House M.D. Season 5 Soundtrack
House M.D. Season 5 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S5:EP1 Dying Changes Everything
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP2 Not Cancer
Montage of organ recipients dying.
House is banned from Apple's hospital room; Apple crashes after Lucas changes her IV.
S5:EP3 Adverse Events
Brandon finishes his painting.
S5:EP5 Lucky Thirteen
House discovers that Cuddy plans to adopt.
Thirteen & Spencer get together.
Thirteen visits with Spencer.
S5:EP6 Joy
Cuddy meets with birth mom, Becca.
Sam & her dad joke around; Cuddy says goodbye to Becca's baby.
S5:EP7 The Itch
Nozick goes outside; House stands outside Cuddy's house.
S5:EP8 Emancipation
'Sophia' is reunited with her parents.
S5:EP9 Last Resort
The first hostage trade.
House heads home.
Montage of waiting patients.
S5:EP10 Let Them Eat Cake
Cuddy goes to House's office & sees him with another woman.
S5:EP11 Joy To The World
Wilson complains about House's gift prank.
Cuddy brings Natalie her daughter; Kutner apologizes to an old classmate; Cuddy tells House she plans to adopt Natalie's baby.
Thirteen & Foreman kiss.
S5:EP12 Painless
Jeff is treated for epilepsy.
S5:EP13 Big Baby
House watches Sarah with her student; Cuddy leaves for work.
S5:EP14 The Greater Good
Taub talks with his wife; Foreman & Thirteen in bed; Wilson finally washes Amber's mug.
S5:EP15 Unfaithful
Taub tells Ryan about Father Bresson.
House plays a piece of this in the middle of his serenade.
Rachel's Simchat Bat; Thirteen goes home to Foreman; House plays the piano.
S5:EP16 The Softer Side
Wilson takes House out for a drink.
Wilson finds a hooker leaving House's apartment.
House shaves.
S5:EP17 The Social Contract
Audrey takes Nick home; Wilson tells House about seeing Danny.
S5:EP18 Here Kitty
House head home as Taub returns to the office.
House builds a toy car track.
S5:EP19 Locked In
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP21 Saviors
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP22 House Divided
Wilson & Thirteen do body shots.
Chase goes into anaphylactic shock.
Foreman & Thirteen check out a strip club.
House plays music to test Seth.
S5:EP23 Under My Skin
Ballet rehearsal.
House does for meal.
House's hallucinations return in the form of a singing Amber.
Chase tells Cameron he doesn't have any doubts about them; House & Cuddy kiss.
S5:EP24 Both Sides Now
Scott plays air guitar.
Chase & Cameron's wedding.
Wilson drives House to a rehab clinic; montage.