Bandit Heart Songs
has 2 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
The Shannara Chronicles • s2e10 • Blood2016
Eretria tells Lyria that she loves her but they can't be together yet, then returns Lyria's ring and kisses her goodbye.
Grey's Anatomy • s13e3 • I Ain't No Miracle Worker2005
Arizona delivers Kara's baby by c-section while she is informed that Georgia is not dead; Kara starts hemorrhaging; Riley tells Meredith about Georgia's resurrection then asks if she ever dreamed about a dead loved one coming back.
Don't Let Me Go
Reign • s2e18 • Reversal Of Fortune2013
Bash checks in on Francis; Catherine tells Bash that Francis' condition miraculously changed in the middle of the night; Mary tells Conde that she can no longer leave Francis; Mary sits at Francis' bedside; Conde smashes a window.
Pretty Little Liars • s7e9 • The Wrath Of Kahn2010
Spencer apologizes to Marco for the false alarm; Emily asks Paige to come over; Aria gets a text from Ezra saying Nicole wasn't found.