The Magicians Season 2 Soundtrack
The Magicians Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Knight Of Crowns
Quentin runs thrugh the forest calling for help and comes across a 'gingerbread' house.
Eliot, Margo, Quentin, Alice and Penny cross the Rainbow bridge and arrive at the beach where they spot the Knight Of Crowns.
'Season 2: What All The Critics Are Talking About' trailer.
Season 2, Trailer #3.
'More Magic, More Problems' promo.
S2:EP2 Hotel Spa Potions
Martin sings to annoy Julia, as she attempts to design a new summoning sigil; continues as Martin teleports to a downtown city street; [0:17] repeats as Marina tells Julia she doesn't want to get involved with her plan to get Reynard; [0:31] Julia warns Martin what will happen if he comes near her.
Margot leads the others to the cabin; Penny spots Josh and goes after him; Quentin and Alice are asked if Fillory is real.
Josh apologizes to the group for ditching them; Margot gives Penny a hangover cure to temporarily help with his hands.
Martin breaks into song after Marina agrees to help Julia.
S2:EP3 Divine Elimination
Martin starts singing after Julia agrees she's ready to trap Reynard; repeats after Martin teleports himself and Julia several blocks away.
S2:EP4 The Flying Forest
Margo and Golem Eliot visit the physical kids' cabin and discover Todd has taken Eliot's place; Margo tells Eliot he can't kill Todd; Julia enters the cabin.
Eliot offers Javier a drink, after warning him off of drinking Todd's concoction.
S2:EP5 Cheat Day
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP6 The Cock Barrens
Quentin goes to Alice's memorial at her parent's house.
S2:EP7 Plan B
Quentin joins Margo and Eliot, is informed of the problems in Fillory, then proposes they rob a bank.
Kady and Quentin return to the cabin with their pilfered fingers; Penny teases Quentin over how he acquired his fingerprint.
Quentin, Kady and Eliot enter the bank and dispose of the bees, as Julia watches via her mirror; continues as Penny levitates around the bank vault and starts gathering gold bars.
Eliot launches a 'wrecking ball' that causes the guards to dance out of the room.
S2:EP8 Word As Bond
Penny returns to the cabin and finds Kady getting drunk, then she goes off on a rant about not wanting his help.
S2:EP9 Lesser Evils
Margo does a spell to make Elliot sing a song from Les Miserables to increase his confidence; Fen and Margo join in the song and are later joined by the rest of the castle as they head to the battlefield.
S2:EP10 The Girl Who Told Time
Quentin and Julia do research to try to figure out where her shade is as a high Todd keeps throwing out random comments.
S2:EP11 The Rattening
The physical kids wander around the cabin as Kady sleeps on the couch.
S2:EP12 Ramifications
Josh gets high and parties with his advisers.
S2:EP13 We Have Brought You Little Cakes
Best Day Of My Life - Manchester String Quartet