2014 28 Songs
Quentin runs thrugh the forest calling for help and comes across a 'gingerbread' house.
Eliot, Margo, Quentin, Alice and Penny cross the Rainbow bridge and arrive at the beach where they spot the Knight Of Crowns.
'Season 2: What All The Critics Are Talking About' trailer.
Season 2, Trailer #3.
'More Magic, More Problems' promo.
Martin sings to annoy Julia, as she attempts to design a new summoning sigil; continues as Martin teleports to a downtown city street; [0:17] repeats as Marina tells Julia she doesn't want to get involved with her plan to get Reynard; [0:31] Julia warns Martin what will happen if he comes near her.
Margot leads the others to the cabin; Penny spots Josh and goes after him; Quentin and Alice are asked if Fillory is real.
Josh apologizes to the group for ditching them; Margot gives Penny a hangover cure to temporarily help with his hands.
Martin breaks into song after Marina agrees to help Julia.
Martin starts singing after Julia agrees she's ready to trap Reynard; repeats after Martin teleports himself and Julia several blocks away.
Margo and Golem Eliot visit the physical kids' cabin and discover Todd has taken Eliot's place; Margo tells Eliot he can't kill Todd; Julia enters the cabin.
Eliot offers Javier a drink, after warning him off of drinking Todd's concoction.
No songs available for this episode.
Quentin goes to Alice's memorial at her parent's house.
Quentin joins Margo and Eliot, is informed of the problems in Fillory, then proposes they rob a bank.
Kady and Quentin return to the cabin with their pilfered fingers; Penny teases Quentin over how he acquired his fingerprint.
Quentin, Kady and Eliot enter the bank and dispose of the bees, as Julia watches via her mirror; continues as Penny levitates around the bank vault and starts gathering gold bars.
Eliot launches a 'wrecking ball' that causes the guards to dance out of the room.
Penny returns to the cabin and finds Kady getting drunk, then she goes off on a rant about not wanting his help.
Margo does a spell to make Elliot sing a song from Les Miserables to increase his confidence; Fen and Margo join in the song and are later joined by the rest of the castle as they head to the battlefield.
Quentin and Julia do research to try to figure out where her shade is as a high Todd keeps throwing out random comments.
The physical kids wander around the cabin as Kady sleeps on the couch.
Josh gets high and parties with his advisers.
Best Day Of My Life - Manchester String Quartet
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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