The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Soundtrack
The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Soundtrack
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S4:EP1 Growing Pains
As Elena faces turning a memory returns, one Damon compelled her to forget. The night he returned the necklace. The first time he tell her that he loves her and she is better with Stefan.
Elena and Stefan sit on the roof of Salvatore House considering their futures as vampires watching the sun rise. He gives her a Daylight Ring. They vow... One day at a time.
S4:EP2 Memorial
At the memorial service for the decreased town council. A new vampire hunter sets a trap. Elena secretly feeds on Matt her first live human.
Damon feeds Elena his blood to help her. Blood sharing is very intimate and emotional. He asks her not to tell Stefan.
The group gather to release lanterns for those they have lost. Each mention those they love. Elena mentions her loses and mourns her own death. Damon refuses to mourn this way. He goes to the cemetery to drink and talk to Alaric...
Stefan and Elena celebrate her first successful animal catch and feed. Stefan focuses on life, positivity and the future.
Jeremy sees tattoos all over the new vampire hunter not visible to anyone else, not even Matt.
S4:EP3 The Rager
Elena greets April at Rebecca's anti-curfew party.
Stefan and Elena have an intense personal moment when she imagines its Damon not Stefan kissing her. Pushing him off she feels pain looks at her arms and is reacting to wearwolf venom placed in all the kegs by the vampire hunter.
This is the first time we meet wesreolf Haley. She is the wolf who assisted Tyler in the Appalachian mountains when he turned 100 times to break the sire bond with Klaus.
Stefan and Elena take time to have fun after ditching Rebecca's party. On a motorcycle Elena stands up feeling free and happy.
As Elena leaves Rebekah’s party, does a keg stand.
To spite Rebecca, as she leaves the party, Elena does a handstand on a keg getting everyone's attention!
S4:EP4 The Five
Playing as Klaus tells Rebecca that The Order of the Five still exists. Elena feels college is not possible now.
Damon and Elena dancing at the party, feeding on fellow dancers.
Damon walks Elena to her door where Stefan meets them. Elena is wrestling with all the changes and feelings that come with being a vampire.
S4:EP5 The Killer
Damon vows to help Stefan find more Order members to cure Elena.
The vampire hunter holds hostages in the Grill while the first of Klaus' hybrids tries to break in.
Elena is burying the vampire hunter.
S4:EP6 We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
Caroline comes clean with Klaus at The Grill about her true intentions after Elena escapes.
Damon tells Elena the truth about Stefan and a cure. Caroline tells Tyler she agreed to go on a date with Klaus. Tyler feels he betrayed his fellow pack member.
Stefan and Elena sit on the Gilbert porch. Stefan explains his understands that she wants Damon. Elena knows her innocence is gone and a darker version of herself is growing.
At The Grill, Caroline destrcts Klaus while Tyler, Stefan and an usired hybrid try to free Elena.
S4:EP7 My Brother's Keeper
Caroline makes a scene at the pagent as she tells Elena exactly what she thinks of Damon and her split with Stefan
Caroline and Klaus meet on their first date at the Miss Mystic Falls pageant.
Caroline and Klaus walk along the lake at the pagent lamenting Elena's personaity change as kl makes her laugh. Tyler watches them.
Elena and Damon First time ^^ First Damon comes in and gives elena a beer and then they talk some and elena says that dance that they did today, it kinda reminded me when and then damon says when we danced and elena nods and then Elena Says i wanted to dance with you today, and then... yah dancing and 1st time OH and Caroline figures out that elena is sired to damon and then stefan and caroline are like OMG
S4:EP8 We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
Girls night at the Salvatore house. Bonnie, Caroline and Elena dance, drink and enjoy friendship.
Damon and elena make out in the morning, and caroline and stefan talk about how caroline needs to tell elena, but instead tells damon later that day about elena being sired to Damon
Damon returns from NOLA. Elena admits Caroline told about the sire bond. She believes only her human feelings are heightened not a result of the bond. Damon tells her that is not true. Elena touches his face asking him not to do what he feels he must to free her.
Stef and Damon remember their time in NOLA.
S4:EP9 O Come All Ye Faithful
Klaus talks to Carol Lockwood by the fountain
S4:EP10 After School Special
S4:EP11 Catch Me If You Can
S4:EP12 A View To Kill
Stefan wakes up from bed with Rebecca to find Klaus at the door
Stefan and Rebecca talking in the gym
Stefan and Rebecca dance in the empty school gym
S4:EP13 Into the Wild
No songs available for this episode.
S4:EP14 Down the Rabbit Hole
S4:EP15 Stand By Me
S4:EP16 Bring It On
S4:EP17 Because the Night
Cuando Stefan descubre que no-humanity Elena ha organizado una fiesta en su casa
S4:EP18 American Gothic
S4:EP19 Pictures of You
S4:EP20 The Originals
Very start of ep 20 "The Originals"
entrada de Klaus no bar em new orleans
S4:EP21 She's Come Undone
S4:EP22 The Walking Dead
Elena practising with stefan
Matt and Rebekah are at Mystic Grill talking about graduation. Caroline and Elena are filling out graduation notices outside the Mystic Grill.
Rebekah keeps Matt company at the Mystic Grill during the blackout.
Matt, Rebekah, Caroline, and Elena are at the Mystic Grill. Elena tells Rebekah that they're not friends as she plays darts.
Everyone spends time with the dead.
S4:EP23 Graduation
Elena and Damon get together
When Stefan leaves his hometown letting Elena and Damon live happily and then Stefan n Lexi discuss where should he reside. And then the people from other side disappears
Bonnie and Jeremy hugs and kiss each other and he comes back to life but bonnie does not