2024 59 Songs
At Owen and Amelia's wedding reception, Nathan asks Meredith to dance, then Maggie drags him on to the dance floor; Alex arrives at the hospital with an injured Andrew; Meredith gets a call from Jo about Andrew.
Nathan finds Meredith in the staff lounge and they talk about Maggie; Alex hesitates while walking by a pair of police officers; Meredith goes to Bailey's office and confesses that Alex beat up Nathan.
Alex is arrested for assault; Jo, Richard and Catherine watched as the police walk past with a hand-cuffed Alex; Maggie questions whether Meredith planned on lying to everyone.
Meredith tells Nathan she doesn't have feelings for him, then lies to Maggie about who was at the door; Meredith visits Alex in jail and they discuss taking responsibility for their actions.
Maggie arrive for Owen and Amelia's dinner party; April gets upset when Avery calls from home; Owen tells Meredith to get in the living room to act as a buffer; Meredith warns Riggs that Maggie is going to ask her on a date.
Alex tells Reena that he's no longer on Zach's case because he made a mistake which could affect his transplant; Bailey confronts Meredith about threatening Andrew.
Alex tells Meredith she's wrong to support him; Ben informs Meredith that Bailey wants her for Zach's surgery; Alex convinces Bailey to let him talk with Zach before he goes into surgery, then he joins Reena in the waiting room.
Rafecomes back home after trashing the school hallways with post-its.
Doctors work to revive Georgia; Owen and Arizona update Kara on her injuries; Andrews asks Arizona if she wants him to leave.
Arizona delivers Kara's baby by c-section while she is informed that Georgia is not dead; Kara starts hemorrhaging; Riley tells Meredith about Georgia's resurrection then asks if she ever dreamed about a dead loved one coming back.
Tuck tells Bailey what he'll do as punishment for the fight then apologizes; Riley informs Meredith that Georgie woke up with deficits; Amelia tells Meredith and Maggie they need to act like sisters; Maggie suggests to Meredith that they get some food.
Meredith tracks down Alex in the clinic, then he gets reprimanded by his supervisor; Amelia tells Owen they can't have children because she barely knows him.
Meredith, Alex, Amelia and Maggie meet up for lunch in a clinic room; Amelia tells Alex that pamphlets won't work for an addict, then asks Meredith how much she knew about Derek when they got married.
Jo tries to get Andrew to talk about the assault case; during surgery, Jackson and Ben talk about having guests; Arizona advises April to move out of Jackson's place.
Owen and Amelia decide to not wait to have kids; Meredith tells Nathan she just wants to be colleagues and nothing else, then they are interrupted by Maggie's arrival; Maggie thanks Meredith for talking to Nathan for her; Meredith asks Alex how his meeting went, then they head home.
While he's being put under for surgery, Andy asks Stephanie to tell him a joke; Jackson finds Owen cradling a sleeping Harriet; Alex tries to talk Meredith out of talking to June again.
Maggie compliments Stephanie on her cardio skills, then Andy crashes and they work to revive him; Bailey and Andrew talk during June's liver transplant; Amelia declares Andy brain dead; Maggie tries to cheer up Stephanie, then they notify Meredith they have a liver for Chelsea.
Owen hands Harriet back to Jackson; Amelia overhears Chelsea's sister telling her husband that she's pregnant; Amelia tells Owen she thinks she might be pregnant; Maggie, Alex and Meredith stand in front of their open fridge and discuss Amelia's possible pregnancy; the pregnancy test displays a negative result.
At lunch, Alex, Maggie, Arizon and Amelia gossip about Leah; Andrew joins Jo and Stephanie, then they tell him what happened with Leah, before Leah sits down with them.
Alex reassures Jeremy he'll be a good father; Veronica asks Bailey to thank Alex for her; Amelia informs Robbie's parents that he didn't make it through surgery.
Meredith berates Alex for not calling or coming home early, then Alex says he wants to start a new tradition of 'waffle sundays'.
April and Jackson have an akward conversation about dating; Ben talks glowingly about Minnick, then Bailey asks for reassurance that she's doing the right thing.
When April gets a message from her Tinder date, Jackson encourages her to go; Amelia asks to stay at Meredith's place; Bailey asks Minnick if she'll consider working at the hospital; Webber apologizes to Bailey for resisting change.
