes.
Final scene.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
Drax plays this song by accident as he tries to contact Star-Lord.
No songs available for this episode.
Briefly plays in Star-Lord's vision as he talks to his mother at the hospital.
The crew beams up to the starship and leaves Nebula to her fate at the arena.
No songs available for this episode.
Plays at the mall where Gamora and Rocket are disguised as SWAT members.
Opening scene as the crew are leaving Earth.
Star-Lord plays this song after they save planet Earth.
Montage of Yondu and four of his Ravagers dressed as the Guardians of the Galacy commiting various crimes.
No songs available for this episode.
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