2023 91 Songs
Montage of Max getting up and jogging to work; Alain catches a taxi to the hospital; EMTs deal with a massive carbon monoxide poisoning.
Georgia and Max listen to their daughter's heartbeat; Iggy watches Jemma meet with her old foster sister; Patricia is reunited with her family; a farmer's market is set up in the hospital lobby; Laura and Alain are informed they are not infected with Ebola.
Max sings to his daughter.
Montage of Max making changes at the hospital and talking with the staff.
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Helen paints the finger nails of her chemo patient; Iggy and Vijay watch Leo hugging his mom after the judge's ruling; Vijay phones his son; Max is told Georgia can't be put under any stress; Georgia asks Max to let her in.
A new barista asks Vijay if he's waiting for an important call.
Laura informs Janelle that her baby is going to Ryker's with her; Ray's fiancee is told they are treating his tumor; Vijay asks the barista about the term 'ghosted'; Max watches Janelle with her newborn daughter.
After discovering she was discharged, Max rushes to catch up with Georgia, then pleads with her to stay in the city.
Max is awakened by his alarm, then walks to his bedroom to look in on Georgia; montage of Max preparing breakfast; [0:49] repeats as the doctors work on Iggy's rooftop garden; Vijay shares his Laddus with the other doctors.
Max jogs to the hospital and stops to offer medical help to a homeless woman.
Laura tells Floyd it feels better not being in control; Helen talks to Max about his chem schedule then suggests he start prioritizing himself; Georgia awakens to see a completed crib in the bedroom and Max still asleep on the couch.
Max comforts Jalen's brother in the hallway; Iggy watches Rhonda sitting at her son's bedside; Laura tells Floyd she didn't need his opinion on her work; Vijay walks by his son's place of work; Max reads the news article about New Amsterdam, then reassures his staff that Jalen's death was not their fault; Helen informs Max his cancer hasn't spread, then tells him about her desire to have a child.
Ep 106 'Anthropocene' promo, Global (Canada).
Lumiere String Quartet
Max starts mingling at the hospital gala fundraiser, but is distracted by Georgia's arrival; [0:20] repeats as Max is pulled away from his gala speech to get updated by Helen and Vijay on their patients with a mysterious disease.
Laura runs into lawyer Evie at the gala and they catch up.
Georgia is recognized by Andrew Nomura, as Max arrives to pull her onto the dance floor, then Floyd asks to cut in.
Iggy lies to his daughter about his parents' absence; Jessie asks Iggy why he lied.
Andrew Nomura complains to the other donors about Max's absence, then Georgia steps in to talk about her husband; Laura complains to Dean about her relationship problems with Floyd.
Iggy tells his daughter that his parents aren't coming to the gala, then explains why their family is special.
Floyd finally arrives at the gala, then Laura leads him over to meet Evie.
Vijay arrives at the gala, then apologizes to Ella and explains he never meant to ask her on a date; Andrew Nomura tells Max he hadn't met a medical director that puts his patients before fundraising; Dean shows Max that he made their fundraising goal; montage of people dancing.
Montage of the domino chain surgeries; Blanca shows Jemma her new room; Max has dental surgery; Vijay congratulates Helen on the successful surgeries;Diego is informed that Gianna was able to have her lung transplant.
Georgia reassures Max they'll tackle his cancer together.
During a very serious discussion, Helen and Max hear Reynolds doing a karaoke song from down the hall; Max tells Helen he wants to try something other than chemotherapy.
Sarah's husband gives Max a jar containing Luna's ashes; Max and Georgia drive out to the lake, where he pours Luna's ashes in the water; Max collapses.
Max continues to run PT tests on Sarah, then wakes up as she passes a second test in a row.
Georgia sits a Max's bedside, holding his hand; flashback to Max at the dock, telling his sister about Georgia and how he needs to start living for her and their daughter; Max wakes up; Laura contemplates her pills; Max tells his team that he wants to start chemotherapy and they refuse to let him resign.
Rohan listen to music while working on his computer, as Ella walks up to join him.
Tony sings while surgeons operate on his brain.
Floyd phones his son; Tony's father says he'll let him go in order for him to be happy; Helen tries to talk to Laura.
Montage of Max catching up on work until chemo catches up with him.
Maren sees her daughter for the first time.
Max talks to his staff about Chiropodists and how he wants all his staff to have meaningful jobs.
Laura tearfully tells Iggy that she needs help; Helen meets Akash for his Radiohead date; Vijay asks Iggy what he should do after losing his friend and son; Max assures Laura she will still have a job when she returns from rehab.
Ep 114 'The Foresaken' promo, Global (Canada).
A guy jumps from a building roof.
Helen and Akash garner attention for kissing in a restaurant.
Helen hands off baby Zuhrah to her dad, then he asks what the name means; Alex brings her unit of Marines to see Mustafa, then they all give him their dog tags and avow he's one of them; Floyd tells Evie that he loves her, but that he needs to cancel their dinner date to help a friend.
Max's chemo group starts joking about their cancer musical songs.
Lauren finally opens up in group therapy; Helen starts to write a letter to Lauren; Vijay opens up his email; Iggy plays with his daughter at home; Willow rejoins the chemo group and Max makes a musical pun.
While spending time with Akash, Helen receives a call from Max telling her she needs to come in to work; Akash questions Helen and Max's relationship.
Vijay tells Iggy about the night his wife died; Helen asks Max if he believes in the supernatural, then says they need to talk; the power goes out in the hospital.
Montage of what's going on in the hospital as Burl attempts to get the power back on; [0:48] repeats as Burl says he wants to get better; Helen checks on Kira and her baby.
Max and Helen admire the new mural; staff members encounter Max's barter hires in the hallways.
Floyd starts surgery on Marie; Helen asks Leon about his attempt to get treatment previously.
Floyd runs into problems with Marie's surgery.
Evie joins Floyd in the stairway and consoles him; Margot gives Tori her wedding ring to keep safe, then Vijay takes her into surgery; Angelo gives Marie's Fallen Heros Fund to Leon to help pay for his surgery; Helen offers Max support as he's about to having a feed tube inserted.
Vijay goes overboard catering to his patient's comfort after she gives him a poor Yelp review.
Feng's grandmother sings to him through the glass of his isolation room.
Montage of the doctors handing out Max's 'medical treatment with no insurance' cards; Luke signs into a rehab center.
Montage as the doctors pass out New Amsterdam insurance cards; Max's patient checks into rehab using the insurance card.
Montage of Max and Georgia at home; Max receives a text from Lauren asking him to call her.
Iggy works with Jacob to remember a traumatic event at the end of his third year of college.
Jacob recalls getting bumped into at a club, just before a pipe bomb went off.
Helen and the paramedics arrive as Lauren is performs CPR on Georgia.
Craig Wedren, Jefferson Friedman
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