2023 91 Songs
Chuck enters the Buy More.
Big Mike sends Chuck on a job.
Sarah making ice cream.
Everyone getting ready for their date with destiny; Chuck on the run.
Chuck wakes up again.
The new Intersect comes online.
Chuck wakes up.
Casey & Chuck arrive at the Buy More.
Big Mike advises Lester.
'The Montgomery'.
Chuck pursues Sasha.
Morgan gives Chuck a pep talk.
Devon's 'Evening Of Seduction'.
Sarah arrives; repeats as Ellie & Devon come home to the perfect date.
Morgan cuts power to the home theater room.
Chuck tells Sarah they have no future together.
Chuck finds Bryce in Sarah's apartment; repeats as the Fulcrum agent uses Chuck as a bargaining chip.
Sarah in San Diego, 1998.
The reunion starts.
Lester's new sales strategy.
Chuck complains that Sarah never visits the BuyMore as his girlfriend.
Sarah vs Heather in the showers.
Mark tells Chuck he regrets his actions.
Sarah works out while remembering her past.
Lester & Morgan observe Jeff & Chuck talking.
Jeff's Anna video.
Chuck asks Morgan for help.
Sarah & Chuck share a toast & watch Morimoto's satellite burn-up.
Sarah heads into Atari.
Chuck meets Morimoto; repeats as Chuck & Lester play 'Missile Command'.
Jill phones Chuck.
Chuck tells Jill he didn't steal the tests.
Jill & Chuck arrive at the restaurant.
Emmett brings donuts to work.
Flashback to Stanford, 2003; repeats as Jill & Chuck kiss.
Chuck & Jill look for the lock.
Chuck & Jill stop at a gas station.
Jill is identified as a Fulcrum agent.
Sarah & Chuck arrive at Ellie's Thanksgiving dinner.
Jill & Chuck go on a date.
Chuck & Jill in bed.
Casey fights his sensei.
Ellie tells Chuck what she wanted for her wedding.
Sarah & Chuck say goodbye to Jack.
The Nakamichi employees return.
Planning the Lichtenstein con; repeats as the team is double-crossed by Jack.
Sarah tells Chuck she has plans.
The car chase ends.
Bets on the tv car chase.
Al & Mike are reunited.
Chuck invites Sarah to Christmas at the Bartowskis,
Mike & Emmett toast to price gouging; repeats as the employees celebrate the end of the hostage taking.
Ellie & Devon arrive at the BuyMore.
Phoning loved ones.
Devon tells Ellie he canceled his trip; Lester kisses Anna; Sarah lies to Chuck.
Chuck's dream about Sarah.
Chuck & Tyler go clubbing.
The grenade.
Tyler says goodbye.
Morgan tells Chuck about the Tyler Martin event.
Sarah & Casey track Chuck to the club.
Tyler explains his tattoos.
Morgan's Special Triathlon: Round 1 - Molly Ringwold's Underpants Challenge; repeats during Round 2 - The Subway Sprint & Round 3 - The Urinal Cake.
Morgan decides to give the golden ticket to Butterman; repeats as Butterman is given the ticket.
Casey & Sarah look for Achmed at the concert.
Tyler's concert starts.
Ă‚ Chuck heads off to work.
Morgan, Lester & Jeff spy on Big Mike.
Chuck talk with Ellie; Sarah oversees clearing out the house.
Chuck & Sarah move into their house.
1992 - Chuck rescues Morgan from a girl.
Anna introduces Jason to Sarah & Chuck.
The spy van.
The gang wait for Barker to arrive.
Chuck says goodbye to Barker.
Chuck & Morgan announce they're moving in together.
Sarah flirts with Barker.
Chuck and Barker provide support to Sarah and Casey.
End of episode, Chuck talks with Sarah.
Chuck and Sarah wake up in the same bed and talk in the bathroom.
Chuck tells Sarah he still trusts her; General Beckman questions Casey; Chuck covertly reads Orion's information.
Morgan tries to block out the noises in the next room; Big Mike gets a call about the break-in.
'Officer' Alex arrives.
Awesome & Ellie have an early morning chat with Chuck.
Alex 'arrests' Awesome.
The food arrives.
Sarah rethinks leaving; weapons prep; the tracking device is found.
Awesome's bachelor party starts.
Chuck goes to Sarah; Awesome almost discovers Chuck's secret; Sarah takes Chuck to see his dad.
Next Expo 2009.
Chuck goes for his interview at Roark Industries; repeats as Chuck meets Ted Roark.
Lester & Jeff tell Big Mike that they need to go to Next Expo.
Chuck mulls over Orion's info; repeats as Chuck has a revelation about the Intersect.
Roark takes Chuck's father away; Devon tells Ellie that her father left; Steven works on the Intersect.
Chuck visits Jill before she's sent back to jail; repeats as Chuck lets Jill go free.
Infiltrating FULCRUM.
Buy More chaos; repeats during the FULCRUM security breach.
Chuck flashes on 'Uncle' Bernie; repeats as Bernie chases Chuck & Jill through the house.
Chuck & Jill's engagement party.
Sarah tries to cheer up Chuck.
Morgan quits.
Chuck & Sarah wake up in bed together; repeats as Chuck & his dad arrive at Ellie's; Chuck invites Casey to the wedding.
Devon's parents dicuss the wedding delay.
Beach wedding; Roark is killed.
Jeffster performs.
The wedding reception.
Chuck & Sarah dance; Bryce meets with Orion.
Chuck & Casey tells Emmett they quit.
Last discussion between Chuck and Bryce
Chuck returns Devon's car keys & tells Ellie he quit the Buy More; repeats as Sarah tells Chuck she's leaving tomorrow.
Special Forces to the rescue.
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