2023 91 Songs
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Siya, Ressler, and Spencer meet up at the casino. Spencer joins a poker table and Ressler watches her play. Eventually, she wins.
Misha Keylin, Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra & Takuo Yuasa
Anika arrives at the casino with her two bodyguards after spotting Ressler taking pictures. She confronts him and asks who hired him.
Raymond offers Vesco a copy of the book "Treasure Island" while they are on the jet.
While drinking wine in the study room, Miss Bostwick is attacked by a man who removes the FBI protection.
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Siya expresses her worries to Donald and in the last scene of the episode, Red finds Vesco's dead body.
Intro song. Someone in a gas mask sets fire to a ferry boat.
Red visits a hotel room where a group of women are cleaning and ironing bed sheets.
Donald and Dembe interview evacuated guests to investigate potential threats.
Flynn checks the news on his laptop and rushes to the hospital after a phone call goes unanswered.
Soft music plays as Red visits Phillip at a gentlemen's club.
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No songs available for this episode.
All the hostages gather at a karaoke bar, enjoying drinks and discussing Red.
A young man enters a pub and orders a glass of Burgundy, but the bartender refuses to serve him until he asks for her phone number.
Soft music plays in the background during a date between the two students.
Aissa invites Dembe to return to the cafe after closing time, where they express their love for each other.
Dembe goes back to the bar and requests his usual drink, and the bartender introduces him to his daughter
Dembe helps Aissa pack her belongings and she invites him to dinner, where he can give a gift to Isabella. The episode concludes with the song playing.
In a flashback from 1998 in Brighton, UK, Agent Malik and Sutton are in a car at night. Sutton mentions the Moscow incident and emphasizes that secrets eventually come to light.
Meera walks into a bar and asks the bartender for directions to the nearest tube station. The bartender discreetly presses a button under the counter, opening a door in the back and allowing her entry.
Meera initially intends to warn Nigel about someone entering the building, but she has a change of heart and allows him to be caught and fatally shot.
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No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
Agnes is enjoying the music when Red joins her.
The team is in Paris, France, on a mission. Their objective is to enter the building and apprehend the members of the organization.
Red attends Agnes' ballet performance and captures a photo to share with Cooper.
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Red fakes his death by causing the plane to explode while in mid-air.
No songs available for this episode.
Greg Laporta, Dave Porter
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