Montage of the O.R. being prepared; Meredith, Owen and Stephanie discuss being too tired as they start surgery.
The doctors continue to work on John Doe; Gail plays the violin.
Gail plays the violin as complications arise in John Doe's surgery.
Montage of the doctors working to patch Carl's liver and reattach it; Carl's sugery finally ends.
The group argues over how to treat John Doe.
Meredith drives Maggie and Alex to work as he insists they need to go out for drinks the night before his trial; the trio witness a building collapse across the street.
Richard and Maggie work to save their patient; Richard stands outside the OR after losing his patient; Jo gets in an elevator with Alex.
Richard informs the family of his patient's death; while in surgery, Nathan questions Owen about his first wife.
Alex tells Meredith he plans to take the plea deal, then Meredith argues for him to reconsider.
Jo tells Andrew that she told Alex about her husband; Alex listens to a message from Meredith while waiting to speak with the district attorney; flashback to Meredith leaving a message for Alex while scrubbing in for surgery; Owen reads the note that Amelia left for him; the doctors and residents rally around Richard.
Bailey holds Kristen's hands as she gives birth to her daughter.
Kristen holds her daughter, Ellie; Jo assures Kristen that Ellie will be okay; Bailey asks what will happen to Kirsten; Arizona asks Kristen's mom if she'll abandon Ellie if she does something wrong.
Arizona tells Brian that now is not the right time to tell Mindy he caused the car accident; Brian confesses to Mindy as she's put under.
Owen updates Brian on Mindy and his daughter's conditions; Owen asks Stephanie how Amelia is doing, says to tell her to come home.
Arizona arrives home and tells Andrew her day and missing Alex; Maggie tries to assure Meredith she'll find out what happened to Alex; Meredith finds Alex sleeping in her bed.
Alex apologizes to Andrew for beating him up, then asks why he changed his story with the police.
Jo realizes that Stephanie and Leah have news about Alex; Alex gets a text saying April was given Meredith's job as Chief of Surgery; Owen tries to get Amelia to answer the door; Jo shows up at Alex's door and hugs him.
April starts her first day as interim Chief of General Surgery.
Arizona, Stephanie and Eliza work to control Matty's bleeding.
Catherine tells April they should go out for a celebratory dinner; Ben tells Bailey how he feels torn between the residents and attendings; Arizona sees Eliza breaking down in her car, gives her a hug ans suggests she could have friends if she wanted to; Catherine and April enjoy dinner at Joe's.
Alex, Maggie and Amelia get ready for work as Meredith complains about how bored she is.
Gwen tells Maggie and Riggs how she lost Claire and they though she was dead, then Claire is given a diagnosis of schizophrenia; Owen tries to convince Jo why they should let Ken give Chris his kidney; Alex confirms that Ken is a match for organ donation.
Arizona and Eliza kiss; Maggie and Riggs check on Claire; Claire recognizes her parents.
Meredith talks about fighting a war at home; montage of doctors sleeping alone.
Rodney tells his fiance to leave, as he will only be a reminder of what happened to his father; Owen asks Amelia if she's been working on cases and if she planned to keep avoiding him.
Richard allows Warren to take lead on the surgery; Alex questions Andrew about calling UNOS behind his back as they perform a heart transplant on August; Richard tells Jackson to stop fighting Catherine before it tears them about, then Jackson warns him that Catherine will fight until she wins, no matter the cost.
Nathan tells Meredith he wants a relationship with her; Arizona and Eliza wake up on the staff room couch together, then Richard catches them about to kiss; Amelia watches Owen leave the hospital, then Maggie asks her how things went at work; after Catherine asks him to come home, Richard says he never wanted to come between her and Jackson.
Caroline is taken into the OR; April and Jackson scrub in and are joined by Dr. Corridan; surgery montage; Jackson and April head back to their hotel and kiss.
Caroline says 'Hi' to her mom; Jackson and April return to Seattle and are greeted by Catherine and Harriet; Jackson thanks his mom, then they head home.
Meredith tells Alex what Nathan told her, while they wait for Maggie to find her mom at the airport.
Maggie continues complaining to Meredith and Amelia about her mother having breast surgery; Meredith and Amelia give Maggie conflicting information on how to deal with her mother's decision; Arizona confesses to Bailey that Richard saw her kissing Eliza.
