2023 91 Songs
Serena riding into Grand Central on the train.
Everyone checking their phones getting the gossip girl blast that Serena is back.
Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Kelly Clarkson, Mary J. Blige, Anderson .Paak, Kenan Thompson & Kunal Nayyar
Serena arriving at the Waldorf's apartment before going to visit her brother.
Rufus shows the Rolling Stone article to his children.
Dan runs to the bus
Rufus and Dan hang posters around Brooklyn.
Jenny is trying on a dress.
Blair and Serena meet at The Palace.
Jenny tells Dan, Serena’s whereabouts while sewing
Serena and Chuck talk at the bar
Nate reveals his big secret to Blair. Serena recalls her night with Nate.
Blair and friends on the way to the Kiss on the Lips party in the limousine.
blair and nate on a sushi date / lily goes to see rufus at his gallery
Serena and Dan getting into the cab leaving the Kiss on the Lips party.
Blair and her friends arrive at the Kiss on the Lips party.
at the kiss on the lips party when dan and serena arrive
Inside the Kiss on the Lips party.
Dan is at the brunch.
serena getting ready while talking to her mom
Serena and Dan arrive at the brunch.
Serena meets Dan at The Palace.
End of the episode. Serena is walking around in the streets.
dan and jenni talking at the loft
Brunch scenes.
Preparations for the brunch.
Meeting at Constance Billard's.
The cricket game.
Dan comes home from school frustrated, to Rufus and Jenny
Chuck follows Serena on her way to the Ostroff Center.
Conversation between Rufus and Dan at their apartment.
Serena and Blair steal clothes and takes pictures around NYC.
Carter arrives at Chuck's party.
Blair's dream.
Serena helps Blair at the photoshoot.
Blair gets ready for the photoshoot.
chuck nate carter at a basketball court
Blair wakes up and discovers her mother and Serena talking in the living room.
lost weekend begins
chuck and nate pull up to the bar
Blair and Jenny play truth or dare at a club.
Blair organizes her annual sleepover.
Serena and Dan are playing pool.
blair sees jenni’s text from eric
Bart visits Victrola a second time and changes his mind.
Serena tells Dan no one ever looked at her the way he does.
Dan's dream with Nate and Serena.
Dan and Serena make out in his room before being interrupted by Vanessa.
The song Serena plays at Guitar Hero.
End of the episode.
Song playing at Blair's birthday party when Serena and Vanessa are talking.
Blair steps out of the church and is followed by Chuck.
First flashback of Thanksgiving 2006.
Serena, Nate and Blair are playing around in the bathroom.
End of the episode.
Ball scene. Fight between Carter and Nate.
Gossip Girl's introduction about the cotillon ball.
chuck and blair kissing on her bed; dorota calls up and says nate is here for blair.
Rehearsal for the cotillon ball.
Ball scene. Chuck and Blair dances together and she figures out his plan.
End of the episode. (Lily hangs up the phone after Rufus' call, Dan and Serena leaves the ballroom, Chuck leaves NYC)
Song sang by the choir.
Blair welcomes Roman and her father back. End of the episode.
Blair visits Vanessa at the coffee house.
Dan arrives at the pool party.
Dan arrives at Blair's to study and finds out they're having a party.
End of the episode. (Lily and Bart Bass' engagement party)
Serena is buying a pregnancy test.
Dan tells Serena he loves her. (used twice in the episode)
Serena stops Blair from taking her helicopter.
Jenny brings Nate at Butter.
Dan and Serena are making out and are interrupted by Chuck.
The girls meet Blair at butter after Jenny's birthday party.
Blair's dream.
Nate meets Dan and Vanessa at the coffee house.
First time Serena meets Georgina at a bar.
Serena is at a bar with Georgina.
The song Blair plays in the hallway to get Nelly Yuki.
Georgina spikes Serena's soda. Georgina makes a toast to the new Serena.
Blair walks through the hall way.
Studying for the SAT.
Serena is about to go out when Lily calls her for dinner and reveals Georgina was invited.
Vanessa meets Nate at coffee shop.
The song Lincoln Hawk plays during the show.
Georgina calls Serena several time. Later in the episode, the song plays again when Lily finds the tape in Serena's room.
Lily walks down the aisle.
Chuck's toast and Dan & Serena's last dance.
Guests arrive at the wedding.
Serena calls Dan and goes to his apartment.
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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