2023 91 Songs
Montage of the recruits going through lie detector questioning.
Lydia tells Alex about growing up with an alcoholic mother and why she's at the CIA.
Owen wishes the recruits luck; Lydia brings her father, Owen, a package from Malate; Ryan gets acquainted with his new roommate; Alex arrives at her room to find her roommate in tears; in a year, Alex rushes to the G20 meeting as the Citizens Liberation Front goes to behead the President's wife.
'Worst Crisis Yet' promo.
Season 2, multiple promos.
Season 2 official trailer.
Alex and Ryan have sex in their hideaway before being interrupted by a call warning of Miranda's arrival.
Alex has a drink with Harry, who comments on her time on the run and joining the CIA.
Shelby eavesdrops of Alex conversation with Ryan; Lydia asks Owen about his 22-hour SDR; Dayana ignores her phone; Harry researches Alex and identifies Shelby; Alex returns to the CIA house.
203 'Stescalade' promo.
Ryan and Alex meet with their handlers to report what they've discovered about their fellow recruits; Leigh explains her scheduling system to Harry.
The recruits grabs drinks at a bar and gossip about new recruit Leigh.
The recruits are sent on missions to improve their observation skills; Leigh shows off her skills; Alex remarks on Leon's problems with claustrophobia.
Owen looks at an old article about himself; Alex and Ryan enact their plan to bug Leon; Alex finds a photo left by Leon; Miranda, Shelby and Nimah discover there is already a bug in the recruits' housing; Harry approaches Will at a bar; Raina confronts the terrorists about Ryan and Alex's whereabouts; Alex sends the terrorists a message.
204 'Kubark' promo.
Harry insists Sebastian vacate their bathroom; Dayana is informed that a witness' testimony is considered false; Owen and Lydia have breakfast in silence; Ryan receives a package from the Department of Justice.
Montage of the recruits being put through stress tests.
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted By Louis Clark
Alex fills Ryan in on the plan to get Owen's cellphone data; Lydia warns Keyes about who Owen had been chatting up; the recruits mingle with the higher ups; continues as Leigh brags to Alex on how calm she's staying; Alex asks Owen how she can improve her performance, while trying to download his phone's date.
Keyes and Owen chat about Owen's identity being revealed in the press; Lydia comments on Ryan's distraction; Ryan refuses to continue with Alex's mission; Harry confronts Sebastian over wasting his chance with the CIA; Alex questions Owen on why he dislikes her, while downloading more data.
Lydia realizes the CIA is using her to keep an eye on Owen; Harry and Sebastian act civil towards each other; Lydia lies to Keyes about Owen dropping his search into who burned him; Alex and Ryan discover that Leigh is the one who planted the bug.
Shelby grabs coffee at a diner and runs into Léon.
The recruits search Owen's house and work on corpses to manipulate cause of death.
Harry explains his 'student exchange' status to Ryan and Alex, then demands they come clean about why they're at the CIA.
Leigh video chats with her kids; Owen thanks Léon for his help staging the photo, then looks through his CIA files; Shelby joins Léon at the diner, then asks if he wants to go somewhere else.
Ryan and Alex meet with Shelby and Nimah to discuss what to do with Harry and the possible identity of the mole; Leigh video chats with her son; Harry gives Sebatian sparring tips; Shelby kisses Léon goodbye.
The recruits study a case file to determine whether a drone strike is warranted; Dayana tries to sympathize with Leigh over being separated from her kids; Owen reminds Alex that she needs to give a statement to the media office; Ryan tells Harry to lay off until he's allowed to give him details of his mission.
Nimah, Shelby, Alex and Ryan visit Simon's grave on the anniversary of his death to perform an Unveiling ceremony; Leigh cradles a picture of her kids; Dayana looks at a photo of her family.
The recruits play a game of darts where they have to tell a truth if they miss the bulls eye.
Ryan invites Owen to join in the game of darts, then Alex confronts Ryan about taking her assignment.
The recruits are introduced to various torture techniques, including loud music, sensory deprivation and physical endurance.
The recruits try to break Owen; Harry takes first crack at breaking Owen.
Alex and Shelby meet with Ryan and Nimah; Dayana pours boiling hot water on her hand; Léon gets a text from Shelby; Nimah helps Shelby craft a cover story; Sebastian kisses Harry then leaves; Owen comments on Alex's stance on torture and how the CIA has changed.
Ryan and Nimah discuss his recruitment by the AIC and who else may have been chosen; Harry comments on Sebastian sleeping in Leigh's room; Léon asks Shelby if she's spending Thanksgiving with her family; Harry and Alex talk about the AIC and trust.
