The Blacklist Season 2 Soundtrack
The Blacklist Season 2 Soundtrack
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S2:EP1 Lord Baltimore
Naomi and her friends are interrupted by the arrival of U.S. Marshals.
The vehicle he is riding in is fired upon as Red is driven out to meet with tinpot dictator, Yaabari; continues as Red burns Yaabari's money.
Liz gets papers annulling her marriage to Tom; Ressler takes pills; Liz is informed that Cooper is back as director; Red receives a package from Berlin.
Liz lies in bed staring at her conspiracy board, then gets ready and leaves to meet with Red.
Marcus plays a song to call up Rowan's other personality; repeats as Liz uses the song to bring Nora forth.
S2:EP2 Monarch Douglas Bank
Red gets Naomi back from Berlin; Ressler takes Kaja's statement; Harold is informed the Bureau is funded through Monarch; Liz apologizes to Ressler and comments on how well he did with Kaja.
Monarch's Warsaw bank is robbed; Red is informed of the robbery.
Red gets Naomi back from Berlin; Ressler takes Kaja's statement; Harold is informed the Bureau is funded through Monarch; Liz apologizes to Ressler and comments on how well he did with Kaja.
S2:EP3 Dr. James Covington
Red asks Bernard Babbitt to connect him with Dr. Covington, then warns B.B. that his drink has been drugged.
S2:EP4 Dr Linus Creel
Duncan Prince texts with Amber, then starts assembling a gun.
Duncan Prince texts with Amber, then starts assembling a gun.
S2:EP5 The Front
A man hangs the stolen art print on a wall and photographs a map visible only under blacklight.
Red informs his surveillance guy that he thinks Liz is hiding something as Liz's double puts on a strip show as a distraction.
this was the song Red had Lizzie listen to when she was asleep in the hospital
S2:EP6 Mobasa Cartel
Harold is handed information on the Mombasa Cartel; Liz examines Rosemary's cabin and finds Ressler's pill bottle; Red chats with his daughter; Liz gives back Ressler's pills as Samar watches them from a distance.
When Mobasa Cartel shoot Samuel
Ressler comes across some campfire with two taxidermied men.
Rosemary pours a bath; continues as an injured Matthew returns to his mother as the FBI rush in.
A record plays as taxidermist Matthew works and he is complimented on his newest work; repeats as Rosemary tries to convince Matthew to listen to a different song during his bath; Ressler wakes up in a cage out in the woods, then is released for Matthew to hunt.
S2:EP7 The Scimitar
Liz & Samar look at Hassan's body; Ressler washes blood off his hands; Liz informs Tom that Volkov supplied a location for Berlin; Red meets with Berlin.
S2:EP8 The Decembrist
Liz tells Red she couldn't kill Tom; Red pays off Tom and warns him to never see Liz again.
S2:EP9 Luther Braxton
Liz is taken to Braxton and told she blew up the servers; Red arms up to go after Liz; Braxton orders the helicopter to be readied; Red rescues Liz.
S2:EP10 Luther Braxton Conclusion
Liz remembers being at a tree lot at Christmas.
Goodson does a media story about the prison breach; Red has a drink while watching the news story; Liz is told that someone else has looked into her memories.
S2:EP11 Ruslan Denisov
Red leaves Denisov with General Kushan in a crate; Liz watches a news update then goes to confront Red about his manipulation of the situation; Aram fills Liz in on what he discovered about the device.
S2:EP12 The Kenyon Family
Harold is informed he's been accepted for the medical trial; Dembe gives Red a phone number that he traced from the safe.
Kenyon and a young girl are about to be married when the church was attacked; repeats as Liz & the others raid the compound.
S2:EP13 The Deer Hunter
Tracy tells her pets that she had to kill the men.
Aleko says he doesn't remember what happened with the harbormaster; Aram calls Dembe with an address; Samar informs Aram that women don't mind if a man goes bald; Red & Dembe search find a crime scene at the address they were given by Aram; Liz watches the officer giving money to a homeless man.
Tracy stops by Mary's house to talk about the FBI visit, then accuses her of being the 'weak link'; Liz & Ressler arrive at Mary's house; Liz chases Tracy through the neighboring yards as Ressler finds Mary's body in her kitchen.
S2:EP14 T Earl King VI
Tom prepares for his next assignment.
Liz mingles at the auction and admires the Van Gogh; Red rescues Liz when she can't answer a question about Princeton.
The FBI invade the auction; Red tells Liz to never risk her life for him again.
S2:EP15 The Major
When the judge ask Elizabeth Keen about all cases that Raymond gave to the Post Office
Liz tells the judge about some Red has given the task force.
Tom pulls up next to a stopped car and shoots the driver.
S2:EP16 Tom Keen
Liz's case is dismissed and she is informed that Tom Keen is not in federal custody; Harold and Connelly discuss the task force and what happened with Liz; Liz is informed the account for Ames' daughter was set up; Red warns Liz that anything she does won't give Ames' daughter back her father; Tom calls to check on Liz.
S2:EP17 The Longevity Initiative
Ressler surprises Liz with a takeout dinner in her office; Red looks through old photos of Liz; Tom burns his passport; Liz arrive home to find Tom waiting for her.
S2:EP18 Vanessa Cruz
Vanessa plays dominatrix while working on her next frame job.
S2:EP19 Leonard Caul
Montage of medicals preparations being done to save Red; The Director is updated on Red's situation; Leonard tracks Red & Liz's escape via traffic cam footage.
Liz calls Tom to warn him the building is surrounded, then she updates Harold; The Director confirms that he wants Red eliminated.
S2:EP20 Quon Zhang
Red tells Dembe of his plan to find Jasper.
Liz cries in her car; Harold watches Tom Connelly being sworn in; Red tries to call Liz; Karakurt is welcomed to the States; Liz goes to Tom for comfort.
S2:EP21 Karakurt
Liz meets Tom at a diner and he suggests they leave town on his boat.
S2:EP22 Tom Connolly
Red tells Liz he never wanted to her to be like him; Ressler watches as Harold is arrested; Tom leaves on his boat; Ressler puts Liz's picture on the 'Wanted' board; Liz & Red head out of town.
Red and Harold discuss the plan to extract Liz; Harold talks Liz through escaping until she runs into Ressler.
Greg Laporta, Dave Porter