2014 28 Songs
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
House contemplates the afterlife.
A woman tunes her radio, almost hitting a guy in a wheel chair.
Irene has a seizure after being attacked by two spirits.
Foreman figures out why House didn't fire anyone.
Dr. Terzi tells House she's taking his job offer.
Drag race.
House's ringtone.
Train tunnel.
No songs available for this episode.
Jimmy fights with his bandmates, then collapses in the alley.
Cuddy realizes that House tricked her into allowing him to hire three candidates.
House & Wilson talk about Jimmy Quid's music; repeats as House listens to this in his office & when they induce Jimmy's seizure.
House & Wilson discuss lies versus truth.
Kutner gives House a gift.
House's present & old teams get together; House leaves the hospital.
Cuddy asks House for money for the Nurses' bonuses.
House tells his team that he knows the diagnosis.
Christmas party.
The team discuss the gift exchange.
House goes to church.
House observes Cate's lymph node check.
House tells Cate about her broken toe.
House follows Wilson on his date.
The team fakes an early sunset.
House shows up at Wilson & Amber's lunch date.
Roz & Yonatan's wedding; repeats as Roz collapses.
House gives Wilson his approval on dating Amber.
Chase & House talk while bowling.
House keeps Wilson out drinking.
Jeff sings to prove he doesn't have perfect pitch.
Amber & House's punishment.
Testing & waiting montage.
House realizes he has retrograde amnesia while sitting in a strip club.
Cuddy dances in House's hallucination.
House talks to Amber on the bus while he's in a coma.
House remembers phoning Wilson from Sherry's Bar.
The team says goodbye to Amber.
House remembers Amber meeting him at Sherry's Bar.
Medical montage.
House awakens from his coma; 13 gets the results of her Huntington's test; montage.
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