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True Blood Season 1 Soundtrack

2008-555 songs-2.5M views


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S1:EP1 Strange Love

Song as Sookie lies in the sun when Jason arrives.

Sookie storms out of the kitchen to find Bill. They talk.

Sookie talks to Sam at the bar.

Another song at the bar as Sookie talks to Tara.

Song at the restaurant Merlot as Sookie is introduced.

Final song into end credits.

Sookie turns around at the bar, as Bill takes a seat.

Jason arrives at Merlotte's and wants to leave with Dawn.

Sookie tends to Bill after fighting off the Rattrays.

First song as the couple drive the pickup truck.

S1:EP2 The First Taste

Song while Jason is tied up at Dawn's place.

Lafayette is listening to this song on his car radio.

Backyard party, Lafayette and Tara are talking.

Final song during end credits.

Jason and Tara have a beer together.

Song after Sookie drinks vampire blood.

Jason and Bill are arguing over vampire rights.

A customer is rude to Sookie at Merlottes.

Lafayette comforts Sookie while Tara asks Dawn about her and Jason.

Song from Sookie's iPod as her friends get to know Bill.

S1:EP3 Mine

Tara and Sam work out an agreement.

Tara and Sam talk as they restock the bar.

Tara and Sam sit on his porch.

Bill scares the vampires off as they surround Sookie.

Tara flees from her mother's drunken rage.

Final song during end credits.

Sookie sneaks up on Bill as they read and they make out.

Jason dances for the V blood.

Bill goes to Malcolm's nest and warns him Sookie is off limits.

First song as Sookie is surrounded by vampires.

S1:EP4 Escape from Dragon House

Sookie listens in on Dwight. He is thinking about missing Dawn.

Final song during end credits.

Bill and Sookie drive home.

Sookie and Bill are drinking at Fangtasia.

At Merlotte's as Sookie listens in to other peoples thoughts.

Song playing in Bill's car. He tells Sookie that she looks nice.

Sookie is asking Longshadow about Maudette.

S1:EP5 Sparks Fly Out

Lafayette confronts the rednecks about an AIDS burger.

Sam asks Sookie on a date.

Randi Sue celebrates her divorce at Merlotte's with a mating dance.

Bill drives Sookie home and does some throat music.

Song at the diner, Sam and Sookie dance.

Tara finds Jason and Randi Sue having sex out back of Merlotte's.

Song inside Merlotte's as Jason, Hoyt and Renee talk.

S1:EP6 Cold Ground

Jason's ringtone.

Final song during end credits.

Tara is consoling Sookie after he loss.

Sung at Gran's funeral.

Montage as Jason silently cries, and Sookie and Bill make love.

Tara watches on, as she sees the effect Sookie has on Bill.

S1:EP7 Burning House of Love

Three hillbillies enter Merlotte's and Sam & Lafayette keep an eye on them.

Jason and Amy trip out on V and Gaia, Pluto and the physics of V.

Malcolm and the gang of vampires descend onto Merlotte's.

A fight breaks out at Merlotte's.

Song in the trailer and Sam and Tara work out their relationship.

Final song during end credits.

Sam tells Sookie that Bill can't come around the bar anymore.

Lafayette is doing a strip tease when Jason walks in.

Sookie tells Arlene she slept with Bill.

Sookie and Bill are talking in the bath tub.

Song at Fangtasia as Jason tries to get V. The bartender won't serve him any.

S1:EP8 The Fourth Man in the Fire

After Jason and Amy's V trip.

Sam and Tara make up after the fight.

In the trailer, Sam are Tara are talking in bed.

Lafayette leaves Eddie's house as Jason and Amy watch on.

Sookie is taking vitamins when Sam catches her.

Lafayette drains Eddie's blood in exchange for sex.

S1:EP9 Plaisir D'Amour

Sookie gives Bud a tough time regarding his investigation.

Tara finds the envelope of cash.

The girls discuss the upcoming wedding.

Amy and Jason argue in the truck while this song plays.

Bill asks Sam to look after Sookie when he's gone.

Final song when Sookie awakes to find a visitor at the end of her bed. Plays into end credits.

S1:EP10 I Don't Wanna Know

Song at the drug store as Tara confronts Miss Jeanette.

Engagement reception at Merlotte's.

Eddie tells Jason that Amy is a psycho before they head to the party.

Tara and her mama celebrate by going out for crawfish.

Final song during end credits.

S1:EP11 To Love Is to Bury

Amy is convincing Jason to try V for a last time.

Maryann & Tara arrive at Maryann's estate.

Sam and Sookie are driving back from the pie restaurant.

Sookie & Sam go to Big Patty's Pie house to investigate.

Jason and Amy make up.

S1:EP12 You'll Be the Death of Me

Sookie makes iced teas.

Song at Merlotte's as Sookie offers a ride to Jason.

Final song during end credits.

Song plays on the radio at Merlotte's.









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