Reacher Season 2 Soundtrack
Reacher Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
Reacher donates his clothing to a thrift store while also making a few purchases there.
While Reacher phones Neagley to inform him that Calvin Franz was murdered, this song is playing in the background.
Reacher meets Neagley at a diner after strolling across Brooklyn.
While Reacher and Neagley wait to speak with his mother, Franz's son watches TV.
This background song is playing as Reacher and Neagley deal cards.
As Reacher and the 110th Unit have a beer together, this song is playing in the background.
Around a campfire, the 110th Unit sings and dances.
Reacher leaves to take a pistol from some drug dealers at a drug distribution center.
This is the end credits song.
S2:EP2 What Happens in Atlantic City
Neagley and O'Donnell discover after Reacher that the man who beat them up for following them is an NYPD officer.
When Reacher and Swan are working together in the flashback, this song is playing in the background.
This song plays on the radio while Reacher, Neighley, O’Donnell and Dixon drive to Atlantic City.
At the pub where Reacher and Neagley search for the woman in Sanchez's framed portrait, this song is playing in the background.
As Reacher, Neigley, O'Donnell, and Dixon converse with Milena, the girl in Sanchez's picture, this song is playing in the background.
Leading the remaining 110th Unit members to their suite is Chief Wright.
After the battle, Reacher and Dixon tend to their wounds before making love.
This is the end credits song.
S2:EP3 Picture Says A Thousand Words
After the remaining soldiers of the 110th Unit receive their new weapons, this song starts on the car radio.
At the gun store where Reacher purchases his weapons, this song is playing in the background.
Reacher and O'Donnell are informed by Dixon and Neagley that the figures on the documents are actually months and days.
This is the end credits song.
S2:EP4 A Night at the Symphony
This is the intro song.
There's another song on in the eatery.
This song was heard while attempting to solve the crime in the restaurant.
In the office, this song is playing.
Reacher is walking down the street toward two guys.
Reacher is dressed elegantly in a suit when he gets at the store.
This song is playing in the car.
This is the end credits song.
S2:EP5 Burial
During the funeral service, this gentle background music is played.
This is the end credits song.
S2:EP6 New York's Finest
Karla and Jack have sex.
This is the end credits song.
S2:EP7 The Man Goes Through
The song can be heard while the previous episodes were recapped.
Reacher instructs the 110th Unit to proceed with the drug bust in accordance with their judgment.
The remainder of the 110th sings along as Franz plays the song on the guitar.
Neagley and Reacher pursue the man Langston instructed to take care of Grant in the hospital.
The man Langston had sent to the hospital uses a bone saw to assault Neagley.
This song is being listened to by inebriated adolescents in their cars as they taunt Langston's security officer.
To meet Langston, Reacher leaves. The song is also the end credits song.
S2:EP8 Fly Boy
No songs available for this episode.