Owen tells the recruits they can't leave for Thanksgiving until they've crafted an acceptable cover story; montage of the recruits presenting their cover stories; Owen suggests Lydia stick around for Thanksgiving; Lydia fails Dayana on her cover story multiple times.
Ryan proposes to Alex; Lydia tells Owen why his cover was burned; Alex tells Miranda she's staying at the Farm.
Ryan tells Miranda what happened during the AIC recruitment; Alex is interviewed by Hannah about her undercover assignment; Selby tries to get information from Léon in an intimate setting; Hannah asks Alex about Owen.
Owen sends the recruits on a mission at The Goldleaf to seduce targets and get their numbers; Owen asks Alex about her approach, then walks around and comments on how the recruits are doing; Harry gives Sebastian advice; Dayana tries to reassure Léon over their AIC recruitment.
Alex sabotages Ryan's attempt to get a number, then he promises to let her know if he finds out anything about the AIC if she stops looking into them.
Alex joins Owen at the bar and ends up giving her his drink, then asks him about Lydia; as Alex leads a wobbly Owen out of the bar, she accuses Harry of lying to her.
Alex informs Ryan that he wasn't the only one recruited by the AIC; Sebastian gets a call from his mark and makes plans for dinner; Shelby reassures Nimah that Léon isn't suspicious; Léon watches Nimah leaving Shelby's place; Harry tells Alex that the 'drug' she gave Owen is a radioactive tracker; Shelby puts out a BOLO on Alex and Miranda; Miranda orders Alex to drive and admits she is one of the terrorists.
Harry chats with his MI5 handler, then spots Sebastian having lunch with his mark from their seduction mission; Léon searches Shelby's place while she's in the shower.
The recruits try to figure out how to turn Gabriel; Harry tells Ryan that Alex is attempting to get him kicked out.
The AIC recruits gather and are congratulated by Lydia for becoming members of the 'real' CIA.
Harry meets with Phillip at The Goldleaf, then Sebastian ends up interrupting them and Phillip runs off.
The recruits work on an exfiltration plan to get Marcus Weber out of German custody; Ryan receives his next AIC assignment; Owen shoots down Alex's plan; Léon asks Dayana for a temporary truce, then she proposes a plan.
Harry picks up fake papers for Owen; Sebastian joins Harry and questions him about Phillip.
Sebastian asks Harry why he thinks he's not happy, then Harry asks for Sebastian's opinion on both of them.
Owen contemplates the map marking Lydia's travel; Harry informs Sebastian he's moving into a different room; Dayana reports that Léon is not loyal to the AIC; Owen joins Shelby and Alex at The Goldleaf.
Nimah tells Léon he needs to give her more if he wants an immunity deal; Dayana tells Lydia she wants Léon gone; Alex talks to Owen about the AIC recruits.
Harry advises the others on the best way to pickpocket; the recruits put Harry's lessons to work at The Goldleaf, then hand in their loot.
Léon blocks Shelby's number; Shelby admits to Nimah that she fell for Léon; Sebastian informs Harry that he told Carly the truth.
Ryan texts Alex to ask where she is; Sebastian tries to crack Harry's laptop password; Harry informs Phillip that the FBI doesn't have anything on his father.
The recruits are taught what to do if they are burned; a pair of FBI agents question the recruits about Jeremy Miller; Alex tries to talk to Owen about Jeremy.
At The Goldleaf; Dayana compares her old life to the CIA; Ryan fills in Alex on what Lydia told him about Jeremy, then informs her that Lydia asked him to stay; Harry asks Sebastian if they can clear the air.
Sebastian confronts Harry about his revenge scheme; Harry orders a bunch of shots and talks the recruits into playing a game; Alex receives a call from Shelby telling her that Owen is taking the fall for the phone tap at the NSA; Harry reveals that he's MI6.
2 Weeks Later - Alex gives Ryan back his engagement ring; Ryan questions why Alex stayed after the attack, then she suggests they need some time apart.
214 / March 20th Return promo
Montage of the team being called for a meeting; at The Gold Leaf, Shelby brushes off Alex's concerns about coming face-to-face with Caleb; Shelby introduces Alex to Clay Haas; Clay phones Claire.
The team contemplate who could have benefited from the crash of the cargo plane; Dayana shows Alex the texts she got from Léon; Dayana urges Nimah to share her theory; the team bickers over how to proceed.
Montage of the team getting ready for the party; Alex and Ryan tell Nimah they're glad she's coming along; a helicopter arrives to pick up the team.
The team split up at the party; Alex and Owen meet with Mr. Gregory.
