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Legends Of Tomorrow Season 7 Soundtrack

2016-222 songs-1.6M views

S7:EP1 The Bullet Blondes

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP2 The Need For Speed

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP3 wvrdr_error_100 not found

    Astra, Spooner and now-human Gideon continue to make their way to New York to find and save the rest of the Legends through hitch-hiking.

    Gideon, Astra and Spooner watch as a overjoyed Martin makes his way around the Waverider to Jax and shows him the "Next Nobel Prize Winner" baby onesie for his grandson, Ronnie.

    On Martin's request to join his sing-a-long Gideon joins in singing until she begins mentally spasm due to a virus.

    Gideon along with Astra and Spooner view a memory of Gideon's where the Legends celebrate All-Holiday where they celebrate all the holidays and their birthdays together.

    Sara songs during karaoke and asks Gideon to join her as the team celebrate their latest victory.

S7:EP4 Speakeasy Does It

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP5 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP6 Deux Ex Latrina

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP7 A Woman's Place is in the War Effort!

    Sara and Ava join several women to watch the recruitment film 'Join the Fight' narrated by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt who calls women to defend the homefront by helping supply the men at war with supplies by joining the McDougle Jemison Factory team.

    Montage as Astra and Gideon after taking over McDougle Jemison Factory make the factory more efficient so that they can continue the factories work while still working on the time machine without alerting Evil Gideon to their place in history; with the help of Gideon and Astra's efficiency the Aeroimpetus Stabilizers parts for the time machine are created allowing Gwyn and Gary begin working to fix the machine completely.

    Montage as the now integrated assembly line of the McDougle Jemison Factory along with the Legends work to finish the plane before the DOD's arrive; as the Legends work with the factory workers, Gwyn and Gary continue working on the time machine as the parts are made; Behrad and Zari continue to teach Nate the Persian tradition of ta'arof for Bishop while making lunches for the workers.

    The factory workers and the Legends have a party to celebrate their finished product; Spooner compliments Astra on her skills as a boss; (repeats) [0:55] Zari comments to Behrad and Nate how Gwyn is a ringer for a bearded Constantine; Behrad has Zari continue with Nate's ta'arof lessons by offering him cake three times.

S7:EP8 Paranoid Android

    (1943 - Seattle, WA) At the McDougle Jemison Factory, the Legends party with factory workers as the android Legends covertly make their way to take them out.

    The android version of the Legends take out Soviet soldiers in order to retrieve General Kalashnik as to restore him and timeline from the anachronism created by the Legends; Zari and Astra monitor the teams actions from the ship; Kalashnik attempts to get away only to be stop by Sara.

S7:EP9 Lowest Common Demoninator

No songs available for this episode.

S7:EP10 The Fixed Point

    Sara returns to the timestream to freeze time to find out who to Time manipulator is.

S7:EP11 Rage Against the Machines

S7:EP12 Too Legit to Quit

    The Legends have a goodbye/retirement party after signing their contracts; Spooner finds Astra gone from the party and goes to check-in on her.

    Gary surprises Gideon with a romantic dinner date and gets a surprise of his own.

S7:EP13 Knocked Down, Knocked Up

    Montage of the Fixer (Mike) of the 1916 Wales Fixed point as he enjoys his time before needs to return to the timeline to fix any anomalies created by Time-bandits and raider.






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