Flash Forward Season 1 Soundtrack
Flash Forward Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 No More Good Days
Nicole drives up to the Benford house.
Demetri watches a music video while talking to Zoey on the phone.
Olivia arrives home as Mark works on the garage door.
S1:EP2 White To Play
Mark adds the doll photo to his investigation board; Lloyd talk with his son Dylan.
S1:EP3 137 Sekunden
Katie consoles Aaron; Stanford gives a speech at the memorial service; Mark toasts the fallen agents.
Mark tells Olivia about his trip to Germany.
Demetri finds Jerome Murphy dancing in his underwear.
S1:EP4 Black Swan
Ned 'rocks leather pants' in his flash forward.
A bus plunges into a lake during the flash forward.
Lloyd enters the Simcoe Residence.
S1:EP5 Gimme Some Truth
Dimetri joins Vreede for karaoke while Stanford & Mark talk about the hearing.
Janis arrives at the photo exhibit & Maya gives her an alarm clock.
Maya offers to finish cooking breakfast for Janis.
Stanford plays basketball with Dave & they discuss the Senate hearings.
Parking garage shoot out; Janis lies bleeding in the street as the alarm clock Maya gave her goes off.
S1:EP6 Scary Monsters & Super Creeps
Mark chases a group of guys wearing the same type of masks from his flashforward.
Lloyd says goodnight to Dylan; Mark & Olivia sit apart; Demetri contemplates the blue hand; montage.
S1:EP7 The Gift
Raynaud is arrested.
S1:EP8 Playing Cards With Coyote
Celia recieves the letter form Al, then talks to the media; Aaron looks in on his daughter; Demetri looks at the case board; Janis returns to work; montage.
S1:EP9 Believe
Keiko arrives home to a surprise party celebrating her new job.
Nicole helps Bryce with learning Japanese.
Keiko goes to get a tattoo.
Keiko watches a video at work & plays air guitar; repeats as Bryce & Keiko's flight arrives in L.A. and Keiko remembers her flash forward.
S1:EP10 A561984
Mark & Demetri wait for their flight; Nicole gives Bryce a 'lucky cat' figurine.
S1:EP11 Revelation Zero (Part 1 & Part 2)
Nicole turns on the music, then she, her mom & Bryce work on the penny wall.
Simon & Phillip listen to the Blind Willie Johnson album & talk about Phillip's war model.
Mark takes photos of his case board before leaving the office.
When You Wish Upon a Star (Originally Performed by Cliff Edwards (Jiminey Cricket) ) [Vocal Version]
by Cliff Edwards
Olivia sings Dylan to sleep; Mark remembers bits of his flashforward.
Montage of people waking up after the blackout; repeats as Mark leaves the building were Lloyd & Simon are being kept, then he figures out where they are and returns to the building.
S1:EP13 Blowback
Aaron finds Tracy drinking in a bar; repeats as Tracy is attacked in her kitchen.
Aaron takes Mike for a drive & tells him about his time in prison before beating him up & asking about Tracy's whereabouts.
Demetri reassures Zoey; Janis takes prenatal vitamins; Zoey stops by to question Mark.
S1:EP14 Better Angels
Flashback when Boy finds his mother and its all part of 'God's Plan'
S1:EP15 Queen Sacrifice
You Are the Sunshine of My Life - Karaoke Instrumental Version Originally Performed by Stevie Wonder
by Stevie Wonder
Vogel sings as Mark's office is swept for bugs.
Emil's shop is raided by the ICE.
Emil offers Keiko a job as a mechanic & introduces her to his crew.
Keiko offers to help Emil with his car's hydraulics.
S1:EP16 Let No Man Put Asunder
The wedding party realizes that Demetri is missing.
Vreede tells Demetri he can officiate the wedding.
Demetri sings as he gets ready for the wedding.
S1:EP17 The Garden Of Forking Paths
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP18 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP19 Course Correction
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP20 The Negotiation
Janis tells Vogel that she was told to kill Mark.
S1:EP21 Countdown
Mark gets drunk at a bar.
Mark gets into a bar fight.
Mark sits alone in his jail cell; Janis, Demetri & Simon drive to N-LAP; Aaron mourns Tracy's death; montage.
S1:EP22 Future Shock
The second flashforward occurs.