Ryan tries to talk with suspected collaborator Emily, then ends up chatting with Sasha from The Journal; Clay advises Ryan to 'turn off the charm'.
Clay rescues Shelby from an awkward conversation with an offer to dance.
As Shelby and Clay dance, she asks him why he's involved with the taskforce, then he asks her to quit the team; Owen chats up Emily, but she's called away with a text to meet at the GIP office.
Alex meets with Harry at The Gold Leaf and questions him about getting kicked out of the MI-5; Alex suggests to Harry that we check out his theory about profiting from both sides of the trade.
Sasha hunts down Ryan's identity; Dayana and Alex meet with Léon and suggests he needs to get some help; Léon is attacked outside The Gold Leaf.
215 'MOCKINGBIRD' promo.
Clay asks Owen to fill him in on the team members; Ryan asks Alex how Harry took the news that Clay won't allow him on the team; Nimah accuses Dayana of hustling her; Shelby proposes a toast then comments on Alex's relationship with Ryan.
The team starts researching the hackers behind the fake news story; Shelby tells Clay about her boyfriend; Clay reminds Owen of who is leading the team.
Ryan meets with Sasha at The Gold Leaf, where she threatens to reveal the CIA operation at the Gregory party.
The team goes to The Gold Leaf for drinks; Alex tells Ryan she didn't expect him to wait when she asked for more time; Shelby admits to Clay that she made up her boyfriend; Nimah challenges Clay to a game of darts; Owen and Harry arrives and sets up the rules for the darts game; Ryan gets a call from Sasha and sets up a dinner date.
Clay brushes off his financee's questions and gets ready for work; Owen receives a letter saying he can visit Lydia in prison; Shelby welcomes Harry; Ryan comments on Nimah's lack of sleep, then joins her to help with a trace; Owen sees Alex saying goodbye to her friend and her family.
Alex talks to Owen about how her friend knows her, but there is no longer anything connecting them.
Nimah advises Clay on lying to a loved one; montage of the team going over the plan to get Rebecca Sherman.
Clay and Maxine kiss; Owen visits Lydia; Shelby contacts Samar; Sasha puts a stop to her kissing session with Ryan; Nimah packs to go visit Raina; Alex receives a call from Harry saying he's quitting the team, as Sebastian holds Harry at gunpoint.
Shelby, Nimah, Ryan and Clay attempt to change minds on the vote.
Ryan and Sasha have sex; Shelby phones Caleb; Felix apologizes to Clay; Nimah and Raina switch places; Ryan copies Sasha's hard drive; Sebastian watches Alex and Owen leaving The Gold Leaf together.
Alex shoves Owen in a pool and order him to tread water, as part of his endrance training; Clay tries to make connections on his conspiracy board.
Ryan informs 'Nimah' that he planted a bug in Sasha's apartment; Owen and Shelby fill Alex in on their research.
Ryan meets Sasha The Goldleaf, where she reveals that she knew he had bugged her apartment.
At The Goldleaf, Owen and Alex talk about his training, then she confesses that she trusts him; Shelby and Raina agree to make dinner together; Roarke threatens Felix with deportation.
Ryan searches Sasha's apartment as Alex and Owen break into Maxwell Fletcher's house to plant bugs.
Clay, Maxine and the team plan an engagement party.
Caleb sings his own version of the song in honor of Roarke.
Owen and Alex discuss her being his asset; Alex tells Maxwell Fletcher she's joining his side, then hands over all the information that the team had gathered on the collaborators.
Shelby and Ryan hang out having beers and snacks, then she suggests they talk about their feelings.
The team dig for dirt on Roarke; Ryan tells Shelby he's trying to track down Alex; Clay asks Shelby how Caleb is doing.
Roarke signs off on an executive order.
Roarke is interviewed about the sweeping changes he's been making since taking the office of President; Ryan calls Miranda about his current situation; montage of various team members watching Roarke's interview.
Owen and Alex discuss the executive order that Roarke have been pushing through as Will interrupts to ask about their Cleveland operation; Shelby receives a text from Caleb.
Roarke publicly thanks the team, then tells Alex that Alice will no longer be a problem; Shelby tells Clay to take a moment, then he suggests the go grab a burger as Miranda interrupts to bring a news story to the team's attention.
The team interviews potential candidates for the new domestic intelligence agency; Iris questions Alex's allegiances.
Montage of the team blackmailing delegates into voting 'no' at the convention.
The team watch a news story speculating on whether Alex actually died; Clay shows Maxine the bunker; Clay informs Shelby that he and Maxine eloped; Shelby tells Nimah that she misses Alex.
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