The Diplomats of Solid Sound & The Diplomettes Songs
has 4 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Hurt Me So (Lack of Afro Remix)
Give Me One More Chance

Tommy watches Vee and Ian on the phone.
Trouble Me

Boy Wonder2010
First song at the bar; Teresa and her partner Gary talk about previous murder cases they worked on and how they're similar to each other.
Soul Connection

Song at the diner after they pick up girls from the club.

Boy Wonder2010
Second song at the bar; Teresa gets furious with Gary for accusing her of "stealing the glory" from her previous partner in a previous case. He apologies and Teresa leaves to talk to Baldwin about Sean.

New Amsterdam • s1e6 • Anthropocene2018
Floyd finally arrives at the gala, then Laura leads him over to meet Evie.