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Saving Hope Season 4 Soundtrack

2012-201 songs-950K views

S4:EP1 Sympathy For The Devil

    Charlie suggests that having sex will get rid of Alex's jitters about returning to work; Alex gives her son a kiss before leaving for the hospital.

    Alex watches Patrick let Naomi visit with her daughter; Maggie asks Zach if he wants to talk about Joel's death; Alex returns home and looks in on her son.

S4:EP2 Beasts Of Burden

    Alex comments on how happy Dawn seems, then is informed she is to assist Dr. Clara Levine with a surgery.

    Clara tells Dawn she's quitting; Maggie contemplates her job offer; Charlie talks to his patient about his prosthetic options; Dawn orders a cake for Clara's goodbye party.

S4:EP3 Start Me Up

    Charlie drags Alex away from their son, who has been attempting to walk.

    Shahir asks Patrick about the gap in his work history, then tells him he has a date with Jonathan.

    Zach gives Angelo some money to pay off Joel's debt to him; Maggie and Alex agree to not let their competition affect their friendship; Cassie slaps Patrick.

S4:EP4 Miss You

    Alec watches Kyle hug his son; Dawn tells Lane the real reason she didn't wear the necklace he gave her.

    Elizabeth tells Charlie she's ready to talk; Alex shows Lucas her old family photos, then calls her mom.

S4:EP5 Heart Of Stone

    Alex and Charlie celebrate Luke's first birthday.

    Charlie tells Bryn's father that he can't hurt his daughter anymore; Bryn hangs out with her mom and aunt; Dawn shakily stitches her skirt back together.

S4:EP6 Rock And A Hard Place

    Maggie and Alex talk about their new role as teachers; the interns compare their assignments.

    Charlie suggests that Nick call his mom; Maggie asks Dawn to reconsider the assignments she's given in the future; Dev asks Cassie why she's upset; Charlie joins Alex in bed and they discuss his ghost issues.

S4:EP7 Can't You Hear Me Knocking?

    Charlie finds Alex struggling to get her shirt on and greets her with a kiss; Alex looks in on Dixie and her grandfather; Dana walks by the chemotherapy room.

S4:EP8 Waiting On A Friend

    Jeremy comments on the music playing in Shahir's surgery room; [0:43] repeats as Shahir works on one of the domino transplants.

    Charlie tries to follow Illyana's singing through the hallway; repeats as Charlie runs into Christine in the elevator while following Illyana's humming; Charlie hums along with Illyana before stating her time of death.

    Dev hands off the last organ in the domino transplant; montage of the donors and donees recovering; Cassie finds a present in her locker; Alex takes a final look at her domino transplant diagram.

S4:EP9 Shattered

    Cassie finds the woman with the missing arm in the morgue; Alex joins the surgery on Shelby; Charlie arrive back at he hospital and runs into Maggie's spirit.

S4:EP10 Emotional Rescue

    Shelby touches her newborn daughter before being taken into surgery; parents visit the hospital morgue; Lane is taken in for questioning.

S4:EP11 Shine A Light

S4:EP12 All Down The Line

    Maggie says goodbye to Sydney; Nicola shows her brother-in-law the model of her baby girl; Dev and Cassie make plans to celebrate their anniversary; Alex tries a new food with her son.

S4:EP13 Goodbye Girl

    Alex phones Charlie on her way home to hint that she's 'in the mood'; Charlie's preparations are interrupted by Christine's knock at the door.

    Dana records a video for Molly about the day she was born and advice on love; Alex convinces Charlie to have another brain scan.

S4:EP14 You Can't Always Get What You Want

    Dana packs up her office; the staff get autographs from Davey law; Carla hands the bullet over to a police officer.

S4:EP15 Not Fade Away

    Alex wakes up Charlie and makes an argument for his having surgery immediately.

    Alex and Charlie kiss; Dawn and her friend reminisce; Dana enjoys her 'cottage' with her friends and Molly; Zach hints to Dawn that he has feelings for her; Jeremy confesses to Cassie that he's married; Dana, Molly and the doctors watch the fireworks outside the hospital.

S4:EP16 Torn And Frayed

    Charlie pours Jeremy a drink and makes a toast to his good health, they discuss Charlie's upcoming surgery, then Alex heads to bed.

    Dawn kisses Zach, then they decide to see where their relationship goes.

S4:EP17 Anybody Seen My Baby

    Charlie prepares for his surgery; Shahir talks to Charlie and Alec about the pre-surgery steps.

    While he's being wheeled into surgery, Alex tells Charlie she loves him no matter what happens; Christine is taken off life support as her ex-husband looks on; River gets a notification for a liver transplant; Cassie and Jeremy have sex; Dawn, Maggie and Zach wait with Alex; Charlie is put under for his surgery.

S4:EP18 Let Me Go








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