Suits Season 3 Soundtrack
Suits Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 The Arrangement
First song as the partners assemble for their meeting.
Harvey negotiates in Brooklyn with Darren Williams for one of his players.
Song as Mike walks out of the elevator and reimagines his nightmare.
Mike and Rachel are in her bed.
Song at end of episode when Harvey renegotiates with Darby.
S3:EP2 I Want You to Want Me
Harvey pulls up to Cameron's house in his green mustang.
Mike goes to Rachels to apologize. She tells him he can have advice or sex.
Last song when Harvey and Mike make up. Louis looks on in disappointment and throws out the cake.
S3:EP3 Unfinished Business
Harvey tells Louis to find a rebound associate.
Katrina sneaks into Harvey's office and leaves a file on his desk.
Mike meets with Ava at the end of the episode. Stephen tries to pick up Donna in his car.
Mike meets with Ava at the end of the episode. Stephen tries to pick up Donna in his car.
End of episode as Mike and Harvey talk about Ava's innocence.
S3:EP4 Conflict of Interest
First song while Harvey is jogging.
Donna and Stephen go to the Macbeth play.
Mike and Rachael say I love you to each other and kiss in the office.
S3:EP5 Shadow of Doubt
Louis finds Nigel in his mudding facility.
Song when Louis takes Nigel's cat. Harvey visits Jessica in her office.
Harvey tells Stephen that he doesn't work his case anymore.
Final song at end of episode.
S3:EP6 The Other Time
Harvey talks to Jessica on the roof at the end of the episode.
S3:EP7 She's Mine
Song after the opening credits. Mike brings information into Harvey's office.
Louis asks Rachel to be his lawyer for the mock cat trial.
Harvey beats up Steven in the bathroom at the end of the episode.
S3:EP8 Endgame
Mike changes his clothes and walks in to see Mariga.
Last song, Harvey meets Donna at the entrance of the building.
S3:EP9 Bad Faith
Opening song, Rachel and Mike get ready for work.
Harvey and Mike talk about going after Zane at the office.
Rachel tells Mike she got into Stanford.
S3:EP10 Stay
First song at the bar, as Harvey walks in and apologises to Scotty.
Song after the opening credits; Harvey and Mike get out of the elevator.
After the visit Steven in jail; Harvey walks into the office.
End of the episode. Harvey tells Scotty he wants her in her life. Rachel tells Mike she's staying.
S3:EP11 Buried Secrets
Rachel agrees to move in with Mike at the start of the episode.
Mike tells Rachel about the night his parents died.
Mike tells Rachel about the night his parents died.
Sheila starts slapping Louis while they're in bed together.
S3:EP12 Yesterday's Gone
Jessica walks into the courtroom. Mike and Rachel walk out of the elevator together holding hands.
Last song. Mike and Rachel go home early. Jessica plays this in Harvey's office as she talks with him.
S3:EP13 Moot Point
Harvey and Mike in the courtroom with Stemple. They quote movies after winning.
Jessica tells Mike to stay out of the spotlight.
Mike arrives home to find the furniture has arrived.
Final song as Harvey tells Scotty he's telling her as her name partner.
S3:EP14 Heartburn
First song as Louis and Sheila wake up.
Final song of the episode.
S3:EP15 Know When to Fold 'Em
First song as Louis talks to his therapist over the phone.
Harvey walks in to the poker game.
Harvey and Scotty fight in his office about Mike leaving.
Liz finds all Tom's passports and cash under the floorboards.
S3:EP16 No Way Out
First song when Mike gets home and tells Rachel he's not taking the job.
Harvey storms into the US attorneys office searching for Mike.
Jessica asks Donna where she can find Harvey.
Song after they get Mike and Harold out of interrogation. Mike walks back into the office and sees Rachel.
Mike tells Harvey he's leaving at the end of the episode.
USA Network