Bailey tells Ben she has 60 years of marriage in her if it includes foot rubs; Meredith and her kids hang out with Maggie's mother; Maggie works late into the night; Owen has problems sleeping alone.
Montage of Maggie pacing the hallway outside her mom's OR and Jackson operating on Diane Pierce.
Meredith tells Nathan to ask her out to dinner; Owen asks Dr. Clatch if there is anything he can do for him, then watches Amelia leave the hospital; Meredith rushes to Maggie's side and is told that Diane is really sick.
Meredith talks about an unfinished note her mother had written; Maggie walks through the chemo ward to joins her mother; Diane is given a scan and told they found a spot and will need more surgery; Meredith apologizes to Nathan for not following up on their dinner plans.
Montage of Diane going through the protocol for the clinical trial, as Bailey explains the possible side effects; Meredith tells Richard the trial is killing Diane faster than the cancer.
The doctors gather at Meredith's house to share in Diane's lasagne; Diane tells Meredith she wants to pay her respects to Ellis.
Maggie begs her mom to keep fighting, then turns down Richard's offer of support; Nathan consoles Maggie; Maggie tells Meredith she's not ready to lose her mom, then Amelia joins them.
Maggie visits her mother's grave; Amelia question why Diane wanted to be buried in Seattle; Meredith asks Maggie is she's ready to go back to work.
Stephanie insists Cross needs a rectal exam; Meredith and Owen discuss Maggie taking the fetal surgery, then they are joined by Amelia and Jackson; Meredith agrees they should check in on Maggie.
Arizona talks through the steps of the fetal surgery on Jenna; Cross is given his diagnosis; Amelia explains to Jackson how Owen knows Jenna and Leo; Maggie starts operating on the teratoma.
Meredith insists Amelia and Maggie join her to 'dance it out'; Owen visits Jenna and Leo; Stephanie sit at Cross' bedside.
Jackson gives Maggie a pile of pictures of Diane going on adventures, then explains why Diane came to him.
Playing on Ingrid's earphones as she asks Nathan why Meredith won't talk to him.
Nathan follows Meredith in to the bathroom, where they have sex.
The plane finall arrives and emergency crews rush to take the patients to the hospital; Meredith and the Captain shake hands; Candace asks Nathan if she should call him.
Meredith practices telling Maggie about her relationship with Nathan, while getting ready and driving to work; Alex advises Meredith to use less details in her explanation.
Richard, Stephanie, April and Andrew operate on Mary to remove her worms.
Veronica is taken in to the OR for a caesarean section; Alex passes Veronica and Jeremy their newborn son.
Arizona and Amelia watch as Alex tells Jeremy about Veronica's death; Catherine tells Richard she was wrong, then he shares the pictures that he took of Mary and the worms; Owen finds Amelia crying in the elevator and consoles her; Meredith tells Maggie she won't stop trying to make things better between them.
Meredith knocks on Amelia's bedroom door at 3:30 am to ask if she wants a tumor picture that Derek drew.
In an elevator, Arizona tells Eliza that she looks for her all over the hospital; Meredith calls Nathan to cancel their dinner, then tucks away her framed post-it vows.
Alex phones his lawyer; Eliza and Arizona have sex; Maggie and April make plans to go out; Meredith tells Corey to let go of Holly, then leaves the hospital hand-in-hand with Nathan.
Meredith asks Nathan to sneak out of the house before her kids wake up; Amelia awakens alone; Owen answers a knock at his door to find two military officers waiting for him.
Alex imagines approaching Paul Stadler at his hotel; montage of the two drinking together; Paul rants about his girlfriend calling, then Alex delivers a 'message' from Jo.
As Paul Stadler is about to be called on stage, Alex imagines introducing himself and threatening him against ever contacting Jo again.
As they drive to the airport, Owen tells Amelia about Megan, then says he doesn't know what he will say to her; Stephanie and Erin reach the roof, only to find the door locked.
Stephanie passes out as doctors continue to work on Erin; Meredith checks on Nathan, then informs him that Megan was found alive; Amelia and Owen arrive at the military hospital; Owen zones in and out as he walks down the hallway.
Stephanie tells Richard she quits; Nathan asks Meredith details about Megan, then hugs her in celebration and drives off; Owen finally sees Megan.
Danny Lux
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