#1Pulp Fiction
1994 42 Songs
when someone says something stupid
At Skate Center Roller Rink, a human pile up happens during the roller derby game between the Austin Annihilators and Divas of Destruction; Tonya being speared through the chest.
A stressed TK arrives at Carlos' house where Paul and Marjan play video games, Mateo questions him about cheese-balls which causes him to lash out at him; Carlos question TK about his current mood.
Paul, TK, Marjan and Mateo ambush a woman firing bolts from a crossbow at the cell tower at Owen, Tommy, and their patient are on.
A celebration for the Captain's remission.
The party at the firehouse continues.
After Tims death the 911 team morn in their own way
The 911 team morn their own way after Tim died...
TK, Carlos and Mateo watch Marjan at the roller derby along with a stranger from a distance.
A wedding reception when everyone gets food poisoning.
Marjan and the boys in the locker room.
Marjan goes to meet Salim at his hotel room.
Judd arrives home from his uncle's ranch and attempts to talk to Grace about her father's affair bur she tells him she doesn't want to speak on it but forgives him for not telling her to protect her.
Montage of Tommy and Nancy interview new candidates to fill the open EMT position.
Paul has dinner with his mother and sister, Naomi, when it devolves into a fight between him and his sister.
TK along with Paul, Marjan, Mateo, and Judd surprise Nancy with a dedication of the 126 rig to Tim, her former partner.
TK's 1 year sobriety party; Owen and Gwyn discuss how they're glad they didn't tell TK of their breakup.
TK gives Owen the cold shoulder as he arrives to work; Gwyn calls Owen to give him the heads up with TK.
TK reminds his mother that she has a plane to catch; Grace and Judd head to Judd's fathers home as they do they discuss children then their run off the road.
(Flashback) Judd and Cal joyride at night in Cal's dads car then decide to race another car then get into a car accident during the race.
(Flashback) Montage of Judd repeatedly calling Prayer in Crisis to speak with Grace for help until it evolves into a friendship-flirtation of sorts over weeks while also spending time fixing up the house of Leigh-Ann Kittner, the mother of his deceased childhood best-friend, Cal.
(Flashback) While at a bar with Tommy and their co-workers, Judd, makes a quick call to the crisis hotline in an attempt to speak with Grace to tell her of his progress with Leigh-Ann only to be informed she no longer volunteers there; as he drinks at the bar away from his friends, Judd, hears a familiar voice of Grace across the bar.
(Flashback) Tommy finds Judd starring at Grace and takes him over to her and introduces him to her; Grace and Judd both find themselves at a lack of words now finally meeting in person; Tommy suggest Judd ask Grace to dance which she accepts.
(Flashback) As they dance, Judd tells Grace about Leigh-Ann Kittner forgiving him; Grace informs Judd that she's moving away for school to Georgetown after the summer when remarks to them meeting more often, he refuses to accept that they can't be together.
(Flashback) Judd gushes about Grace to Tommy and Charles as they have dinner; Tommy and Charles inform Judd and Grace that they're pregnant.
(Flashback) Judd and Grace arrive at a bar to dance, they stop to talk in the car.
(Flashback) Grace leaves Judd in the car alone to go dancing by herself after having a fight with him; Judd gets a tattoo in memory of Grace, Psalms 31; (present day) Judd goes to confront the man who ran him and Grace off the road and into the river.
(Flashback, 2013) Judd and Grace hold hands after reuniting while visiting Tommy and Charles at the hospital.
As Owen surveys the burned out Station he finds TK and the gang having their hangout in the burned out remains of the station instead of TK and Carlos' place and decides to join in with them.
Julian takes his first solo flight when he's alerted by the air tower of the dust storm and is called back in.
Mateo retrieves lunch for his new house the 129 when a dust storm hits Wellsworth Square; Judd, Marjan, Paul and their new Captain play pickleball at the 122 when the dust storm hits; the dust storm rolls in over Austin, Texas.
The 126 gang hang out at Strands for their weekly get-together, they celebrate Mateo's bravely and actions during the dust storm.
The 126 crew, their friends and family gather together to clean the 126 station after the fire; Billy arrives at the station to announce that he's taken the chief job and that the 126 won't be opening again, Owen punches him.
Justin Burnett, Todd Haberman, Mac Quayle
Returning Series
#1Pulp Fiction
1994 42 Songs
#2The Electric State
2025 10 Songs
2024 59 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#2Grey's Anatomy
2005 1952 Songs
#3The Rookie
2018 295 Songs
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