Saving Hope Season 3 Soundtrack
Saving Hope Season 3 Soundtrack
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S3:EP1 Heaven Can Wait
Dawn indicates to Charlie that Alex's surgery went well; Charlie sees Alex in the hallway; Melanda finds Joel watching over Alex.
Tom sits with Dawn; Maggie breaks up with Gavin; Maggie asks Joel if he wants to get a drink; Alex & Charlie stand over Alex's comatose body and talk about his ability.
Dawn & Maggie work to save Alex; Alex asks Charlie if she's dead; Joel is informed of Alex's stabbing; Alex dreams of another life.
In her dream, Alex drops a dish and cuts her hand; repeats as Alex's car breaks down as she goes to get party supplies with her daughter; Ian helps Alex find party supplies.
S3:EP2 Kiss Me Goodbye
Joel walks out of surgery after his patient dies; Maggie sets up a bed for herself at the hospital; David's mom arrives; Joel sits with Alex; Alex tells Charlie she wants them to have a baby when she wakes up; Joel tells Alex he refuses to lose her, then kisses her; Charlie & Alex kiss; Alex wakes up.
S3:EP3 Awakenings
Alex opens the note from Joel; Dawn & Tom kiss in the elevator; Anna contemplates the engagement ring Marshall offered her; Maggie writes down the hopes & dreams she had for her baby; Joel sees Charlie & Alex talking; Charlie tells Alex about their time together while she was in a coma.
S3:EP4 Stand By Me
A drugged out Gavin wanders the hospital hallways.
The grandkids of Dee & Bo perform a song.
Gavin says goodbye to Maggie and walks out of the hospital; Dawn takes out Alex's stitches; Charlie watches as Dee & Bo are reunited in the afterlife; Charlie tells Alex he wants to marry her, but she responds by saying she no longer loves him.
S3:EP5 Breaking Away
Alex & Joel find the studio group doing karaoke with Reycraft rapping.
Alex digs through a box of mementos, as her new roommate, Maggie, bring her a cup of coffee.
Alex & Joel do a karaoke duet; Charlie & Dawn have sex in the on-call room.
Charlie consoles Dawn, then kisses her; Will sings to his mom, then she joins in; Joel walks Alex to her door.
S3:EP6 Joel 2:31 (aka Apocalypse Now)
Joel shows up at Alex's apartment and they end up kissing.
Zach explains to Alex why a blood moon is worse than a full moon, then assigns her a patient with a fence injury.
Alex cuts open Elisa's teratoma, then the doctors comment on the contents.
Zach & his son 'camp' in his office; Elisa & Roberto snuggle together in her hospital bed; Vida listens to her heartbeat; Charlie apologizes to Dawn then kisses her; Dawn states that she wants to have a baby.
S3:EP7 The Way We Were
Maria wakes up, then her husband, Malcolm, speaks with Shahir; Shahir finds Alex waiting in his hospital room.
S3:EP8 Heartbreak Kid
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP9 The Other Side Of Midnight
Joel asks Alex to consider working in Liberia; Maggie leaves Alex a message regarding a sweater.
Zach brings Dana a coffee and reassures her she is a good doctor; Nora, Tawni & Rachel stay at Nate's bedside; Joel speeds on his way home; Charlie sits by Astrid's bed; Alex takes a pregnancy test.
S3:EP10 Days Of Heaven
Joel puts a cast on Selena's wrist as she questions why he's hanging around the clinic; they kiss.
Robert breaks down over his wife's death; Selena looks at her husband's body; Molly pops a pill before leaving work with her mom; Joel is arrested by the police.
S3:EP11 The Parent Trap
Tammy & Kara thumb wrestle; Zach congratulates Charlie on a successful surgery; Dawn sets up a bed for Giselle in her office; Dana assures Alex she'll be a great mom & agrees to be the baby's godmother; Alex tells Charlie that she's pregnant, then she leaves Joel a message.
S3:EP12 Hearts Of Glass
Alex & Melanda work to revive Leila as Giselle watches.
S3:EP13 Narrow Margin
Sam's dad joins his mom in in his hospital room; Zach climbs back in bed with Melanda; Sou is reunited with her son; Joel tells Charlie that his charges were dropped, but it doesn't change the fact he killed someone; Alex tells Shahir she's having a boy, then he volunteers to stand in as the father during her pregnancy.
S3:EP14 Trading Place
Alex talks to Joel about the speech he's writing for an award his father is receiving.
Alex joins Joel at the Bernard Taylor Award ceremony; Joel asks Alex what was in the envelope his father gave her, then agrees to do the speech.
Joel & Alex talk about parents, then he says he's scared of not being a good enough parent; Iris visits her grandson; Neshama & her wife hold their baby; Joel drops off his father's award & tells him about the street clinic his money is sponsoring; Sydney & Maggie kiss; Charlie talks with Henry's organ donees.
S3:EP15 Remains Of The Day
Mr. Helperin's students finish their play; Elaine tries the take-out food Charlie left for her; Dawn drives Giselle to her home; Alex tells Charlie that she sent for her father's medical records; Charlie asks Alex if he can feel the baby kick; Alex feels a vision of Charlie & a baby.
S3:EP16 A Simple Plan
Zach sets up a 'Northern Lights' show for Mike and his wife; Maggie watches the lights; Brianna tries out the exoskeleton with the help of her father and Joel.
Joel finds Brianna trying to do her physical therapy on her own.
S3:EP17 Fearless
Joel asks Hayden to blink his eyes and wiggle his toes.
Alex watches Mrs. Badali with her daughters, then calls her mom; Joel looks in on Hayden then contemplates the engagement ring he bought; Joel finds Alex crying and decides not to propose.
S3:EP18 All The Pretty Horses
Alex tells Maggie how she first met Joel; Joel stops by to see Alex, then asks Charlie to take care of her & the baby.
Zach returns to the hospital with casualties and Maggie asks him where Joel is; Alex tells Charlie she remembers everything; Zach notifies Charlie & Alex of Joel's death; Charlie starts work on Joel's patient; montage of the staff dealing with Joel's death.