2023 91 Songs
Liz and Tom wake up late for her first day of work.
Classical music playing at the hotel.
Red is eating dinner at the hotel as the FBI watch on.
Liz finds all Tom's passports and cash under the floorboards.
Last song as Red asks Liz what she found out about her husband.
Last song as Red asks Liz what she found out about her husband.
First song with Red on the ship.
Song during dinner with Red and Liz. Red escapes when he realizes the FBI are listening.
Song as they enter the charity event.
Last song as Liz takes Tom home from the hospital.
First song in opening scene when man is shot by people on motorcycles.
Song plays when Tom leaves his apartment with a friend and men enter his apartment do bug it.
Song plays after Donald leaves Liz's office. Continues to play as Liz opens the results from the ballistic report in her car.
Song plays in the first scene as a man enters a hotel, showers and puts plastic over his whole room.
Song plays when Redding is in Haiti.
'The Stewmaker' plays this song in the place where he is keeping Liz.
Song plays when Redding goes through 'The Stewmakers' book of victims.
Seth Nelson is dragged off by The Courier.
Ressler goes undercover as The Courier to meet with Dechambou at a club.
Liz reads through the file on Angel Station, then goes to see Red.
In Germany, a man demonstrates a car bomb for a woman.
Raymond talking with Ruddiger
Gina takes a guy to a hotel room, then kills him after getting the confirmation she wanted.
Remix of this song is heard in the elevator fight.
Liz & Red finish their elevator ride; Red heads for Havana and is informed something he wants just became available to purchase.
Zofia Kilanowicz, Antoni Wit & Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Classical piece originally by Henryk Gorecki heard at the end of the episode.
Tom finds Liz in their kitchen trying to choose a new wall color.
Liz joins Tom in the shower as The Apple Man watches on the surveillance feed.
Tom consoles Liz at her father's funeral; Red opens another red envelope and logs onto VICAP; Liz confronts Red about taking the drive from Wolfe.
No songs available for this episode.
Montage of Red questioning people, then killing them.
Red pours ashes into a lake, then kills Newton.
Red tells Liz how The Alchemist changes the DNA of his victim.
Liz & Tom's baby shower.
Jolene chats with Tom about his argument with Liz and a photography exhibit.
Ressler discovers his ex-wife broke up with her boyfriend, then they leave the restaurant together; Tom calls Jolene while throwing out dinner; Liz arrives home to an empty house; Tom enjoys his night out with Jolene at the art gallery.
Ressler discovers his ex-wife broke up with her boyfriend, then they leave the restaurant together; Tom calls Jolene while throwing out dinner; Liz arrives home to an empty house; Tom enjoys his night out with Jolene at the art gallery.
Two of the Alchemist's victims awaken on a plane set up to crash.
Diana turns off music after noticing Red sitting in her living room; continues as Liz stares at the baby stroller and starts crying; Tom spends time with Jolene; Cooper tells Malik he hates work with Red but they wouldn't have solved the case without him; Red apologizes to Mr. Kaplan for the mess.
Red just shot Diane in her ilving room.
Red & Liz arrive at the embassy.
Madeline meets with Red after getting his attention by clearing out his safety deposit box in Istanbul.
Liz tries to call Tom then tells Ressler she thinks Tom is going to leave her; Red finds a note from Madeline in the place where his new painting used to hang; Tom checks in for his conference and runs into Jolene.
Tom & Jolene talk about keeping secrets and their significant others.
Tom & Jolene make out before being interrupted, then she him to her room.
Tom has a drink then heads to Jolene's hotel room; The Judge is taken to her prison cell.
Red throws a snowball in to the river; Ressler & Jonica head out to kill Tanida; Tom & Jolene knock out The Cowboy.
Ressler finds a pregnancy test in Audrey's belongings; ballerinas gossip about patron of their show; Red checks in with The Cowboy; Tom finishes washing off blood as Liz joins him in the shower.
Red enjoys a ballet performance put on solely for his benefit; Ressler receives a package from Red containing Tanida's head; Liz & Tom kiss.
No songs available for this episode.
The Undertaker gathers mushrooms, then ingests them to get high.
Liz puts together a whiteboard about Tom.
Tom asks Liz to renew their vows; Liz digs through Tom's belongings.
Liz adds information to her Tom investigation; Harold asks Red if all he wanted to do was look at The Undertakers client list; Liz tells Red she can't keep pretending to be happy with Tom; Liz and Tom lie to each other about Craig.
Tom says goodbye to Liz; Cooper asks Ressler why Liz was absent from work; Red informs Liz that his people are still following Tom.
Red goes to the restaurant and talk with Alan about his "Enemy"
Liz tells Red she's done with him, then returns home, breaks down in tears and removes her wedding rings; Red drinks alone; Liz goes to Ressler's apartment.
Liz looks at cases files and starts making connections between all the Blacklist files.
The FBI search Liz's house; Liz is questioned about Tom; Tom catches the guy Red sent to spy on him.
One of the club songs.
Liz takes a final look around her house before leaving; Ressler sits beside Cooper's hospital bed; Berlin shaves after his escape from the hospital; Liz informs Red that Tom told her that her father is alive.
Greg Laporta, Dave Porter
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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